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Because I Love Making Avatars For You


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Three cheers for Jake!

Alltogether now...

Hip Hip! Hesgottoomuchtimeonhishands, hip hip!..


Any percieved hypocrisy in this post is entirely in the mind of the reader, oh yes.


Excellent stuff, now all can support the enigma that is Spiffy.

On a related note its quite possible to view that shot of him in MI1, I bet you've all seen him in the game havent you?

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Originally posted by BooJaka15m

I thought they just made that screen with the close-up of Spiffy up to be evil. How do you get it?


Don't fall for benny's lies! Spiffy is not in the game. He is, however, a lurrvley new avatar.

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Curse that dastardly hound! Why have you reminded me of him?? We need to ask LucasArts.

*Deja Vu*

Aside from the dog, nice avatars. You know, you could get ALL the avatars currently in use on the forums and use them to make a photo-montage of the gold-guy. That'd kick ass.

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Originally posted by QueZTone

i haVE! SEEN teh DOGGIE!!


Spaffy of the spittbarr at the munkey island! Spaffy is game, i seeing him in there!


Im so surhe! who more believing me?




I belive you. On the first CD version of MI1, on the back of the box he's there.

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Aha John WALKER, no not John Walker of PCGamer you fools, the bloke off lastcrusade.mixnmojo.com and who did testing for quick and easy.


Erm.......hello, you're probably at uni now, so you wont be able to come on irc as ive suggested in another post so er, ignore it.


Everyone else, just ignore this post.....or something.

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Wow Jake! Those Avatars you made are super! Those are the best avatars in the world! Those avatars are a Million times better than any avatar I ever made! The avatars I made were faliures just like me. Both Me and my avatars are Worthless pieces of poo!



Hell J. Beard

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