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Christmas Wish List


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So, what does everyone want for Christmas this year? I know it's a bit early, but meh.


Number one on my list is this:




It's £79.99, so I really can't justify buying it for myself. I'll have to sweet talk hubby.


I've already pre-ordered Dragon Age and Uncharted 2, but the other games that I want are:


Metroid Trilogy

Professor Layton and Pandora's Box

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

Assassin's Creed 2

Left 4 Dead 2


Mass Effect 2 isn't out until January, but I'll add that anyway.


Sooooo many good games coming out. Better win the lottery. :/

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Left 4 Dead 2, mainly. I'd also like some new speakers.


If I wanted to get really crazy, I'd ask for a PS3. There's starting to be more and more games for it that I want or am looking forward to. I'll probably wait it out till next year though, when The Last Guardian comes out.

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-To be able to catch a break next year, maybe a little something different form the work I been doing.

-That my digestive system's kink doesn't turn serious.

-Just to be able to hang out with my RL friends I ain't hung with in years.

-Computer issues resolved and upgraded.

-Item #CO2TUB15 from amazing1.com so I can finish that project

-That amBX system.

-Go back to school.

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  leXX said:
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box


Is that the one called 'Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box' in the US? If so, that is great - my wife took over my DS Lite since I got the DSi and she is loving this.


For me ... since I just got my PSP Go, there isn't much. Just started playing Risen (Gothic 2 is in my top 5 all-time games) and loving it ... Dragon Age coming early November ... those along with other games will keep me full-up until the new year!

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  txa1265 said:
Is that the one called 'Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box' in the US? If so, that is great - my wife took over my DS Lite since I got the DSi and she is loving this.


Yes it is. No idea why they changed the name of it for Europe. I played the hell out of the first Professor Layton and absolutely loved it. :)


  Havoc Stryphe said:
Then I'll gladly re-gift any I get for christmas to you, leXX. Oh, and whoever gets them for me will definetly be off my Christmas Card list next year! ;)


Yes please. XD

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  BongoBob said:




...even that?


...I think I'd take the brussel sprouts and STDs...


Well, my wife would appreciate it. :)


*SIDE NOTE: Everyone please take note that Havoc is a dutiful and considerate husband, even to the point of extreme psychological trauma at the hands of Twilight based video games. He wants that on the record, so that in the event of Twilight induced death, someone may speak to this at his funeral.

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  MrWally said:
You're a good man, Havoc.


I hope I'm never as good a man as you.



Some men are born good, others have goodness thrust upon them in the form a daily training regimen by their wives. 10 years in, and I am happy to report that I am finally "good" by my wife's standards. :p


BTW honey, if you read this, I mean that in the best possible way. ;)

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- Metropolis on DVD

- Crispy M&M's

- Time with the family

- Noisettes' new CD.

- Video games and the like

- Wreck this Journal, and other random books.

- iTunes card.


Other various junk too. At least I'm not going to Disney so I'll have time to be all "Hi family! Where are my presents?"

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  BongoBob said:




...even that?


...I think I'd take the brussel sprouts and STDs...


I'd rather rip my dick off and throw it in a river than have that 'game' come anywhere NEAR my home.


I want Assassin's Creed 2 and The Ghost King...assuming I don't buy both long before Christmas...especially since The Ghost King comes out tommorow.

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