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Anyone else notice this?


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I have a Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi poster, and I like to look at it (to see the details) and I noticed something. The stance Luke and Vader are in is the same stance they're in when they dueled on Bespin. Check the comparison:



Return of the Jedi movie poster



Luke vs. Vader on Bespin


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when they had the first poster with the title Revenge of the Jedi they used the same stance. Luke's blade was also blue. And when they went to the 1983 poster his blade was still blue. alexrdias is right. they chaged it at the last minute because the blue blades were not showing up in post producing against the desert backgrounds. Maybe they haven't changed it to keep something close to the originals. who knows. Does it really matter though?

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Notice Luke's pistol on his right hip... He doesn't use a pistol in Return of the Jedi at all, let alone armed with one during his final fight with Vader.


He does use it when he goes after Leia and the droids. he draws it out.

And he's still a rebel commander in this time...which can be clearly seen by his rebel jumpsuit and equipment.

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I noticed that in 1997, although I'm unsure as to why they continued to use it as they had screenshots of ROTJ, and they had changed Luke's blade to green by the release in 83... so bit of a goof, although there are quite a lot of goofs in Star wars hehe.


Sorry if this spoils anything but watch closely during the Palpatine/Sidious VS Mace fight in Revenge of the Sith, Sidious is using Anakins hilt throughout the fight (It was originally meant to be that Sidious took Skywalkers blade and killed the Masters while he was present, but they decided to give Sid his own hilt)

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Sorry if this spoils anything but watch closely during the Palpatine/Sidious VS Mace fight in Revenge of the Sith, Sidious is using Anakins hilt throughout the fight (It was originally meant to be that Sidious took Skywalkers blade and killed the Masters while he was present, but they decided to give Sid his own hilt)


That's extremely interesting! Thank you for that piece of trivia. I'm going to remember that.


By the way, where did you get that information? IMDB or where?




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