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[WIP] Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge


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So do you have a release date projection

FAQ in the first post.


if you start a new k1 game with BOS 1 and BOS 2 installed will they both work

FAQ in the first post.


Huzzahs are in order for Silveredge9 Huzzah!



I'm the only one Huzzahing aernt I?


Seriously dude I love your mods! they complete me...

Thanks, but how exactly do video game mods "complete you"? :p



Please don't post just to agree with something you read in the post above. It's extremely annoying for me to read, and it's spam...


Although I guess your banned for a week, so maybe you might have learned something when/if you come back? :p


Anyways, screenshots time. Some of an assassination mission, others of one of the flashbacks/memories/visions, or whatever you want to call them.


- Some Sith, one of which is an assassination target.


- The player, discuised as a Sith moving around some ancient ruins of which the target is located in. Meanwhile, the target seems to be talking to himself off screen whilst he's examining something. :p


- Guardians, I love these guys.


- More Guardians


- Revan enters the bridge of Mandalore's capital ship and finds Mandalorians stood in disbelief at what they see before them. In arrogance, some of them taunt Revan, whilst others give a bow of respect for their worthy enemy. All follow her movements, as she moves towards her final battle of the Mandalorian Wars.


- As Revan moves closer towards the final battle, more Mandalorians move out of her path as a sign of respect.


- Mandalore greets Revan.


- Dialogue before the battle.


- Revan VS Mandalore.


Credit goes to Quannon for the map - Which he pieced together based on my so-so concept art. :D


And also for modeling Mandalore's mask.


He's produced some really excellent material for the project, of which only one of them have been shown publicly yet.


Also, in the above screenshots - Revan is wearing a Jedi robe. This is because that was what the player was wearing when I warped to the module. Normal you would wear something different.


Also, Mandalore is fighting with his fists at the moment. His weapon is still in development.


All for now, and likely the last update for a week or so. I'm off to play Metal Gear Solid 4 when I get that on Tuesday - So what time I do spend on the project will be spent on development only.

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Looks great my friend... great work, one small note... I thought Mandalore and Revan engaged in Battle away from Malachor 5? As the Exile was in charge of the fleets at Malachor 5, so Revan could kill those Jedi who had not yet decided their path?

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Looks great my friend... great work, one small note... I thought Mandalore and Revan engaged in Battle away from Malachor 5? As the Exile was in charge of the fleets at Malachor 5, so Revan could kill those Jedi who had not yet decided their path?

Revan was delayed out of system by Mandalorian scout ships, and arrived at the battle late. She then struck Mandalore down in single combat.

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Dialogue before the battle.


Silver, that scene looks great, apart from one detail - I'm not really sure how to say this, but the dialogue is in definite need of rewriting. Mandalore seems overly histrionic, and not really what I'd expect from a grim and veteran leader of an almost-defeated people.


(Technical note: It was the survival of the Mandalorians that was decided at Malachor V, not the fate of the galaxy. Revan had only sent a fleet or so of ships, while the Mandalorians had sent everything they had left to Malachor. Even if they'd won the battle they would still have probably lost the war.)

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Silver, that scene looks great, apart from one detail - I'm not really sure how to say this, but the dialogue is in definite need of rewriting. Mandalore seems overly histrionic, and not really what I'd expect from a grim and veteran leader of an almost-defeated people.

I plan on going through all dialogue at a later stage of development to rewrite bits here and there, this included. Although I'm pretty happy with the majority of Mandalore's dialogue, so don't expect it to change too much.


(Technical note: It was the survival of the Mandalorians that was decided at Malachor V, not the fate of the galaxy. Revan had only sent a fleet or so of ships, while the Mandalorians had sent everything they had left to Malachor. Even if they'd won the battle they would still have probably lost the war.)

I know, he's just being a little over-dramatic. Like I said, the dialogues not 100% final at the moment.

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Wow, Silveredge, this mod looks awesome. :) Personally, I really enjoy Mandalore the Ultimate's design, especially his mask. Looks just like the KoTOR comics (which I despise utterly, but I digress). Will we see the Mass Shadow Generator at work following Mandalore's defeat?


P.S. Another thing. Why isn't Revan in her robes? Just because, or do you not acquire Revan's robes until he/she goes dark?

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Those screens looks pretty *sweeeeeet*. I would say I am looking forward to this more so that TSLRP these days... Lots of potential and a shame you've said you won't be doing any further content mods. Hopefully other modders will be inspired and use your work as a launching pad for implementing ideas together.


P.S. Another thing. Why isn't Revan in her robes? Just because, or do you not acquire Revan's robes until he/she goes dark?


He said earlier that it was just a demo, which is why no robes. He mentions that you will be acquiring robes before the fight.

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I know what i'll use there, if i can.


Sithspecters Revan Robes.


I'm really looking forward to this mod, excellent work as always Silver.


If you're worried about compatibility, that's no problem. I'm only modifying the model file, and maybe appearance.2da, and they work fine with the patcher.

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Gosh, this thread reminds me why I avoid touching canon ^.^;; Creating fiction is so easy, but remaining true to someone else’s (and we’re talking multiple people) fiction is... well, near impossible O.o Hat’s off to you, fine fellow!


There is some very exciting content in those screenshots. I too like the guardians. Those Rakata guys didn't get nearly enough screentime in Kotor, so I'm very happy to see them.


I have to say, reading this thread makes me feel a number of things. One is a mixture of awe and inadequacy, the other is sheer excitement. Enjoy MGS!


Happy Hunting!


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Hehe...you're so righ....I've written a fanfic I needed to retcon halfway through because of some stupid Lucas retcon :xp:


Anyways, I believe there's a good chance this part of SW canon will remain untouched. We only have the Kotor comics to tell us and I don't see Zayne witnessing the Revan/Mandalore duel. So, imo, Silveredge is filling a gap in the best possible way. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Will we see the Mass Shadow Generator at work following Mandalore's defeat?
The memory/vision is covered to illustrate a point brought up in the present. So after that point has been illustrated, the vision ends.


Gosh, this thread reminds me why I avoid touching canon ^.^;; Creating fiction is so easy, but remaining true to someone else’s (and we’re talking multiple people) fiction is... well, near impossible O.o Hat’s off to you, fine fellow!

The majority of the mod is an original story, with only sections touching upon established canon. I have as much freedom as the next modder in terms of what I can and cannot do storywise. :p


Anyways, update time.


Progress has been going very well in the past few weeks or so. Here are some screenshots.


- Matilda/Solomon

- Solomon

- Party/Solomon duel

- Confrontation

- Solomon dialogue

- Meditation cutscene

- Artifact?


(Solomon is wearing a Sith robe in the screenshots, this is just a temporary robe - And shouldn't be used as a basis for any assumptions regarding Solomon's alignment story wise)


Next time I update, I'll post some screenshots of the stealth section - Where you as a player have to complete objectives without being seen by the enemy. Pretty tense and pretty neat. :)

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Edit: Solomon will be voice-acted right?

Yup. :)


Just a question for you. Is the music for that Temple module all sorted? Because if you're interested, I have some music for you to consider.

If you have something, feel free to PM me and I'll check it out.

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S9... I wrote a little song to explain how I feel for your mod :xp:



Silveredge your mod looks just fine


Can something you make ever go wroooong?


And I'm sure that this little sooooong...


Is giving you another reason


To mod for one more season


Becuase This mod looks so niiiice...





Yeah this mod looks so niiice


That I could give you a free sample of spice


And two dansih and twelwe kilo rice


Yeah this mod looks so niiice


I would buy it for a 50 dollar price


And buy a Ice cream without Ice


Becuase this mod looks so niiiiiiice

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lol. Awesome song, sekan Spice in relation to SW, or RL? :p


Still looks awesome, Silveredge. I really like the combat sequence; I didn't even know you could talk during combat... :/

That isn't the character talking, it's Solomon talking to the Player. It's just a neat little feature I've been working on to make the Boss battles a little more "epic" without ruining the pace of the battle by initiating a normal dialogue sequence. :p

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