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I like it when words are spelled and used correctly.

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.... but this is a forum about games and I'm not teaching here, so I keep it in perspective...




I wish grammar Nazis people would look at the banner above more often... it says "swknights" not Oxford University Faculty of Modern Languages & Linguistics FFS.


massive lolz at Moels for this gem:

.... at least take the time to make sure your post is legible.

...As long as users aren't using the AIM-type chatting like "r u going 2 do this" or whatever. That makes me really mad


what makes me mad is when people dont know what "legible" means :p Do you have trouble reading this font?? JK :D


I dont see the big deal with AIMspeak. Its just a form of shorthand. Doctors have shorthand, secretaries have it, why can't net users have it. If you want to talk about language purity, anything other than "The Queen's English" (UK English) is tantamount to a perversion of the language, if you ask linguists or language purists.


Our commonly used english has its own natural shorthand/abbreviated form, derived from the purer/orginal words.

*can't = shorthand for can not

*don't = shorthand for do not

*alot = in pure form is actually two words "a lot"

*etc. I wonder if Ancient Romans would get pissed and do a livejournal style rant at how we've messed up their et cetera lolz.


thus AIMspeak, is just a form of abbreviation, big deal. If it really troubles people that much, seek help from a counsellor or clergyman :) I dont AIM but I have to admit I use those abbreviations when text messaging - its quicker !!


I can't even believe we're all discussing this in a stickied dictum :) AHTO is indeed a magical place :D



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I think this thread is GENIUS!


I've attempted with MANY forumers to comment on their obvious butchery of the language in an effort to stop it in vain. Perhaps this will help to curb that problem.


I'm sure Rogue Nine isn't getting all bent out of shape when you occasionally misuse its, or sometimes use the wrong there/their/they're. We've all done it, it happens. Of course, when you NOTICE such mistakes, it's always nice to see you go back and edit your post to fix it, but sometimes they slip by.


It's the people who have obviously put little effort into their posts, and ESPECIALLY when they start using "u, 2, b4, y" etc. Those are the things that put me in a murderous mood.

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I am sorry, but I believe this thread to be somewhat pointless. I do not care if someone does not strictly adhere to the golden laws of English as handed down for hundreds of generations from father to son. Provided that I can understand what they are attempting to say then it doesn’t prove to be a problem for me.


Language is a living thing and to be quite honest with you, I doubt that you would recognise the ramblings of someone writing in Old, or Middle, English; that would be because language has evolved.


If we really want to get down to this then:



I’m sorry? Please, do refrain from using modern idiom while discussing correct use of the English language. It puts across a rather Janus-faced image of yourself. There is no need for this kind of thread.

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Oh, so being a little whiny and ranting aren't allowed? Funny, I thought they fell under freedom of speech and all that. And if we let forum members do so, why should staff not be allowed to as well?


And as for having its own thread, I've seen similar efforts on a number of other large message boards and they were met with approval. But I guess my non-sugarcoated approach doesn't work too well here, does it? And I didn't even name names.

its not a matter of it being "sugercoated" or not. in all honesty, your post really deserves its place in a blog. in other words, it comes across like it's your own personal issue that you feel must be addressed for the sake of your sanity.


the entire time that i've been on LucasForums, i have encountered very few users that simply refuse to use proper grammer or spelling. some users might struggle on occasion with proper grammer or spelling, but even those instances are few in number. from my perspective, this is too much of a trivial problem to warrent a sticky out of nowhere.

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in all honesty, your post really deserves its place in a blog.
But then how will the message be passed along to those who it is intended for? Write the blog, and then have a thread linking to it?


It was only a matter of time before you appeared in such a thread...
You would have been disappointed had I not.
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I don't expect everyone to start posting like they're writing their college thesis or anything like that. All I'm doing is providing a visible reference for people to look at and see if they fall into some of the common traps of misspelling. Believe me, I'm looking at this less seriously than I think some of you are. You see this as an affont somehow, when I'm merely listing some frequent spelling and usage mistakes that everyone makes.


I realize that some people have special conditions, be it having a non-native grasp (as I said before) or some sort of specialized case like dysgraphia and the like. I understand that these things make it hard for them to spell and use words properly and as I stated before, this thread is not aimed specifically at them.


Honestly, people. It's the language you speak. Don't treat it with apathy.

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Well, ain't this one interesting thread? Actually I just wanted to gloat a little over those of you whose native language is english and say: Ha Ha!! I don't live anywhere near the US, or the UK (unless you consider the Balkans near) and there are actually some of you who speak their own language worse than me!!! Isn't that completely illogical, or what?

Well I'll point out that Ain't is not exactly a word though we do tend to use it a couple of times. I admit that I make mistakes typing and I do make a considerable effort to make things appear clear on the board. I understand if English is not the primary language of the poster but I think it is a good idea to check and make sure that spelling is correct. I have come across a few posts that are difficult to understand because the words were not spelled in manner that I could see what they mean. Still I don't think bashing people on their grammar is part of this forum game. Some people are grammar and spelling Nazis. I know I have to be for my job but there is a time and a place for the nitpicking on this. The forum boards is not really the place for it unless the post is beyond comprehension.


@ igyman: I thought the Balkans are a part of Europe and more closer to Greece the last time I checked unless the geography changed when I wasn't looking :D


Oh and by the way 'i' does come before 'e' except after 'c' but some words are the exception like 'neigh'

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I understand why you are angry about this. It's just Garbage-english.


Although the examples you gave are...bad...even i (From Holland) don't make such mistakes...at least not on purpose. I'm not very good at English, but i've never seen people purposely make such mistakes. It's just to...stupid, to be frankly honest.


it's just to bad you get confronted with grammatical errors like this every single day. Even in MSN messenger, for example, people spell stuff wrong. But in MMO's, it's even worse. The other day, i saw a Warrior running around Guild Wars, with the name: Nichtmare Darck


I asked him about it, and he said is should piss off, because he got his name was spelled correctly.


My point: Spelling words incorrect is more ignorance and stupidity then a real mistake. I don't blame the guy i mentioned above. His name means homosexual in Dutch now....

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Well I'll point out that Ain't is not exactly a word though we do tend to use it a couple of times.


Well, thank you for that blinding burst of insight! Yes, I know it's a slang, that's why I used it, to emphasise the mockery!! :D


@ igyman: I thought the Balkans are a part of Europe and more closer to Greece the last time I checked unless the geography changed when I wasn't looking :D


You don't say? But they are a long way from the UK and especially the USA and that was my point.


Oh and by the way 'i' does come before 'e' except after 'c' but some words are the exception like 'neigh'


Which word are you refering to? There isn't a single misspelled word in my previous post!! I've checked to make sure!!!

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Not you igyman. It was something that was mentioned by the guy who started the thread. Sorry for the misconception.


Yeah I know about the word ain't. I dislike using it when I write my dialogues set in the deep South but I was trying to be accurate in language use.

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Well, from my part, sorry I wrote such an angry response, I just get a little angry when someone undermines my knowledge of english. My knowledge isn't perfect, but it's damn good, something that I'm really proud of. (there's that Pacifist Package again :))

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what makes me mad is when people dont know what "legible" means :p Do you have trouble reading this font?? JK :D
Did I say legible? I meant... err, sensible :p XD


I guess I don't mind some AIM speak such as lol and jk because I think that's appropriate in forums, I just don't like the "y r u..." seen in posts.

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Although I'm not in RN's targetted audience (English is my 4th language :p ), I'm all for encouraging people to make efforts when they post. However, I really dislike it when members start nitpicking on spelling, especially when a new member is posting.


I always tend to "give a chance to the runner". When first I started posting here I was feeling very unsecure because of my bad English ( I don't make many spelling mistakes but my grammar, vocabulary and syntax are bad). Luckily, very few people commented on my English and that helped a lot. Even if I still have a lot to learn, my English has improved a lot since I joined the forums. We must not forget that there are members from all around the world here. While English is the common language on the boards, I don't think we should act as if this was a classroom, whether it is the member's mother tongue or not.


I sometimes do find that some of the posts about someone's spelling mistakes are much worse than the mistakes themselves.

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I dont see the big deal with AIMspeak. Its just a form of shorthand. Doctors have shorthand, secretaries have it, why can't net users have it. If you want to talk about language purity, anything other than "The Queen's English" (UK English) is tantamount to a perversion of the language, if you ask linguists or language purists.


Well, I don't mind AIMspeak when it's on AIM. When I talk to my friends on AIM, I'm sure that my parents wouldn't understand it. Yet, when I talk here, they'd be surprised at how well I use english (well, I believe so at any rate). Sure, doctors and the others have shorthand versions, but they are strictly in their business. Pharmacists understand doctor's perscriptions, but someone else might. So, I have to think that there are some people who don't use AIM here, but still use proper english. Ever heard of the saying "Better save than sorry?"


Sorry JK707, I'm not trying to be elitist. I never complain to someone personally here about their particular spelling/grammar (except maybe Hallucination ). When I was a history TA, I dinged people for grammar and spelling, but this is a forum about games and I'm not teaching here, so I keep it in perspective.


Speaking/writing well don't make the argument itself better. You can write a great argument with poor grammar and some people will get it. However, if you want all your readers to understand exactly what you're trying to say, using good grammar/spelling helps tremendously.


I wasn't trying to come off as strong as I may have, and for that I apologize. I simply think that vulgar words come in handy ;). I'm not going to flame anyone for their bad grammar per se, but I will correct them, try as I might not to sound like a prick.


I agree with you, good writing makes a good arguement, but at times, good writing can sound snooty (I hope that the sentence sounds the way I intend it). I'm not accusing anyone of it, but if you start throwing out ten syllable words, then the person might come to think of you as a cocky bastard who uses their education to put themselves above someone.


I'm an argumentive person by nature, and I love a good debate. Yet, I find that some people try to use words that are found in a thesaraus, and makes the other person that more pissed. So, while I could insult someone and confuse them at the same time, I find it best to use words that everyone understands.

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What can you say with a vulgar word that you can't say with a non-vulgar word? There are more effective ways to say 'f*** you' without having to revert to the vulgar term itself, and some of them are quite colorful and creative, more so than the Anglo-Saxon term. I've said every bad word in the book (my retired-RN-grandmother, of all people, made me learn to say sh-t before I went to nursing school. She informed me that I didn't have to learn to say the rest of them, just that one, and then claimed it covered a multitude of sins. She was very cool). However, I now consider it an interesting challenge to see how many creative alternatives I can come up with, especially because I don't want my little kids parroting my language at inappropriate times, like Sunday School or the classroom. :D


AIMspeak and DoctorSpeak really are not equivalent. "Doctor prescription writing" is a set of standardized Latin abbreviations that are used as a shorthand so that those in the med field don't have to write out every last letter of every word, and so poor pharmacists don't have to read any more doctor writing than they absolutely have to. Not many docs have good handwriting due to having to write so much so fast. It's not a secret cant that med pros use--anyone can look it up in a medical terminology glossary. However, it's not something I use outside of my job chiefly because there's absolutely no reason for me to say to anyone on the boards "Rx: Acular PF Disp: 30 u. Sig: 1-2 gtt OU QID PRN pain x 1 wk" (translation: Pharmacist, give the patient 30 single unit doses of the eye drop Acular PF, and tell him to take 1-2 drops in both eyes four times a day as needed for pain for one week) :)


The only time I might use DoctorSpeak Shorthand would be if I were messaging others in my field. Otherwise, it's pretty useless out of the office, and certainly useless on a SW forum. :D

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What can you say with a vulgar word that you can't say with a non-vulgar word? There are more effective ways to say 'f*** you' without having to revert to the vulgar term itself, and some of them are quite colorful and creative, more so than the Anglo-Saxon term. I've said every bad word in the book (my retired-RN-grandmother, of all people, made me learn to say sh-t before I went to nursing school. She informed me that I didn't have to learn to say the rest of them, just that one, and then claimed it covered a multitude of sins. She was very cool). However, I now consider it an interesting challenge to see how many creative alternatives I can come up with, especially because I don't want my little kids parroting my language at inappropriate times, like Sunday School or the classroom. :D


Back in the day, when we couldn't use such vulgar words, we'd think of creative ways (but now that we more or less have permission to cuss from our parents, we do. Though we'd cuss even without their permission). Like, we'd put an "L" in every cuss word so that we weren't technically swearing.

Don't get me wrong, if I'm having an arguement debate with a teacher, then I won't go to such lengths as to curse. But if I'm having a cuss out battle friendly chat with some of my friends, the curse words come flying like they were going to be out of style.

But I do think that an occasion f*** or s*** sets the mood for a good, old fashioned, arguement.

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Oh dear, Ive just realised:


Thread: I like it when words are spelled and used correctly....


LOLz... you mean SPELT, right ???? Way to set an example Niner !! :xp:


there is such a word as Spelled but it definitely does not have the meaning you are inferring Niner.




* * *


what both amuses and upsets me is that we are arguing over freakin spelling. What happen to the good ole days when there were Herculean struggles over important issues like:


*Saber down = peace

*My Clan has a bigger one than your Clan

*Anime is crap

*My console has a bigger one than your console

*All muslims = bad because of 9/11 and kidnappings in Iraq


those were contentious topics....but spelling.... pfft ! that's mucho ridiculoso :(


Also, Id like to put forward that if anyone other than a staff member created this thread, that it would have caused a supremely different reaction. Instead, a combination of fear, self-righteousness, confusion and brown nosing has taken us to page 2 already :D


OK. Niner's had his rant, and Im sure now feels much better - but the logevity of such a discussion is surely limited. Why the sticky ??



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At least if someone uses lol or j/k or how r u in a forum, you know what they're saying. Information is actually being conveyed by those little acronyms and abbreviations. It's the people who totally ignore all conventions of written English who need to read this thread. Okay, if you're not a native English speaker, or you're just learning the language you can be forgiven for errors in syntax or grammar. People whose first language is actually English don't have an excuse for submitting posts that read like standup comedy routines with words randomly edited out of them.

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