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Difficulty - 'The Perfect Balance'


What did you think of the difficulty of the game?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What did you think of the difficulty of the game?

    • Perfectly Balanced - Don't touch it
    • Enemies were fine - Jedi/Sith fights needed to last longer tho...
    • All too easy - bump it up

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I just wondered what people thought of the difficulty of the game.


I know it was an easy game where you could own most of the enemies, even bosses. The fact you could own most enemies was not a fault in my eyes because that is what a Jedi does!!! In The Clone Wars we see a Jedi as a one man army and that is what they are!


A lightsaber SHOULD kill an enemy in one attack, two at most. Maybe if they increased enemy damage it could make the game a little harder, but it was still enjoyable the way it was.


HOWEVER (there is always the biiiig however lol)

Jedi vs Sith.... I speak for most of the KOTOR2 community when i say that this should have been far more difficult. Even if not more difficult, the battles should have been longer.


It was great how they segment the battles by cutscenes of dialogue (this is what we see in the movies and it gives a feeling of honour) however, maybe we needed the battles to be segmented a bit more and more boss HP so that a battle could last near the 5 minute mark and really feel like a battle of endurance rather than a battle of 3 quick flurries.


In my point of view: the only difficulty of a Jedi lays in finding his road and conquering evil force users, which is how the game should be :)


let me know how you all think about this...

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I just wondered what people thought of the difficulty of the game.
Entirely too easy. I mean, it was no challenge at all. Thank goodness for mods to make it harder.


I know it was an easy game where you could own most of the enemies, even bosses. The fact you could own most enemies was not a fault in my eyes because that is what a Jedi does!!! In The Clone Wars we see a Jedi as a one man army and that is what they are!
This I disagree with, and the EU in general. The Jedi are entirely too overpowered when compared to Jedi in the films. I mean, in the films a squad of troopers is more than a match for a Jedi.
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This I disagree with, and the EU in general. The Jedi are entirely too overpowered when compared to Jedi in the films. I mean, in the films a squad of troopers is more than a match for a Jedi.


That somewhat depends on the Jedi though... e.g. Yoda and Obi-Wan took down all the troopers guarding the Jedi Temple, and there would of been a fair few of them as they would have been expecting 'staglers' given that the coded retreat message told people to return. In general I agree though that a one man army Jedi should be the exception to the rule, otherwise it detracts from how powerful Masters such as Yoda are. So your 'average' Jedi should be easily taken down, or even Masters such as Ayala Secura and the dude with the big head that I forget the name of are still killed by the betrayal due to weight of troops fireing blasters at them.

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I think Jedi are supposed to be overpowered 'tanks', Prime, huge elites who just slaughter and kill. I agree with stoffe a while back that an average Jedi kills hunderds, if not thousands, of senitents...which makes Atton's hatred of Jedi even more interesting: It becomes a class struggle between the rich bourgiuse Jedi and...um....everyone else.


But, yeah, game's needs some improvement. Get rid of those overpowered cyrstals and weapons, and basically limit everything to automatically increase the difficulty. Thank God for mods and Vrook!

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Yup. Too easy.


Luckily there are mods out there that more than address this issue, giving the game tons of replay value. Anyone who thinks that TSL is too easy should install them and prepare to get owned. :)

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Too easy, far too easy, indeed.


That's why, I (that dont want to over-exploit modders :lol: ), literally beg for increased difficulty on Kotor III. I mean, for me, the ONLY difficult part on the game, was the duel with Vrook, thats a fierce opponent, and that's a feat worthy of your smile after defeating him.


I surely wanted that to happen more times


On Kotor I, on the other hand, I had more moments like that, even when on Taris, that Droid on the millitary base, gave me the creeps.

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Except for a few rare (very rare) hard parts, it was way too easy. I could go through the Trayus Academy and kill every enemy in there with one hit as a Consular/Jedi Master.


Sadly true. And if you can't be bothered fighting a battallion of dark jedi, just force wave, force storm, force storm, repeat...


If you were DS, the boss fights on Malachor were pointless - just keep spamming the Force Crush and watch ANY enemy go down, even Sion or Traya :(

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The game is way too easy. The only hard part was the first fight with one of the masters, and that's only for DS players.

This I disagree with, and the EU in general. The Jedi are entirely too overpowered when compared to Jedi in the films. I mean, in the films a squad of troopers is more than a match for a Jedi.

In the OT that's true, but in the PT it's just depressing how much Lucas was trying to lure 12-year-old boys into the theatre.

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Mmm, I was far from satisfied with the difficulty. It looked as if Obisdian went out of their way to make the game as easy as possible (Nihilus is a level 1 Jedi Sentinel).


But there's modding, thankfully. Not much more to discuss.


In The Clone Wars we see a Jedi as a one man army and that is what they are!


Clone Wars was ludicrous. I literally laughed aloud when I saw Mace Windu demolish platoons of super battle droids with his bare hands. :)


Episode III made them look more convoluted than underpowered, though. Half a squad of clones was able to kill a Jedi Master and suffer no losses, while a Padawan went up against more troopers and was able to take some of them down with him. Seemed kind of odd, there.


But they're far from invincible. 50 troops going against a Jedi like Anakin or Luke would be an incredibly one-sided battle.

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I agree, way too easy.


But there is more about balance.


2 sabers are unbalanced in relation to a saberstaff and a single saber. Dual sabers are significantly stronger.


Force Wave is an imbalanced force power against common troops, as it can be spammed which results in perma disabling + moderate damage that affects large groups. Compared to other forcepowers, that's too much too early in the game...


Force Crush. Hm, no resistance whatsoever, serious damage, disabling. What the hell?


Force Breach. Ok in theory, but absolutely useless in game, due to the bad AI that never makes use of force powers anyway.


Force immunity. Same here


And perhaps heavy armor: Heavy armor should really provide more protection IMO. Characters with all those fine + dexterity items are better off wearing light or medium armors, as they have better stats. More protection on heavy armor I'd say.


That's all I can think of at the moment, but balance does definitly not belong to the strong points of the Kotor games...

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I think Jedi are supposed to be overpowered 'tanks', Prime, huge elites who just slaughter and kill. I agree with stoffe a while back that an average Jedi kills hunderds, if not thousands, of senitents...
I'm just saying that it super-tank view for the most part contradicts what we see in the films. Coleman Trebor is killed by a lone Jango Fett. The vast majority of Jedi were killed at the Battle of Geonosis in the arena (where we see Jedi taken down by single blaster shots). From Order 66 we see that a squad of say a dozen troopers is more than enough to take out a Jedi, even a council Jedi like Ki-Adi-Mundi.


The Jedi are very good, but they are not gods.

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To be fair while Order 66 was being carried out, The jedi were ambushed and not expecting the attack. Other aspects I've leave up to debate.


On Topic: The game is easy if you are familiar with these games/D20. I did not have such an easy go my first time trough KOTOR. Lots of cheap tactics and running at the end. So they're probably got it right being a game about storyline. Easy for vets, manageable for noobs.

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I'm just saying that it super-tank view for the most part contradicts what we see in the films. Coleman Trebor is killed by a lone Jango Fett. The vast majority of Jedi were killed at the Battle of Geonosis in the arena (where we see Jedi taken down by single blaster shots). From Order 66 we see that a squad of say a dozen troopers is more than enough to take out a Jedi, even a council Jedi like Ki-Adi-Mundi.


The Jedi are very good, but they are not gods.


Only retcon I can think of is that the Jedi of the past are better than the Jedi of the "present" (as in, in the movies). Kreia proclaim about how the Jedi of the past were much better Jedi...and that the Jedi in KOTOR are merely kids that played with toys. The Jedi in the present, therefore, must be babies who just stare at a toy and say, "goo goo, gah gah."


That, or the Stormtroopers and Jango Fett are Uber-Uber Gods who are better than Jedi. After all, they are genetically modified beings, with stats that have been super-humanly altered. Prehaps they got a ton of Midochlorians, giving them unconsisus Force connections that allow them to best Jedi in battle.

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That, or the Stormtroopers and Jango Fett are Uber-Uber Gods who are better than Jedi. After all, they are genetically modified beings, with stats that have been super-humanly altered. Prehaps they got a ton of Midochlorians, giving them unconsisus Force connections that allow them to best Jedi in battle.


Doubtful. If stormtroopers were a match for Jedi, you wouldn't see an untrained Luke and company gunning them down practically by the dozens in ANH. That and the Episode III visual dictionary states the Kaminoans wanted to clone a Force-sensitive individual, but were told 'no' by Dooku.


Unconscious ties to the Force are hardly reliable in a battle, anyway. The individuals who possess them have no control over when they can use their own powers; hardly the sort of thing you'd want in a soldier. :)

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See I think that the Jedi are very powerful but that they can get taken down... That said I think if 50 stormtroopers/clones went up against Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, Windu, Palpatine, Maul or Yoda the stormtroopers would get there arses kicked.. Any of the other Jedi and Dooku I think would get taken down by that many Troopers. But generally I think of the Jedi as abit like the SAS or Navy Seals, there are elite at combat and are far better than normal troops and can do alot more but they can still be taken down but superior numbers or be out manouvered by a good general. The whole reason for the clone army was because the Jedi couldnt win battles on their own (well except Windu and Yoda in the cartoons ;)) I would say Jedi are better at special forces style operations as on an open battlefield no matter how skillful you are it only takes one (un)lucky shot to kill the most powerful of people. Where as if your doing a special forces operation it requires great skill etc to do and you have the advantage as you can predict what is going to happen as you pick the target if that makes sense?

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That said I think if 50 stormtroopers/clones went up against Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, Windu, Palpatine, Maul or Yoda the stormtroopers would get there arses kicked..


Would contradict some of the EU. In Clone Wars #20 (the comics, not the TV show), Anakin and Obi-Wan are attacked by 100 regular and super battle droids. They barely got out of the encounter alive (which they were only able to do so by running away). Although the tactical elements of a battle can be different with that many more people, you can still divide the numbers of both sides in half (to 50 versus 1) and still expect similar results. If 100 troops could hand 2 powerful Jedi their arses, the battle wouldn't be that different if it was 1 powerful Jedi versus 50.

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To me the "order 66" scene in Ep 3 was absolutely rubish and killed the image of the jedi. ALL (powerful) jedi are meant to be one man armies and to me it was an insult for 5 troops to be able to kill a Jedi Master? WTF!?!? A CHILD padawan killed roughly the same number before being gunned down. I think that lucas felt that he needed to show all the masters die, however, he did not have the screen time to show each Jedi kill 50 troops before being taken down. Jedi are meant to be able to predict things and NO jedi master should get shot in the back, PERIOD lol. to me it was pathetic the way it was done. I think it would have been better to have shown the troops turn on two of the masters, continue with the film and then later have a scene it scrolls through where each Jedi fell and have a pile of bodies around them..


Thats my opinion even tho nobody asked for it.


OH and hi prime :) i remember your belief that LS Jedi couldn't push living things before Ep 3 came out :p

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  • 1 month later...
To me the "order 66" scene in Ep 3 was absolutely rubish and killed the image of the jedi. ALL (powerful) jedi are meant to be one man armies and to me it was an insult for 5 troops to be able to kill a Jedi Master? WTF!?!? A CHILD padawan killed roughly the same number before being gunned down. I think that lucas felt that he needed to show all the masters die, however, he did not have the screen time to show each Jedi kill 50 troops before being taken down. Jedi are meant to be able to predict things and NO jedi master should get shot in the back, PERIOD lol. to me it was pathetic the way it was done. I think it would have been better to have shown the troops turn on two of the masters, continue with the film and then later have a scene it scrolls through where each Jedi fell and have a pile of bodies around them..


Thats my opinion even tho nobody asked for it.


OH and hi prime :) i remember your belief that LS Jedi couldn't push living things before Ep 3 came out :p


I think that it is unfair that you judge the jedi in this way. In my opinion, jedi are not supposed to be gods, they are still people. They have the force to enhance their power and combat abilities but they are not one man/woman armies. Remember that the jedi were caught by surprise, and for people like Ki-Adi Mundi, right in the middle of a battle. How and why were they supposed to divert some of their attention to the clones behind them, supposedly backing them up, when they need to put their focus on the battle in front of them? The padawan (if I remember, it was the kid at the Coruscant academy) jumped out from nowhere and surprised tht clones, and that is why he was able to take down about 2 before he was killed.


Besides, if 4 or 5 clones are shooting at a jedi at the same time in different places, no amount of lightsaber mastery will keep them from getting shot.


Sorry, I forgot to answer the thread question. Yes, I think that the game needs to be harder.

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