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Is the Invisible Pink Unicorn really pink?


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Some argue that it's actually more of a melon color while some argue that it's actually trout. Please discuss.


This thread assumes that the Invisible Pink Unicorn actually exists. Please take any discussion regarding the existence or non-existence to IPU/aIPU thread (once you've started it). Thanks.


EDIT: I just realized I posted this in the wrong place. Could one of the mods please move this to Hot Topics section? Thanks in advance.


Done, because we know the discussion of pinkness, or lack thereof, could possibly become very inflammatory. :D --Jae

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How can anyone argue that it is not pink? Look at how it's named. How can pink not be pink? Maybe there's not a universal 'pink' in a visible sense, but with invisible objects, it's pretty hard to nail down differences in hue.


Some also argue that being invisible is an attribute that's in contradiction to its pinkness. I think you just have to have faith in its name. It's both invisible and pink. Why can't we just agree on that?

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  Achilles said:
Some argue that it's actually more of a melon color while some argue that it's actually trout. Please discuss.


Obviously the Invisible Pink Unicorn is real, I for one wholeheartedly believe. Oh, and it isn't pink, because it reflects no light (hence, invisible).


Duh, Achilles :xp:



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Just because it's invisible (and pink) in our limited part of the spectrum of light doesn't mean that it's invisible (or pink) for all. I, for one, am willing to accept it's pinkness on faith and since no one has yet to be able to prove that it isn't invisible, it only makes sense to accept that.

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Only the Predator can see that it's pink, duh. To the naked eye, it's really just camouflaged, like a chameleon. I though everyone learned this in tenth grade ecology, but it appears some people had more fun daydreaming than learning the wonders of the natural world. o_Q

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  Web Rider said:
Since nobody really knows what the color pink looks like, it is clearly not invisible.

Actually from what I've read, the colour pink does not actually exist. You don't see it on the light spectrum, it's actually "invented" by your brain to fill the gap between red and violet.





It can, therefore be interpreted that the Invisible Pink Unicorn does in fact consist of several conflicting shades of red and violet, which are interpreted by the brain as pink or magenta. But since the pink is not really there, it might be said that unicorn is colourless, and hence "invisible" due to a lack of colour.

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