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Rough Times

Boba Rhett

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Hey Guys. Long time no see. I wish I was popping in here for a happier reason but I digress.


My Dad went blind on Thursday.


There is some good news, however. First let me tell you the story. His left eye hasn't functioned in about ~15 years because of a severe cataract over it. He's had problems with cataracts in both eyes (runs in the family) A few weeks ago, his non-covered eye began to bleed. He'd see little dots but he didn't think it was anything serious. Just a bruised blood vessel or something because that's happened to him before. On Thursday though, after it had been getting worse, all his vision left him in his working eye.


They rushed to the local doctor. This doctor is pretty young and must lack a certain amount of tact and talent because he started berating my dad that he'd never see again, that it was his fault for not coming sooner, etc., etc. (I would have probably hit him had I been there >_>) This caused my dad, a man I've only seen tear up once, to basically break down. Against his best efforts, he started tearing up and turned to my mom and said he couldn't believe he'd never see her again.


Fast forward an hour and much much sorrow later to them driving to Iowa City to see a specialist. There they find that the first doctor was, indeed, a complete jerk and that there were pretty good odds he'd see again.


The problem was that he had gotten several small rips in his retina, most likely a byproduct of his cataract surgery on it long ago, and those rips had worsened to the point where his retina completely detached from his eye. They performed surgery the next day (had to wait for the surgeon to get there) and then we brought him home today. He can see shapes out of that eye now and from what the doctor said his vision should improve over the next six months. Also, they checked out his other, cataract covered eye, and said they think they can fix it so he's going back in to have it removed in a few weeks.


Right now, he's basically helpless. He can't see, he's bed ridden and he's scared out of his wits (trying desperately not to show it). I'm back home in Iowa right now with him to take over his business while he's in this state and to help my mom out with him. If all goes well, his sight should return in about six months to where he can see (just pretty nearsighted) out of his detached retina eye. Plus, if the surgery with his cataract plagued eye goes well, he may very well regain full use of it!


It's really hard for my Dad right now and it's hard for us all to see him like this. Please keep my dad and my family in your prayers and hope him the best. Thanks.

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First of all, IT's RHETT :D


Second of all, wow, that really sucks for your dad, but when his sight returns he will be all right, wich is very good. I am a person for sight, I have 20/20, and if I ever went blind I would be devistated.




[EDIT] Huggles Rhett too

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Originally posted by IG-64

Second of all, wow, that really sucks for your dad, but when his sight returns he will be all right, wich is very good. I am a person for sight, I have 20/20, and if I ever went blind I would be devistated.




Sorry to hear about your dad Rhett, just remember that at least he'll be able to see again. Some aren't so lucky, unfortunately.

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I am deeply sorry to hear that Boba. My dad is having similar problems too due to diabetis and age. I know how hard it can be to accept to see a man who has always supported his family in this state. I hope he will get better soon. Despite all of this, I also hope you will be able to enjoy good moments with him. I don't know much about you but in my case, I was able to get closer to my family and know them better. Not that I have been far from them (I am an only child and have always been in good terms with my parents) but there are a lot of things you never think of talking about normally. Where the eyes can't see, the heart can sometimes see.

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Originally posted by Adam G.

Damn, sorry to hear that, I feel for ya, cause last month I los both my dad,at 41, and my mom at 32 to a car crash in whuch my dad had a heart attack, all I can say is DAMN, hope things improve, and best of luck, you will be in my prayers....


-Adam G.

Damn, I hope I misunderstood that :eek:
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I'm sorry to hear that Rhett. At least he'll be able to see, so that's awesome.


My dad's side has a bad history of sudden things. Like, my grandpa had a stroke when he was 70-something, and died from it. My dad had a heart attack when he was 35 or so. I have a chance of getting a heart attack as young as 16. If my dad kept on smoking, he would have died from his heart attack. So, my dad was really lucky that he quit smoking before he got his heart attack. And I gotta be careful with what I do. I really hope when I get married and have kids, these genes wont pass down to my kids. Its one of the worst things, it really is. Having to watch what you eat.


But back on subject, my biggest fear, other than death, is not being able to see. If I couldn't see, I really would kill myself. There is no point in myf living (in my mind) if I can't see, so I just wouldnt live. I love music, and I'd be very devistated if I lost my hearing, but my sight is something dear to me.

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Oh yeah, and, if I was told I was F'ing blind by some idiot doctor, and I really wasn't, I would sue.


Sadly, it doesn't work that way. You can sue McDonalds for slipping on a drink, bu you can't sue a doctor that falsely tells you your screwed.

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