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Could LucasArts be heading to GOG


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They went out of their way to highlight LucasArts as one of the most requested publishers, which to me suggests they're close to a deal. That, or they're trying to guilt LucasArts into answering the phone :(

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Looks like we may find out who they've spoken with as GOG and CDPRED's will be making next big announcements at the CDP Summer Conference at 7pm GMT on Thursday 2nd June.


EDIT: Spoke with GOG on Twitter and they can confirm only one of those 3 publishers will be unveiled this Thursday. Probably more likely EA but if it is LucasArts, this forum is going to explode!!!

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If you look on this page;




You can clearly see which publishers could be the one to be announced, it looks like Square Enix is out of the picture as the logo is greyed out. LucasArts is still there but it does change everyday leading up to this Thursday so this would give us a clear idea on who it might be. Plus theres a few clues in the Dr M web comic.

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Arrrr... Well anyway if this doesn't happen LucasArts still needs to keep on it's promise that they were going to make more games from the past available again. I'm pretty sure there's still a market for the old adventures but it seems they stopped right at those few Steam releases two years ago.

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  Laserschwert said:


The countdown says 1 hour 33 minutes to go... and since you've posted 15 Minutes before me, it was closer to two hours then ;)


I've read 7pm GMT, and since I'm on GMT time, it was one hour left.

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GOG's site and selection of games (and their price!) is amazing, but dear god, their marketing sucks. I actually saw part of that webcast (a friend was watching, I forgot about the possibility that it could be Lucasarts myself), and I'm glad I finally got a look at the idiot that's in charge of marketing. Does anyone remember them announcing they were out of business, leaving everyone who bought something from them wondering if they lost their games forever, only to announce it was all a joke some time later? They say they pull these 'zany' stunts because the gaming industry takes itself too seriously, and they might be right about that, but this is just moronic.


I'm not even saying that because I'm angry it isn't Lucasarts (although that would have been nice). Like I said, I forgot about that possibility. Seeing the conclusion of this drawn-out weirdness just brought back the memories of all their previous tricks. Blegh.

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"leaving everyone who bought something from them wondering if they lost their games forever"


Well, no. They specifically told everyone that they would be able to download their games again before taking down the site. So they didn't leave everyone wondering, only the people who did not bother to read the entire news post:)

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  The Tingler said:
Not ISOs, it's their own type of Setup/ZIP file. You download that, run it, and the game installs. Very easy, second only to Steam in terms of simplicity.


Actually, that sound better than Steam, since Steam itself is DRM...

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