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Father Torque Foundation

Father Torque

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A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning

rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found a

patient sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece ofaa

wood in half. A second patient was hanging from the

ceiling, by his feet.


The doctor asked the first patient what he was doing. The

patient replied, "Can't you see I'm sawing this piece of

wood in half?"


The doctor inquired of the first patient what the other

patient was doing. The first patient replied, "Oh. He's my

friend, but he's a little crazy. He thinks he's a light

bulb." The doctor looks up and notices the second

patient's face is going all red.


The doctor asks the first patient, "If he's your friend,

you should get him down from there before he hurts

himself." The first patient replies, "What? And work in

the dark?"

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Hey The_One, here are some intresting facts about you found a http://www.googlism.com


Googlism for: the_one


the_one is yet to submit a signature

the_one is ranked 10 and has played for 1h47m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 51 and has played for 28m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 71 and has played for 2h in 14 days real name

the_one is coming back

the_one is ranked 36 and has played for 33m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 36 and has played for 5h16m in 7 days real name

the_one is ranked 120 and has played for 17m in 31 days real name

the_one is talking about

the_one is now on blue

the_one is ranked 59 and has played for 4h59m in 30 days real name

the_one is ranked 17 and has played for 55m in 8 days real name

the_one is ranked 26 and has played for 58m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 146 and has played for 12m in 30 days real name

the_one is ranked 61 and has played for 45m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 130 and has played for 25m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 15 and has played for 2h50m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 21 and has played for 4h12m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 243 and has played for 1h57m in 14 days real name

the_one is ranked 256 and has played for 1h54m in 35 days real name

the_one is ranked 108 and has played for 3h39m in 14 days real name

the_one is probably right

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I have opted to donate 200 points to Darth_Tyranus. He seems to want the points just as much as Sam Fisher. However, he seems to be in more need of points than Sam ;)


Enjoy the points!


And just so you don't think I've forgotten you Sam, next 100 points I get will be heading your way.


And they say the British are tight bastards...

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Originally posted by The_One

I have opted to donate 200 points to Darth_Tyranus. He seems to want the points just as much as Sam Fisher. However, he seems to be in more need of points than Sam ;)


Enjoy the points!


And just so you don't think I've forgotten you Sam, next 100 points I get will be heading your way.


And they say the British are tight bastards...


Thanks The_One, still can't get over you not laughing at my story, but thanks for the 200 points. Us British tight bastards, I think not we are possibly the kindest lot of them all, after all we founded the Welfare State.

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