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Is it possible?


Have you ever been bestfriends with a girl, but you were not attracted to her?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever been bestfriends with a girl, but you were not attracted to her?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sort of (explain)

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This is a poll for heterosexual males. Females, bisexuals, and homosexuals may give their opinions of-course.


Have you ever been bestfriends with a woman, but you were not attracted to her and you did not want an intimate relationship?


Please post your thoughts. If no, is it possible?


And of course keep it clean.


Carry on.


EDIT: Bestfriend as in you're closer to this person more than any other.

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sometimes its hard to differentiate between loving a woman as a friend and loving a woman as a partner. ive struggled with this issue as well mainly because when i meet a woman i tend to go straight for intimacy. also men tend to befriend women they are attracted to in order to hopefully have intimacy later at least in my experience with myself and other guys i know. i think it is possible but it takes a certain understanding of your own feelings and how to differentiate between the two types of love. i hope that helps

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If only you had asked this question before the wekend:xp:

Define best friends, if best means "better than any other", then no, I haven't. If it means "very good friend" then yes, I have a couple, not seeing why you'd need to ask the question though.


I just edited my OP to define bestfriend better.


So basically getting along with them and being closer to them than any of your guy friends.

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Most of my best friends have always been girls, and I haven't been attracted to them.


But then, I don't think I count for several reasons, my two best friends at uni Kelly and Germaine had this pact that they were going to corrupt this particular Christian, however by the end of uni they had admitted I was "incorruptible". I'm a boy and I really don't and never have understood the male obsession with adult entertainment.


Until the last few months I was much of the opinion I would stay single for life, though a very special person, may have changed my mind :xp:

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It is not possible. The worst words a woman can ever utter are "Let's just be friends" or variations of this. Who wants to be friends?

Heh yeah. The friend-zone sucks. Hard.


I do have a few female friends that I'm not attracted to, so yeah it is possible as long as you're not attracted to them :p at which point it might become a problem.


Personally, I could never be friends with someone I'm attracted to, and I would probably make it pretty clear from the get-go that I'm interested in something more than being just friends.

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Sort of. At first, I wasn't attracted to them (2). But as we got older I eventually began to be attracted to her, but being the kind of guy I am, I never got the courage to ask either of them.


We had been the best of friends since Kindergarden until eighth grade. It wasn't until about sixth grade that I began to feel that way about them.

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It is not possible. The worst words a woman can ever utter are "Let's just be friends" or variations of this. Who wants to be friends?

Yes, but in this case the shoe is on the other foot.

My best friend is gay. Does that count?

It most certainly does, and I've been in that situation, too.


In either scenario, it works out fine as long as one of you is not attracted to the other. As soon as one is, or if one always has been and is being dishonest about it, it quickly becomes a mess that's best dealt with by simply abandoning the situation, as gently as possible of course, but run like Hell if you have to.


It's harsh, but some people have a tendency towards psychotic/vindictive behavior when faced with the reality that you have no intentions of returning their affection, and protecting yourself should always be your first priority.



Until the last few months I was much of the opinion I would stay single for life,

That's been my plan for the past 12 years. After observing my siblings' marriages for several years, I've come to the conclusion that all I'm missing out on is a bunch of needless noise. I prefer peace and quiet.

though a very special person, may have changed my mind :xp:

Run, my brother! Fly! Be free! RUN! :p

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Poll rules changed to "Heterosexual males only" so that the data is more precise..
Why, what is this data going to be used for anyway?


Compilation of Anonymous Testimonies Towards the Development of a Statistical Survey Regarding the "I Like Her, Yet I Wouldn't Quite Tap That" Population of the Internet: LucasForums, SWKnights Division. by Nedak

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