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Our Voluntary Mod

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1. What qualifies you to be a mod?

My leadership positions IRL activities. I have rank in the AAC, a leadership position in the B.B, and various other trustworthy roles. I've been in this place for ages (Not as long as Ave, but long enough.) I've seen plenty of modding in action on the rest of Lucas Forums and on other boards outside of LF, therefore, I'm very familiar with how it's done. Plus, I'm an uncle, an older bother and soon acquiring my driver's liscence therefore, I know and show responsibility. Also, I'm packing..


2. What would you do if elected as a mod?


Now that I'm freed up of other things, I would be here constantly monitoring what needs to be monitored. I would close pointless spammy threads, but only when they're utter crap. This place would be run completely democratically, You guys want it and it's reasonable? Done. You got it. Maybe introduce competitions, to give us all something to do while keeping the rivalry friendly. Hear what you guys have to say, If you think I should hear something, fire away. And don't be afraid to use my inbox, feel free to PM me. Also, I may even run recruiting drives in other forums to boost our population if that's what you guys want.. This place shall PArt ay!


3.Will you try to keep sanity away from RD?


This place is great how it is, I'll do my best to maintain it's current sanity levels. You guys will have free run of this place. Untill you brake some rules or something. But this town will rock out all over the place.

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Okay, here are my questions. PLease write your answers on a plain white lined peice of paper. After this please take this piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Lick the envelope. It doesn't matter where. The envelope just wants to be loved. You may also make love to the envelope. Its not necessary, but it will travel faster as a result.


Please try not to give the envelope crabs. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Then say the word envelope a couple of times. Sounds weird doesnt it? ENVELOPe. ENNNVEELOPPE> Serously say it out loud. We are watching you. And taped you making love to the envelope. But that will come up later. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOGUH. Take this envelope to your nearest Denny's Resturant. Locate the head cook. Kill him. Using the envelope as a weapon.



Be advised this is usually a tough one. Those suckers dont go down without a fight. But all of our mail must be first used to kill a head cook at a Denny's resturant. Regardless if it a memo, post it not, or regular mail. Lather yourself and the envelope in the cook's blood. Please remember to defecate upon his corpse before you flee. Take your bloody letter and body home. Wait exactly 14 minutes. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Then dance a little. Nothing too fancy. Just alittle something to get me going. Yea. Yea... Thats good. Yea...... Ok stop. Now I dunno. Open up your CD drive on your computer. Close it. Now run outside naked. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Did you remember your envelope? Good. Take this envelope to outer space. I'm not sure about how your going to do that last part. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Then throw it into the sun. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. We'll get back to you within 3-8 weeks. KTHNXBUY.


You may have seen this elsewhere. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. But we all care for one another in here. We accept you. And we welcome you. If you steal our chips. We WILL come for you. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Good Luck!


Question 1. Shut up.

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1: I am a neutral party, am learned in RD lore as much as any other candidate, introduced new members here, am good in English, spell good, am generally polite but unafraid to stand my ground, started this thread in the first place, I started the comunity RPs, mod my forum on FF, love pink kitties & blue puppies, am awesome, have good taste, am generous and still lovably quirky and random.


2. I would be a diligent fighter of page stretching by saving the oversized pictures and resizing them on Photoshop so I could put them back onto the page in smaller form, prevent truly retarded people who write in l33tspeak and IM sntax from posting their pathetic stupidity on our shores, will take suggestions from members and come to a reasonable means of fulfilling their request considering it is physically and modacally possible and is of benefit to the community and even to just that sole person, lock very very very few threads, only when absolutely needed, edit as few posts as I may need, have RD run by populare sovereinty, thus threads will be locked or stickied only if I am given permission, will throw a radical party if I win, post up pictures of penguins, pandas and kittens, I will be open to questions and comments, and give everyone a dancing cow.


3. I will keep sanity away from our beloved heathen island by mainting my sanity at a dangerous low and ingesting a cup of cofee every 2 hours, I will enforce as little rule as possible and allow the forumers to do with our technicolor wonderland as they wish. They can get as random as they want. I will only take action if overly graphic content such as CP or Yiff burns our retinas, tho the current level of raunchy behavior is perfectly acceptible. I will promote randomness with passion.

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make mister 7142 mod already hands down


He's the annoying, arrogant yet entertaining yet thoughtful anti-personality needed to represent the status moderator for this place properly. Democracy is not what this place needs, it needs a leader and respect to the rules enforced by our future leader jmac.


Yeah, congrats jmac, you will have been promoted to mod soon. I'd do the job myself, but I'm stuck at the defecating on that darn corpse of a cook level.

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Right basically, due to my other commitments there is room for another mod here - you guys deserve a more active presence for the community. There are more mature ways to choose one, but this is pretty much how it is going to happen:


1. A time period will be set. This means if you've only been a member for two months, sorry, you're just too new.


2. Applications can be made, probably over a short set period of time - just like a job interview ;)


3. From the list of applicants, a shortlist will be selected. This is because, even if you've been here since the start, that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to trust you with any power :p


4. The shortlisted people will be presented to you in the form of a poll, and then votes can be made.


5. Bribery is not accepted - unless you have real money. Ho ho! Just joking. But seriously, PM me.


That's how it will work. I'm busy until wednesday, so don't expect any more news about this until at least then.

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  Halo_92 said:
How do u apply?

I'll sort that out on wednesday.


  Darth_Ave said:
DON'T LET THE PEOPLE VOTE! Than it'll just be a popularity contest. I suck at those!

Well the vote won't have the final say anyway. I trust these guys even less than you do...

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  elTee said:
Well the vote won't have the final say anyway. I trust these guys even less than you do...

OH great! I remember going to the honors choir thing. There were 4 soloist and the kids got to choose. And because of that, the worst kid got a solo only because the preppy derks thought he was cute (Even though he was nerdtastic. I mean, he was uglier than Davinq!)

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