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what will you be thinking when you finally have kotor3 in your hands?


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That precious moment before you turn on your xbox 360 (i presume it will be a 360...) and then insert the disk, what will be running through your head?When the starting screen appears, will you be wondering, will i be dark side, or light?Then, you create your character. Male, female, or if we are lucky, an alien. What will you pick? Then, the moment you have been waiting for, you begin the game!


I think I will just sit there for a few minutes...in awe that i have kotor 3 ^_^ And then, i will pick a male scout/sentinal, for evenness, and i will be edging towards the light side.

Now, keep in mind, this is all hypothetical, i have no idea what will be in K3, or if will even come out v_v


And if this post doent belong here, then could you please move it?This is my second post here, though i am a long time reader, so i think this would be the best spot...

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What will I be thinking... (A variation on ChAiNz list)


1) Microwavable Food Supply.. check

2) Caffinated Beverages.. check

3) Call in "Sick".. check

4) Cell Phone off.. check

5) Hmmm.. I wonder how long it will take Fred & tk102 to dig out the guts of this version ;)


Yeah, that's it! :D

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I wouldn't be thinking anything I'd be passed out from excitement, but after waking up and changing shorts I'd be thinking "**** YEEEEAAAAH", "Time to upgrade my processor", "Time for LCD" and what "RedHawke" and "ChAiNz.2da" said minus smokes and coffee.

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^ It will not be a perquel. LucasArts wouldn't do anything like that. KotOR fans would execute the high ranking executives, and send their heads to Lucas.


What will I be thinking when I have KotOR III in my hands?


Well... here I am, with KotOR III in my hands...

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Also I would think: "Thank you, no hunger strike in front of LA headquarters"

erm not wanting to shoot down any bodies hopes of kotor 3 has it even been confirmed and who says it will be a sequal it could be a prequel to show what happend in the mandalorion wars or even the sith war against exar kun.
It won't happen be set in events that have already been written - for the simple reason, that one of the main idea of kotor is choosing the outcome. The Kun war has already been written in a series of comics and/or books.
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Id probably call action stations.


1) Bring up Food and Drink

2) Check that im not needed and to niche all distractions for the next 5 days

3) Lock Door

4) Close Curtains

5) Wee slightly (left leg, right leg, not fussed)

6) Assume the position

7) Do god like stances indicating how powerful i am whilst holding my copy of Kotor 3.

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Also I would think: "Thank you, no hunger strike in front of LA headquarters"

It won't happen be set in events that have already been written - for the simple reason, that one of the main idea of kotor is choosing the outcome. The Kun war has already been written in a series of comics and/or books.


i see youre point but i have to wonder what were these wars like because so far in the kotor seris youve only fought in 1 war, the jedi civil war so far.

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"Why doesn't she just hurry up and give me my receipt?"

Quickly snatches useless piece of paper from checker and bolts to the exit.


Drawing many concerned looks, I scamper hunched over and laughing fiendishly. As I run through the door and into the parking lot desperately clutching a package tightly under my arm, I mutter "My precious, my precious!"


The drive home is no better. Man, what's with people these days? I can't understand why people keep honking at me. Don't they realize that I'm gonna swerve back across center into my own lane just as soon as I pass these slow drivers? I'm not crazy ya know.


Park the car. Slam the door behind me. Raid the fridge on the way to the living room. Toss the cell phone in the garbage. Light up all power units.


The green glow from the unmatched power of "X" symbol illuminates the greedy grin on my face just inches from the screen as I try to absorb each and every glaring pixel.


The sound of soft french horns humming the slow rising of Luke's theme fills my speakers and the first images of KotOR 3 flash onto the screen...

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What will I be thinking...


1) Smokes.. check

2) Coffee.. check

3) Call in "Sick".. check

4) Cell Phone off.. check

5) Hmmm.. I wonder how long it will take Fred & tk102 to dig out the guts of this version ;)


You forgot the most important thing needed when playing the new Kotor..........


The cathador so you won't have to get up and pee from all that coffee and M.D.


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You forgot the most important thing needed when playing the new Kotor..........


The cathador so you won't have to get up and pee from all that coffee and M.D.


I'll assume you meant a catheter?


Anyway, I'll probably just make sure I've got no distractions or anything to take me away from Kotor III.

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I'll assume you meant a catheter?


Anyone who's ever had a catheter knows they would never volunteer to have another one. Just get a milk carton. ;)




Here's what I'll be thinking:

"Hmm...how can I keep my wife away from it so I can play?" :smash:


Ah, I see we're going to be able to share the game about as well we share Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies. So, we'll just get 2 copies of the game and me a new laptop that exceeds all the game requirements. :xp:

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