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Georges Lucas' Daughter is a Cage Fighter...


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Yeah I'm in the same boat. My first thought is that it was a hoax, but why would it be? She's not famous enough for it to draw enough attention to be worthwhile as a hoax. A bit unexpected, at the least, but I guess people are more inclined to be overly eccentric and pursue whatever hobby they want, whenever they want when they have unlimited resources ($$) backing them. I suppose it's a better alternative than mental illness, drug use, or alcoholism.


What exactly makes this "eccentric"? Also, one doesn't need tons of money to do MMA. Seems to me this is something she's dedicated herself to since beginning multiple martial arts style trianing. Taking up karate at the community center is a bit different than training in Muay-Thai, Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, and kickboxing.

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What exactly makes this "eccentric"? Also, one doesn't need tons of money to do MMA. Seems to me this is something she's dedicated herself to since beginning multiple martial arts style trianing. Taking up karate at the community center is a bit different than training in Muay-Thai, Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, and kickboxing.


What makes it "eccentric"? An unGodly wealthy female daughter of a science fiction junkie choosing MMA seems to "[deviate] from an established or usual pattern or style" (from webster.com) enough to me.


Also, I never said that one needs tons of money to do MMA. I said that I guess it helps to have unlimited money to pursue "eccentric" habits, since there's no danger if you fail. If I pursued MMA, and sucked at it, I would have forgone years of opportunity for education and suffered for it. She (and others with gobs of money) do not have to think about things like that when choosing a hobby and/or profession.

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I highly doubt there is a pattern for wealthy science fiction(Space) Fantasy writers children and their career choices. As well I like how you neglected to read that she has studied 3 different styles of martial arts and succeeded in them all before reaching this point.


If you know anything about combat sport you'd realize that her having made it through 2 of those would pretty much guarantee she wouldn't have her ass handed to her in a ring.



I see no eccentricity in this any more than a student that received their engineering degree going into Civil Engineering to work on city development. Whether you could handle it personally is not a measure of eccentric habits. As well, any injury sustained is, in most cases, handled by your teams personal physician. Because in a sport with assured injury, something like that is quite necessary.

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I highly doubt there is a pattern for wealthy science fiction(Space) Fantasy writers children and their career choices. As well I like how you neglected to read that she has studied 3 different styles of martial arts and succeeded in them all before reaching this point.


If you know anything about combat sport you'd realize that her having made it through 2 of those would pretty much guarantee she wouldn't have her ass handed to her in a ring.



I see no eccentricity in this any more than a student that received their engineering degree going into Civil Engineering to work on city development. Whether you could handle it personally is not a measure of eccentric habits. As well, any injury sustained is, in most cases, handled by your teams personal physician. Because in a sport with assured injury, something like that is quite necessary.

I think you're just totally misinterpreting my statements. I don't disagree with any of that (except for its eccentricity), and never spoke to it either. I never neglected to read anything, and I never spoke to her actual skill level. I think you're trying to read something into my statements that I never intended to imply.


IMO, females going into MMA is eccentric in and of itself. The fact that she's extremely wealthy, and the daughter of a sci-fi junkie makes it even more eccentric to me. That's fine if you disagree; I guess we have different interpretations of the definition of "eccentric".

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I'm at a loss for words too, so i'll just quote others

I don't know that to say either, so I'll just quote Boba Rhett:

I tried to come up with a more appropriate response but I can't think of one better than my initial thought of, "What the crap?" so I'll just stick with that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Next time she should bring out a lightsaber colored stick and whack people with it. :)


My black belt is in taekwondo--cage fighting is a whole different animal. Those people are just flat out nuts. :D


WTF Jae I suppose.

ITF tkd is a bit more brutal, and works better in a real fight against other fighters. :D Obviously not talking about lowly street thugs here, anyone with minimal training can take care of those.


Then again, cage fighting, like everything else, is just yet another "slightly more realistic" version fighting sports, compare to play-fighting like judo. Too many things banned...


NOTE: "wtf" does not mean what you think it means.

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