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Exile vs. Bastila


Who would win in a duel?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would win in a duel?

    • Bastila
    • The Exile

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Exile. Bastila is a skilled Jedi, but the Exile has the benefit of significantly more experience. Besides, her only significantly powerful ability is Battle Meditation, which isn't all that useful in a duel, given that you need to concentrate. Exile defeated Darth Sion and Traya on his own, and Nihilus with some help. Bastila was defeated by Malak, too. She's not all that great of a Jedi, beyond Battle Meditation.

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Both are good, but if I play female (which I like to do), I prefer the Jedi Exile. Besides, she (he if not canon) would win, due to being more powerful overall.


but I’m bias in that I like Exile better than even the almighty Raven.


I agree with mimartin.

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This is type of thread which can only be one lol


But seriously I like Bastila alot...as supportive character perhaps not fit for main char, I mean just watch, The Exile was almost interely responsible for the near-extiction of the Mandalorian Race and the destrucion of a planet, whatever DS or LS, she by herself killed 4 Jedi Master and Council members (if your DS) killed the supposed Almighty Sith Lords Sion and Nihilus (Nihilus was all story and no show) and Traya, she pratically alone could take on the whole Galaxy if Revan wasnt in the Unknow Regions.


And now look at Bastila, she was on the Key figures in the Republic´s victory of the Jedi Civil War but only as Supportive moral booster (Battle Meditation) in the end it was Revan that once again won the war for the Republic, she couldnt even stop Malak from turning her to the Dark Side, I like her but her resume is quite crappy is most parts.

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Exile. It's a rule of thumb that party members can't be any stronger/smarter/prettier than the main character. :p


The Exile's had the benefit of fighting in a real war for several years, and being older than Bastila has had more time to her hone her skills. Bastila only has her experiences in KotOR I to count for. (Due to her battle meditation it's unlikely she was ever on the front lines in any battles in the Jedi Civil War.)

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Something people perhaps should notice, the most powerful masters of the Jedi couldnt do squat agaisnt Malak but 4 Padawans could save the entire Galaxy (Of course Revan wasnt exactly a Padawan but in rank he still was), just goes to show that how "powerful" the Masters were, TSL wasnt most of the case, but still the Masters of TSL were much like in K1....USELESS!!

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Something people perhaps should notice, the most powerful masters of the Jedi couldnt do squat agaisnt Malak but 4 Padawans could save the entire Galaxy


Only Padawans by technicality. Jolee would've been a Knight if he hadn't refused the promotion, and probably a Master if he was still in the Order. (He looked at least 60, most Jedi that age are)


Juhani doesn't count, as Revan can still save/conquer the galaxy without her if he kills her on Dantooine. Bastila was probably more powerful than your average Padawan, since she was strong enough in the Force to perform battle meditation better than any of the other Masters out there.


(Of course Revan wasnt exactly a Padawan but in rank he still was), just goes to show that how "powerful" the Masters were, TSL wasnt most of the case, but still the Masters of TSL were much like in K1....USELESS!!


You mean, useless other than how they were the ones who thought up the plan to brainwash Revan? :p

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Well, disregarding cheat Bastila is capable of Higher level than Exile. Well, Bastila can keep killing Tuskens for god knows how long and level up, and for exile the only place you can possably do that is either the little tomb lizard, or those sith assassains against the Mandalorians.

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Well, in my Star Wars Universe; the Exile (LSM) wouldnt even need to kill Bastila as he's a Weapon Master and would win the fight by disarming her... and I would argue the Exile is the best light saber duelist of the era (Revan is more powerful overall, but in pure light saber combat with no force power use I think the Exile is better, I would site 3 Sith Lords slain as evidence for that). Back o topic, Bastila is skilled in Battle Meditation but not in light saber use... she's a sentinal/watchman (I presume by TSL she would have that rank) so I don't think in combat she could cope with the expierance and skill of my Exile. I would also site Anakin vs Dooku both times as an example of how important expierance is in lightsaber combat.

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Exile's cool, but she can't beat bastila...

Bastila would just bat those eyelashes and pout those lips, and the exile would just melt right into her arms


And that's if the Exile if female.


I gotta go with the Exile. She served as Revan's general, she lives outside the Jedi. Bastila wanted to be the perfect Jedi, light force mastery, the Exile couldn't care less about that. And there's a lot more scope for her to do what it took to get her way than Bastila or Revan ever had.

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Bastilla was never a really great fighter. She has the battle meditation, that makes her a valueable asset in every big battle, but as a one vs. one fighter she's not that great. Exile was a really great fighter, so I would vote for her - especially if you count, that she's got a prestige class and much more levels than Bastilla :-) Depending on the class of Exile it's (imho) more or less obvious, a Level 30 Weapon Master / Guardian mops the floor with Bastilla :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bastilla was never a really great fighter. She has the battle meditation, that makes her a valueable asset in every big battle, but as a one vs. one fighter she's not that great.


I'm really tired of hearing this nonsense. Bastilla, as a padawan, was quite capable of decimating a Dark Jedi -- one of the more powerful ones given the fact that he was part of Revan's personal guard -- and she did so in seconds. The Masters at Dantooine also declare her a lightsaber prodigy, so when you couple those two facts together, it doesn't take a genius to work out that her improvement rate during her travels with Revan would have been huge, and that her ability would have become titanic.


As for force combat, she was again declared a prodigy, was considered to have exceptional strength in the force, and possessed a will so great that she was able to mess around with the mind of a Hutt. Her Battle Meditation, while some may claim it to be a stand alone ability (with no proof), is great testament to her power with the force (given it could turn the tide of wars in an instance, and was considered the best of her era by far, which included Nomi Sunrider, who's BM was so powerful that she could just imagine something happening... and it would happen), and after becoming Malak's apprentice and gaining a powerup from the Star Forge (which was powered by a nearby star and an entire race of force sensitives), she's displayed the ability to put both Jolee Bindo and Juhani, two powerful Jedi, into a stasis field at once, on two separate occasions. Her tutelage in the darkside which gave her abilities such as drain and lightning would of course help, given the more dangerous offensive abilities.


Hell, even as a padawan, she was considered a legendary Jedi, and given such responsibility from the Jedi such as leading the strike team to capture Revan. She's quite clearly an exceptional fighter, and if The Exile does win this, it won't be easy.

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Hmm, Revan was able to beat Bastila, whereas the Exile not only beat Revan and Bastila, but in the same pwm Malek and some of the Jedi who went to war. Jolee and Juhani were also able to use the mind trick on hutts, and Canderous and HK resort to threats to do the same thing. One on one, the Exile would take Bastila's lightsaber and stick it where the Jedi Princess really wouldn't want it.

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In her war days Exile was a bad ass Veteran. Exile would beat Bastila.

When we see exile, she is a wound in the force only needed for the TSL plot due to the nature of her power and the current Sith's failure to counter this power. What gifts afforded her right hand women status to Revan, were not available to her during the events of the games. although she can kill the Jedi masters with the help of the Dark side...


Bastila is hot!!

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