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20 Questions about ....YOU!


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I want to get to know you guys better so I decided to make up a list of 20 questions for everyone to answer and then we can all answer. I won't be tooo personal


1. Full Name

2. SS#

3. Bank Account #


oH wait....wrong list ;)



1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)




4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Might as well be/ engaged


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


Normal people worry me. I must not be normal if I'm the

only girl here....


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


Yes - If you can't be friends with yourself who can you be

friends with?


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


Mah Ass - no my dog


8. What was your favorite vacation?


Florida/ Bahamas 2 years ago - Daytona Beach...sighs


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Walk the native streets of the Bahamas - and the taxi cabs in

the bahamas


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


Spin out my brand new car on a deserted road, broke both axels and lied to my parents that a rabbit ran out in front of me.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc




12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


Peace on Earth complete with cures for all diseases


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


Sex and the City


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


DVD. What is VHS?


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


I have everything from atari to Ps2 to computer


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Yes. Inventory Management. Hate it everyday.


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Fast food - its easier - but it gets old


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


bf and dog


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Use it to save small hampsters when they are drowning

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Tried this last week, turned out bad ;)


1. First Name (real)


You'd expect David, don't ya? Well ... it isn't


2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)


The Netherlands


4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Single, not really in search at the moment


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


What does normal mean anyway?


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


No ... I'm against cloning


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


Something to read while waiting on the fire truck ... my bible probably


8. What was your favorite vacation?


Portugal, last summer


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Dropping a letter in front of my father describing my toughts about him ... yesterday


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


Asking personal questions


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc




12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


The comeback of Jesus ...


13. Whats your favorite TV show?




14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?




15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


PC ... used to be a huge Nintendo fan


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Job at a Desktop Publishing thingie. Shool again in 3 weeks (yay)


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Cooking? What's that?


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


Mom, dad and two doggies


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Finding out what it is.

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)


USA - Sioux City, Iowa


4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful




5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


I sure hope not.


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


Hmmm.... Not really. :D


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


The basket of photo albums probably


8. What was your favorite vacation?


Never been on one. :(


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


While in the Rockies, with my Dad driving, I rode up the side of a very high part of them while it was snowing.... Did I mention that if you go off the road anymore that about 2 feet that you plummet to a fiery death about 300 feet below and that my dad has no depth perception because he can't see out of his left eye? That was pretty scary. :indif:


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


Well.... there was that one time Chase and I took turns standing beside this wooden wall and would see who could throw these metal tipped darts the closest to each other. It didn't turn out well.... for Chase. :D


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


Dogs and fish


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?




13. Whats your favorite TV show?


...Buffy... :o


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?




15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


It's all good.


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Yes and no. forced KFC order sheet design, hot-stamping and the digging of holes :D, It sucks but it's a learning experiance and I gots me some wicked hand muscles from it. :D And, of course, I have teh schoolun'


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Fast food. Especially if it includes places you can sit down in like Perkins.


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


Basement. Iowan countryside estate in the middle of no where. By basically everyones reconning. :(


19. Insert favorite smiley here


:rhett: of course.


20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


I could answer that but then I'd have to ban myself. :D

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1. First Name (real) Louis




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)




4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful




5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


Not totally...


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


Ya, better than being enemies with it.


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


My room


8. What was your favorite vacation?


uh....my bday at ripley's believe it or not


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Applied for a job at mcdonalds


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


Apply for a job at mcdonalds


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


Mammals/Reptiles not including snakes


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


I'd wish for complete control over weather within 5 miles of me.


13. Whats your favorite TV show?




14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?




15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?




16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Pizza Hut


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Fast Food


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


Live w/parents heh


19. Insert favorite smiley here






20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Put it in my mouth, chew it and then spit it into an envelope and send it to at&t for making me suffer in may.

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)


USA - Whittier,California.


4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful




5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


Meh. The world would implode on itself the day I was normal.


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


I dont know... Does the world really need two of me?


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


My compact CD MP3 player(Not much else here that's valuable that my parents wouldnt take).


8. What was your favorite vacation?


My only vacation, the one to the East Coast.


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


When I was five, I had only my boxers and a shirt on, and I was climbing down from a top bunk then the end of the bunk caught on the boxer and before I knew it I was hanging 3 feet up from a box of pointy stuff. Luckily, I was able to get back and climb safely.


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


Dunno. Dont remember anything that's the stupidest. Although I dont know if that's a good thing....


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


Dogs and cats


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


Peacefulness of mind.


13. Whats your favorite TV show?




14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


DVD,although I dont have one...getting one for christmas though.


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


Only on computer, excluding any PS Final Fantasy games.


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?




17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Fast food. Now if only they can taste the same without slowly killing me...


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


Parents, a brother, my grandfather, my bird, and my dog.


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Proboly becoming a assassin, luring the target into pleasure, then killing him/her with my bare fist.


Either that, or drop it to distract a dog chasing me.

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First Name: Nikolai :D

Age: 16

Country/State: UK (or Russia;) )

Married/might as well be/Single/hopeful: Single.:D

Would u consider urself to be a normal person?: --------------

Would u want to be friends with an exact cloen of urslelf: If only. We could take turns going to school.:D

If ur house was on fire what would u take?: EVERYTHING!

What was ur favourite vacation: That one in France or Slovenia.

What was the scariest thing u ever did?: Got lost in the woods (several times:rolleyes: )

what was the STUPIDEST thing u ever did: Hard to choose...

What kind of animals do u like?: Anything but those freaky fish that live at the bottom of the ocean. And leeches.

If u could have 1 prayer and wish answered what would it be: Be a koala; Eat, sleep, eat,sleep, for the whole day.

What's your favourite TV show: The X Files

Are u a DVD or VHS person: If only I could tape things on DVD or have all my games on DVD...

Do u play games on comp. or console: PC, of course.:D How else can I play Half-Life?

Do u have a job: School, and selling stuff I make with that Game Maker thing I have.

Would u rather have fastfood or cook for urself: I can't cook, so this should be fairly obvios.

Do u live on ur own: I wish

Insert favourite smiley here: :rofl:

What's the most creative thing u could do witha lifesavor?: What is a lifesavor?

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)




4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Married (And loving it!)


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?




6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


Sure! Who wouldn't want to be friends with such a handsome,

intelligent, devonaire fellow? ;)


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


My Wife


8. What was your favorite vacation?


My Homeymoon to Cancun and not for the beaches, if you get

my meaning! ;)


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Bungie Jump from a 150 ft tall crane!


10. What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


Spend my entire College savings in a year, forcing myself to

dropout of college. :(


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


Tough one, I have 2 dogs, 1 cat and a fish!


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


Heaven on Earth


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


The Simpsons


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


DVD All the way!


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


Older consoles, but mostly PC


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Yes, Government Contractor. I work as a Network

administrator and Database manager. I love it!


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Cooked, unless they've made Lasagna a fast food item!


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


Live with my wife, 2 dogs and kitten.


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Used the wintergreen ones to "spice" up my love life. By the

way, for those of you who are clueless, the wintergreen

lifesavers spark in the dark when you bite them or break


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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)




4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Soon to be engaged


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?




6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


Yes, because I'm the coolest person I know.


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


my computer


8. What was your favorite vacation?




9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Jumped off a ledge about 20 feet into a snow drift, when I was 16.


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


I can't say that here, its x-rated.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc




12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


Peace on Earth complete with cures for all diseases


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


The Sopranos


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?




15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


my comp and my PSX


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Nope, I'm a Grad student, so I don't do squat except for research papers.


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Cook for myelf, cause I am an awesome cook.


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


I live with my brothers.


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Melt them down and mix them with vodka.

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)




4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


single/hopeless....wait, hopeful


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


hell no


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


I think I'd be scared that someone actually wanted to make 2 of me...


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


leather jacket given to me after my Uncle's death (we were rather close)


8. What was your favorite vacation?


what is this "vacation" you speak of? (haven't been on one in awhile)


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


juggled flaming machetes....uh, not really...I'm actually scared of open heights, so going to the edge of the tower in San Antonio was pretty freaky for me


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


too many things to list


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc




12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


me = rich (so I'm shallow...so what?)


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


South Park


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?




15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


both...pc (uh, obviously...or i wouldn't be posting here) & an Xbox


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


I work at NCR doing Tech Support for Food Lion Supermarkets (chain of stores from Fla to Delaware...mostly on the east coast), it's ok, and I also go to school as has been well documented


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Fast food that I made myself....if you understand, good, if not, I'm not explaining it to you.


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


have a roommate...but he's moving out in Dec...need new plaace after that (can't afford this place on my own)


19. Insert favorite smiley here


:mauls: (it's new, but I thought it looked cool)


20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Use them in the insult, "If you converted your brain cells into gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to power a mosquito's motorcylce around a lifesaver."

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)




4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Single, no current girlfriends


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


What is normal? Most people think that they are normal, but what if the crasy people are really the normal ones and we (the ones that think we are normal) are the crasy ones?


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


I don't think so, i can be kinda boring and signal minded.


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


my laptop, but i would make sure that the dogs kenel was open as i ran by it.


8. What was your favorite vacation?


Vacation? Whats that?


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Went to college


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


umm..., lets see.... Ohhh... this isa hard one.... Maybe it would be easier to say the smartest thing i ever did... umm... OK so i can't think of any smart things i have done.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


Dogs, fish, Rabbits (hate cats)


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


That every prayer or wish answered.


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


that is a tough one... I like enterprise, stargate sg1, and birds of prey (i also watch Smackdown and raw, but i won't say they were my favorite shows.)


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


DVD. VHS sucks (thought i still have vhs tapes)


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


No console computer only. PC FOR EVERY!!!


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


I am currently in college (senor level with about 1 year left after christmas) and i work are school as a network Tech. and i love my job.


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Depends on the day. I love to cook, but some days i am to tired to cook.


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


I still live at home


19. Insert favorite smiley here


I don't remeber anymore


20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


eat it?

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)


North Carolina, USA


4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Might as well be - I totally love my girl :D


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


I am unique


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


Nahhh, there is only one me, and I like to keep it like that.


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


My girl friend (if she was there) and my parrot


8. What was your favorite vacation?


Last summer I cannoed on the boundary waters of the US and Canada in MN. FABULOUS!!


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Many things. I live in a ghetto complex where I have had my neighbors shot in drive bys before. That is always scary. The most would have to be when I was in Memphis years back. Some people (3) tried to hold me up and take my wallet at gun point. But, I did not give them $h#t, stood my ground, came after them, and they tucked tail and ran. Turned out, the gun was a pellet pistole. Still scared the hell out of me.


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


See above. But also, I caught Meningitis a few years back and did not go to the hospital until it was almost too late. Mainly cause I did not know that I had it and I did not think my symptoms were as serious as they really were.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


I am a dog person. I really want one and can't wait to get one when I move into a home or larger apartment. Right now I have a kick ass parrot named Caesar.


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


Self happiness for all....


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


College Football on Saturdays. :D


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


DVD, good quality.


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


Both. I am big in the computer, but I just got my XBox a little over a month ago.


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Job and School. I am a computer science senior at NC State, and I work as an associate analysist for a nuclear power plant. I love both my school and my job.


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Depends. I hate to clean up, but I really love and enjoy cooking. It just taste great. Sometimes I am in a hurry, or a mood will hit and I need to grab a fastfood break. But I try to limit thoses.


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


I have a single BR apartment here and I live with my parrot. My girl friend is constantly over (or I am at her place) so you can say that we live together too.


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


Besides eat them............art work.........or maybe in a bearing of somekind.......i dont know.

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)


The Netherlands, Friesland


4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Might as well be/ engaged


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


same answer as YD. Define Normal and ill get back to you :D


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


Sure.... im a nice guy :D


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


Probably my Star Wars books


8. What was your favorite vacation?


Italy.... 1996. *sighs*


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


Calling this girl i loved (wich is now my girlfriend :D)


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


following my friends to a school i didnt like and failed for.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


Im a huge animal lover. i love all kinds of animals..... to a certain degree :D


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


That people would have no serious problems anymore


13. Whats your favorite TV show?




14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


Well.... it used to be VHS... now it is becoming DVD :D


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


Console? can you take pictures with that? ofcourse PC.... All the way. i cant imagine making my websites on a gamecube.


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


Im still in school..... final year tho


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Cook a meal for myself


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?




19. Insert favorite smiley here


lsabrewraith.gif (thanks Eets)


20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?



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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)




4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful




5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


ppl thing im weird (in possitive way) and very funny


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


i donno, but i already get to hang out evry day with myself so ...


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


hmm, my dvd and book collection


8. What was your favorite vacation?


crossin through the mountains of Corsica


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


runnin through a forest after seeing blair witch project


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


getting drunk, losing my cellular and tellin cops it was stolen


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc




12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


no more war


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


simpsons as that is the only tv show i still see daily


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


dvd, dont have a vhs system


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


i have a very old gameboy


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


im in my 3th year of my engineering study at uni


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


i like both, but fast food is easier


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


still live at home


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


lookin it up in the dictionary [/b]

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1. First Name (real)




2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)


North Carolina


4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Single (and loving it!)


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


of course, its everyone else who's different


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


sure, who wouldn't want a friend with the exact same interests as themselves? I actually know a few who are friends with their clone....if you know what i mean.....


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


Well, assuming my wallet and keys were in my pockets, i'd take my ps2. Sentimental value isn't a phrase in my vocabulary.


8. What was your favorite vacation?


I hate vactations...but i love being off of school


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


I know no fear.


10. What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


well, its a tie between a high powered BB gun battle and street luging through flaming boxes.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


cats...death to all dogs!


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


All prayers are answered, just sometimes the answer is no.


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


Monday Night Football


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


DVDs are better, but i own far more VHSs


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


PS2 mainly but i also have a fairly large PC library, i'd have more if i had a decent PC to play them on....


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


I help teach tennis clinics at a local country club. Its alright, doesn't pay very well....


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


Unless i feel like eggs i prefer fast food (anything but McDonlads). I like my Mom's cooking even better though...most of teh time....


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


Parents and sister. My other brother and sister are now in college.


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


You don't want to know... ... ........ :D (<--see!)

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1. First Name (real)



2. Age




3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)


Palo Alto, California


4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful


Single, my time will come...


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?


I find others similar to each other, but i find myself different from others, so no... ;)


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?


naaa...i don't want to have to share all my stuff with someone...besides, i'm kinda like a lone wolf :D


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?


Everything is replaceable, except my family, so i'd wake 'em up and take 'em with me...carry them out if i had to :p


8. What was your favorite vacation?


South Africa, and Tibet :D


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?


hmmm...i may edit this part if i recall...


10. What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?


since i'm at school now, the only thing i can remember is last year, when i skipped a question in my multiple choice test, i didn't skip a block on the scantron sheet, and every answer from then on was wrong, except a couple, but my teacher was kind :)


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc


i don't like animals...


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?


To spend my life with someone whom I loved more than anything, and loved me back the same.


13. Whats your favorite TV show?


i don't like TV...the only thing i watch is movies :)


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?


DVDs are better, but i own far more VHSs


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?


PC all the way....


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?


nope...i'm all school :eek:


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?


My mom's cooking is the best, but fastfood is ok, i can't cook :D except a few things...


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?


Parents and sister.


19. Insert favorite smiley here




20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?


dunno what you mean...

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1. First Name (real)



2. Age



3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)



4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful



5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?

Normalcy is overated.



6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?

Since I plan on rulling the world, a clone of myself would be competition. Since I have to kill my competition I would have to kill my clone. However, my clone would have to kill me. It would just be a big mess.


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?

Marshmellows so I could roast them, while I wait for the local fire department to come.


8. What was your favorite vacation?

Going to Vermont/New Hampshire. Umm Mountains.


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?

Taking a sharp knife and tossing it and catching it.


10. What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?

Taking a sharp knife and tossing it, and almost catching it with the tip.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc

Cats and Dogs.


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?

To rule the world/immortality only if it includes family and friends.


13. Whats your favorite TV show?



14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?



15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?

What is a console?


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?

I go to college and have a job at a resturant.


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?



18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?

Live with my parents.


19. Insert favorite smiley here



20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?

If I told you I would have to kill you.

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1. First Name (real)



2. Age



3. Country/State (u don't need to give your exact address)



4. Married/Might as well be/Single/Hopeful

Hopeful... More like desperate, actually.


5. Would you classify yourself as a normal person?

Only too much, unfortunately.


6. Would you want to be friends with an exact clone of yourself?

No, I hate knowing that some people are like me... it makes me feel like I'm just another guy on the planet, which is true anyway.


At any rate, I'm not an interesting person.


7. If your house was on fire and you could only take one thing with you - what would that be?

Tough question... Probably my comp (or to be more precise, my hard drive...)


8. What was your favorite vacation?

My trip to New York last summer.


9. What was the SCARIEST thing you ever did?

Nothing, and I oh so regret it.


10, What was the STUPIDEST thing you ever did?

I've made a fool of myself on way too many occasions, and I don't laugh when thinking back of it.


11. What kind of animals do you like? Dogs cats etc

I like my dog but once he dies I'm not getting anything else. Too much trouble...


12. If you could have one prayer or wish answered what would you want?

To be someone special. To be someone.


13. Whats your favorite TV show?

I don't really watch TV.


14. Are you a DVD or a VHS person?

DVD. On my comp...


15. Do you play games only on Comp or do you have a console?

I have a Dreamcast and an N64, and I used to own a Genesis. However, those were only for occasional game sessions (mostly with friends, yes I do have one or two). Thus I'm mainly a PC guy.


16. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?? Or SchooL?

Studying in Computer Science. Like so many other guys...


17. Would you rather have fastfood or cook a meal for yourself?

Fastfood. I can't cook anything.


18. Do you live on your own, with parents or roomates?

With my parents.


19. Insert favorite smiley here



20. Most creative thing you think to do with a lifesavor?

I can't be creative...

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