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Didn't want to detract / disrupt the Olympics thread with this stuff :xp:

BEIJING, China (CNN) -- A little girl and her song captivated millions of viewers during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. But what they saw was not what they heard.




BEIJING, China (AP) -- Not all was what it seemed during the spectacular opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.


Beijing organizers confirmed Tuesday that some of the fireworks display featured prerecorded footage.



Not sure if I should laugh or be mad :lol:

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It's China... what do you expect? Of course they're gonna cheat at this to try and show the world they're more "Advanced" than they're shown to be.


However, it's pretty funny.


But, seriously, not cute enough??? What the hell is the politburo smoking... and where can I get some?

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Read about that today. I shouldn't be surprised when it comes to China, but this was absurd. If the singing girl had been a little older, that could've seriously dented her self image, if it hasn't already. I was still laughing at the news, though. :p


I didn't know about the fireworks, though, and it was just stupid.

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It's China... what do you expect?
Nothing I wouldn’t expect from everyone else. It is an image driven world and China is trying to prove they belong with the image obsessed west. The Chinese did not invent this type of thing. Of course us fine upstanding capitalist in the west would never stoop so low. *cough


I believe it is wrong, but that is what you get when you make the games all about corporate image.


Not sure if I should laugh or be mad :lol:
Laugh to keep from crying.
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You just knew that something like this would come out...


The opening ceremony was spectacular enough as it was, and the fireworks and singing little girl (probably a sergeant or sergeant major:xp:) were, frankly, forgettable in comparison to the other performances. Why bother?

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The opening ceremony was spectacular enough as it was, and the fireworks and singing little girl (probably a sergeant or sergeant major:xp:) were, frankly, forgettable in comparison to the other performances. Why bother?


Agreed. I forgot about the little girl until all this business came up.

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Why am I not surprised about this? China wanted to impress the world no matter what the cost. Due to the Olympics, thousands if not millions of Chinese have been displaced due to the Olympics, and I'm sure many have been arrested or even executed, although their government has probably disposed of any evidence. Hopefully there will be an investigation on the humanitarian cost of the Olympics after they are over.

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Why am I not surprised about this? China wanted to impress the world no matter what the cost. Due to the Olympics, thousands if not millions of Chinese have been displaced due to the Olympics, and I'm sure many have been arrested or even executed, although their government has probably disposed of any evidence. Hopefully there will be an investigation on the humanitarian cost of the Olympics after they are over.


True. I heard many were given less than 24 hours to vacate their homes. I don't know if they were re-housed, but I doubt it. The Chinese government isn't exactly renowned for its social security services.


As for an investigation, I wouldn't bet on it. China isn't going to investigate it themselves, and I can't see them being co-operative with any international humanitarian agencies. They don't want anything to cast a shadow over these games.

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"We had to do it," he said. "We'd been through several inspections. They're all very strict. When we rehearsed at the spot, there were several spectators from various divisions, especially leaders from the Politburo, who gave the opinion it must change."


That's pretty cold. That little girl on the left would've "won the hearts" just as easily.


Trying to appear flawless whatever the cost is itself a flaw known as vanity.


@Hayden GS: What does it say about your country when it refuses to recognize its own flaws?

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Big deal, so the girl did not sing...like that's really going to mess up the Olympics!


EDIT: So why bother doing it? Like the appearance of a little girl in a short segment of the ceremony, or a single firework not going off in a sea of thousands is going to ruin the Olympics. (tk102 - good lord! :eyepop I didn't know that was why they did it - I assumed that the girl on stage just couldn't sing properly so was vo'ed, not that the actual singer had been replaced! Cold and quite sick...)


We've got plenty of stupid sports that shouldn't be considered Olympic to do that. You don't find much mention of basketball or tennis in Herodotus' The Histories...



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That's pretty cold. That little girl on the left would've "won the hearts" just as easily.


Trying to appear flawless whatever the cost is itself a flaw known as vanity.

That really is cold.


I am surprised and not surprised at the same time with this stunt that they pulled off.

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Obviously the importance of portraying a flawless image of China outweighed the need for the little girl actually singing the song to have the opportunity to be appreciated for her own talent.


The perceived needs of the many outweigh the perceived needs of the few, or the one, right? :dozey:



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