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Star Wars Religion????????

Anakin Skywalker

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I've heard people around the world claiming Jedi as their official religion, even on documents. He's not the first person to have claimed to being able to use the force, and he won't be the last.

Most of the people who put "Jedi" as their religion on official documents are usually just smart-arses doing it for kicks. Not always, but usually.

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Actually, there is a phoemonon (Whatever the he** it is spelled) in Wikipedia, which I accidently hit it...I think it's in England.


'Phenomenon' :)


Plural: 'phenomena' :)


Yep, people here have been trying for ages to get 'Jedi' made an official religion. I don't think they've yet succeeded.


@topic: Ehh. There are *plenty* of deluded people out there. You'll find that the internet is just one more theatre for them to play at ;)


You really want a laugh? Look at the claims of a guy called David Icke. Now there, my friends, is lunacy and attention-seeking in a wonderously refreshing combo :) .

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You really want a laugh? Look at the claims of a guy called David Icke. Now there, my friends, is lunacy and attention-seeking in a wonderously refreshing combo :) .
David Icke. Oh geez. If L. Ron Hubbard was a nut, that guy's the entire macadamia industry. I knew a guy once who was majorly into his books. He was sort of a casual pub friend, and one day during a discussion about the media and politics, he started mentioning stuff from David Icke's books. At the time, I just thought, "Hmm. I've been having beers and talking to someone who's a complete paranoid schizophrenic for years now..."


And yeah, there's a fairly decent chunk of people in the UK at least who list "Jedi" as their religion on the census.

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You would think the King would have a better computer...


I could see myself listing "Jedi" as my religion. Not seriously, but why not? Its not like it really matters. Now, the people that do take it seriously...


I won't mention any names, but some people may remember a while back someone here claimed to be able to use the force. Ah, the memories...

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If I remember correctly there was a book in the theology section of the bookstore that mentioned something about using the teachings of the Jedi in everyday life. My mouth dropped to the floor when I saw the title and I stared at the book for a full fledged five minutes before shaking my head and picking up my Christian fic book Left Behind. All my mind was saying was 'What will they think of next?'

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I saw a Jedi Fourm where they were talking about how to avoid the Dark Side, and how one should work together to have the Light Side. They ban the word "sith", because saying it, for some reason, will make you fall to the Dark Side, and it is bad. These people pay no attention to SW canon, stating that the Jedi MUST love...even when the SW Movies state clearly that love can lead to the Dark Side. These people also twisted the Jedi Code far too much from what it was presented in K1, because, well, they felt that Jedi Code would lead you to the Dark Side. Basically, "Take my word for it. WE KNOW!"


They also got secret fourms...very, very secret fourms where they talk of great and hidden secrets. Several of the Jedi do believe in God (he's the one that made the Force, after all), and at least one was talking about his battle with demons. They mostly sit around and talk about the future when a unified world government will form a Jedi Academcy for their good work.


Believe it or not, there is also an actual Sith Order. However, this Sith Order was formed as a response to the Jedi Order and serves to make fun of them and troll them, taking itself less seriously than these "Self Proclaimed Jedi". I'm proud to say that I am a "Worm" of this Sith Order!



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