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I cannot believe...

Darth Groovy

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There is no Clone Wars thread in the swamp. If there was, please link me?


Any of you see this movie? No? Too kid oriented for you? I saw it last night. Not as good as Clone Wars Volume 2, but kind of fun to watch for the digital effects. I give it about 65% for excellent digital effects, yet less than average story.

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Strange, I thought the exact same thing earlier today.


I haven't seen it yet, and I'm not particularly excited to be honest. Genndy didn't do it and I'm not really a fan of the style. I think the original clone wars series was a lot better than this looks.

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Yeah I thought it was alright. I thought the style was alright, but there definitely were some negatives. Asoka, the battle droid slapstick comedy, pretty much all of Padme's parts, and some other stuff. A few times I had to remind myself that it is a kids-oriented movie. But I will still watch the series when it starts.

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I hate the term "kids movie." It gives people an excuse to brand a cheap form of entertainment that's not actually that good. A truly good kids movie is one that appeals to everyone, and doesn't resort to cheap flare and exaggerated (but empty) emotions. If the emotions elicited by the film are genuine, and the entertainment really is entertaining, there's no reason a movie shouldn't appeal to everyone. I don't believe there's some mystic "kids" quality that's lost with age and only kids can appreciate, they probably just have a higher threshold for crappy entertainment. And chances are, if you enjoy it the kids enjoy it even more, and it'll leave a lasting impression on them, like all of those things you remember watching as a kid - and probably still watch and enjoy today (like Star Wars).

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Did you take all your clothes off and bask in the warm glow of the screen? Because if not, well, you totally blew an opportunity of a lifetime, my friend. :carms:


I thought about it... But then I also thought of the repercussions of going out like Paul Ruebens. Made an educated decision not to do that for just that reason.

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  • 2 months later...



I been recording this new series on my DVR and am having a very hard time liking it. There are some positive things. Star Wars has come full circle with George Lucas' original intentions. Star Wars is now almost exactly like the original old Buck Rogers serials in old silver cinima, right down to the cheesy narations before the film. The animation is top notch. The biggest downfall is that the characters are less than likeable. They are cartoonish and just downright stupid. Great for kids. Painfull for adults. I hate where Star Wars is headed. It's now all about the damn kids, and the Hell with the old fans. Really sucks bad. Hopefully the live action TV show won't be as bad as The Clone Wars. Else we are screwed.

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Face it, we are dooooomed. Nothing but **** is going to come out of any of this. Real Star Wars games are pretty much gone now. LucasArts isn't doing that wonderful. And we're never going to see a real sequel to Jedi Outcast (not that ****ty Jedi Academy, the real one)... *sobs* DOOOOMMEEEDDDDDDD D D D... D... D .... D. . D .D ......






































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Face it, we are dooooomed. Nothing but **** is going to come out of any of this. Real Star Wars games are pretty much gone now. LucasArts isn't doing that wonderful. And we're never going to see a real sequel to Jedi Outcast (not that ****ty Jedi Academy, the real one)... *sobs* DOOOOMMEEEDDDDDDD D D D... D... D .... D. . D .D ......






There's A New Hope on the horizon...

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