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Which Swampie do you admire the most?

Bob Gnarly

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BigTeddyPaul- someone you can really look up to

Boba Rhett- made my kick ass avatar! and helped me out quite a bit

Zbomber- cool guy

Father Torque- he's also a cool guy

Sivy B- he's got the coolest avs


hmm all i can think of at this moment

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy


At least ONE mention! :D The rest of you are all off my Christmas list-LOOSERS! jk:D


I guess my top ten are these guys:

1. Obi-wan13 (most all around decent guy)

2. Darklighter (most trustworthy)

3. Reb Starblazer (good feind)

4. Accdfanbill (another good freind)

5. Boba Rhett (always makes me laugh, best of the admin)

6. Jah Warrior (for mentioning me)

7. leXX (for representing the female heroine-WOOT!)

8. Rouge Nine (for having intelligent things to say)

9. Sivy B (for posting cool stuff)

10. matt- windu (i'm trying to suck up to get a promotion:p)


And I love the rest of you Too ;)




I'll show you..*points to deleted Manipulation web site*



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Originally posted by Darth Groovy


At least ONE mention! :D The rest of you are all off my Christmas list-LOOSERS! jk:D


I guess my top ten are these guys:

1. XERXES (because he is hilarious, and gives good girl advice and also agrees with the fact that AE pants dont last that long)

2. Darklighter (most trustworthy)

3. Reb Starblazer (good feind)

4. Accdfanbill (another good freind)

5. Boba Rhett (always makes me laugh, best of the admin)

6. Jah Warrior (for mentioning me)

7. leXX (for representing the female heroine-WOOT!)

8. Rouge Nine (for having intelligent things to say)

9. Sivy B (for posting cool stuff)

10. matt- windu (i'm trying to suck up to get a promotion:p)


And I love the rest of you Too ;)

:D :D werd
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I like you all but the ones most liked are


gorganfloss-sent me here

Ratmjedi- only one who remberers i think

LeXX- she is LeXX

Padanime- He made the hangout

Jah- he rocks

jedi220- makes kick@$$ threads

Darth Groovy- see above


The rest of you all rock. Except the one who enslaves my kind j/k

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Originally posted by obi-wan13


Ah ha! You thought you could get away with replacing my name with your, eh?



*sets mod phaser to stun*


*shoots XERXES*



There is no honor in replacing names. :D


*activates my AT field*

*stun bolt is absorbed harmessly on the AT field*

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

*stabs XERXES with a rusty coke bottle*


Some good your fancy shield did. :cool:


arnt coke bottles made from glass?


and woo hoo! you like me you really like me

im an authorative person, cool, and noobs like me.




Bless you all

*steals everyones wallet*


hey a peanut

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Originally posted by Dath Maximus


arnt coke bottles made from glass?


and woo hoo! you like me you really like me

im an authorative person, cool, and noobs like me.




Bless you all

*steals everyones wallet*


hey a peanut


eh, you've been into the bloodwine again, haven't you?

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