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My Grandfather has passed.

Darth Groovy

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My Grandfather passed away earlier this evening. His health has been bad for the last couple of years, but matters took a turn for the worst over the past month. I'll have to fill you guys in with details later. I might have to make a trip to Texas, but I am not sure what the plans are at this moment.

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I'm sorry to hear that. My grandfather (who is the only one of my grandparents I have left) is also very ill, and has in the past few months been suffering from prostrate cancer, a broken leg, and pneumonia. It's hard to know that when I go visit him this easter it might be the last chance I get to see him. :(


So yeah, my condolences to you and your family.

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So sorry to hear that. It's always hard to lose a grandparent, having lost all but one of mine.


One thing we did at the funeral dinner after my mother-in-law's funeral was to put out a scrapbook I had made for her. People loved looking through the pages, and they shared the most wonderful stories of their experiences with her, too. It was great hearing how much she meant to so many people.

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Aw man, that really stinks. I know how you feel, I've had a grandparent go every year for 3 years, the last one left is 92, and he's probably doing better than any of them ever were, so we're holding out for him. You and your family will definitely be in my prayers, Groovy.


How old was your grandfather when he passed away?

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