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Who Likes Anime?

Aash Li

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just bought the whole series of rouroni kenshin currently on ep 40 something :^:


and watched the entire witchhunter robin series. Robin Sena's voice is to die for also she look 10000 times better with her hair down which happens like a total of 5 times >_>


and the OH SNAP ending was cool but the series was entirely to short


I wanna know what happened to Amon and Robin


and WFT no kiss scene between Robin and Amon


damn at some points I was like just kiss her already

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A couple Q's from the anime noob...

Samurai Champloo, Awesome show, but I'm not sure how much of it there is and what I've missed, has it been running for a while, or is what I've been watching on Adult Swim since summer most of it? Also, if it's long enough to already have some on DVD, is it rentable?

Cowboy Bebop, I rented Six disks, it seemed like that included the beginning and the end...Was there anything else to the series?

Ghost in the Shell, If I stay up until it comes on I'm either here, or on a gaming binge and don't see it. I rented the movie, but I was kind of lost, is there a beginning that I should be looking for?


Any other shows like those? I haven't seen much of GS but the others are some of the best stuff on TV IMHO:)

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Samurai Champloo has 26 eps. Season 2 (eps 14-26), are being aired currently. Cowboy Bebop, Im not sure how many eps there are, or how many dvds there are. But there is the movie which is of the same name, just with The Movie tacked on. Ghost in the Shell is the original movie, then theres Innocence, which is purely eye-candy. And then theres Stand Alone Complex and 2nd Gig (season 2).

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So the GS came before the show? Do the early episodes actually set the backstory, or are fans supposed to just know what's going on?


I'm pretty sure I watched all the Cowboy Bebop shows, the beginning was very beginningy and the end pretty much split up most of the characters.

What I meant was to ask if there was any kind of spinoff or recent comeback-under-another-title.


Any idea how long SC is supposed to last, I'd rather it had a few more seasons left:)

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Nah, there won't be another season of bebop (what would be the point? If you've seen the last episode...yeah).


There are 26 episodes, just like with Champloo. The movie (Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door, which wasn't the U.S. tital because of angry Bob Dylan fans:fist: ) lies between episode 23 and 24, I think. It's just like a really long episode. I highly recommend it.


There are six disks in the bebop dvd collection. So yeah, you've seen them all. :)

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I saw the movie before the show;)


Could you at least explain what "section 9" is, and it's purpose (other than being all future copish)?


So, most of the other anime stuff I've seen in adds looks a lot more fantasy oriented, can you recommend any semi-serious mature action or sci fi shows?



the before mentioned Rouroni Kenshin and Samurai X

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I saw the movie before the show;)


Could you at least explain what "section 9" is, and it's purpose (other than being all future copish)?


So, most of the other anime stuff I've seen in adds looks a lot more fantasy oriented, can you recommend any semi-serious mature action or sci fi shows?

Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex is an obvious choice.


Section 9 is a counter-terrorist wetwork and anti-crime unit operating in the Japanese National Public Safety Commission.

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^ My friend informed me of that show some time back.


"Zach, have you watched bo-bobo-bo-bo-bo-bo… (etc.)?"




We ended up catching it accidentally. It was...certainly something new. Or not, considering the genre. True Japanime.


In other news, I'm currently playing Killer 7, which features great animated cutscenes. Here's an example.

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Hahahahahaha!! Boboboboboobobobbobo (I gave up trying to write it correctly), is just so wrong on so many levels, yet its some how dementedly funny.


I LOVE Fumoffu!


Theres some new animes coming out for those of you that like it:


Kashimashi -girl meets girl- Romantic funny story. (Yuri)

Fate Stay-Night - its based on a very popular Hgame

Joushikousei (Highschool Girls) - Dont watch this unless youre totally prepared to be assualted with female bathroom humour (Yuri only in parts). hehehe

Strawberry Panic - its sorta like Maria-sama ga Miteru, except ultra-cute (Yuri).

Hayate x Blade (I think) its based on a manga that was done by a girl with the name of Hayashima (cant think of her given name [Yuri, I think]).

Simoun - this should be really interesting, kinda makes me think of Last Exile (Yuri, sorta).

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So, most of the other anime stuff I've seen in adds looks a lot more fantasy oriented, can you recommend any semi-serious mature action or sci fi shows?
Ghost in the Shell as mentioned is a must. You might also check out an older one called Patlabor, which is another cop-ish show. The TV series was a little less serious, but the films are more so and not necessarily action oriented. A fun series if you ask me...
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