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Gender Guesser

Boba Rhett

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Gender Guesser


Click on the link above and go through the little questionaire.



It said I was a woman. :mad: Not just that, but it said it was 80% sure. :mad:







It also said this:


How do we know? Well, deep down, your gender affects everything about you, from your favorite number to your views on Canada. Many women who took the test think and act just like you, as you can see from the clusters above.


Statistically speaking, you are a chick.




I then clicked on the little wrong button and it came up with this, which made me feel slightly better but also a little worse. :D




You know, for every question, we track very carefully what each gender answers. This allows us to guess with the utmost accuracy what you are. And in the rare case where we guess incorrectly (like now), we have the opportunity to learn from nature's mistake. You.


People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman, are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what it means to be human. Thanks, and good luck.


A Random Stat


Black Jack 70% 66%

The Slot Machine 30% 34%



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Posted by Rhett

Gender Guesser


Click on the link above and go through the little questionaire.



It said I was a woman. :mad: Not just that, but it said it was 80% sure. :mad:

Bwahahahaha!! :lol: :lol:


I always knew you were different, Rhett... :D;)



It told me I was a guy, with 86% ccertainty... I've taken the test before, but I can't remember what I got... It might have been Woman... But I can't remember, so you're on your own for now, Rhett :p:D

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o yay i'm a woman!






How do we know? Well, deep down, your gender affects everything about you, from your favorite number to your views on Canada. Many women who took the test think and act just like you, as you can see from the clusters above.


Statistically speaking, you are a chick.


As we said, this test gets smarter with every taker, and it's almost never wrong. You can make it even better by telling us it was right for you.




People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman, are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what it means to be human. Thanks, and good luck.


^ what the hell?


well rhett, looks like we can understand women more than we think we do! This couldn't be a bad thing...

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I got male, but i remember a couple of months ago i got female :eek:


The thing is, i think questions like "Do you think a nuclear war would be cool." I think they assume a man would say yes, and woman no.


They looks for the difference between hardcoreness and niceness. If your answers indicate that you're kind or nice, you're likely to get a female, if your answers indicate that you're "manly" "rough" "rustic" or any of those manly adjectives, then you're likely to get a male.


No offense to any males or females, but that was just my hypothesis based on common male-female stereotypes.


And what's up with the question, "Does canada suck" a. Yes b. Yeah? :rolleyes: I notice, most of the quizzes on that site have something mean to say against canadians and canada...:(

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