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In Hell...

Havoc Stryphe

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In hell, everyone would be caught and labeled a plaugerist because as we know by now there is no original thought left. (Rhett :rolleyes:)


In hell, Cell phones would be required to be plugged into a wall socket to function properly.


In hell, there would be no Switzerlands, only Frances. :D


In hell, there wouldn't be any arky or dutch invasions, but instead a korean invasion. :eek:


In hell, tissues would feel like paper towls with fishhooks in them.


In hell, toilet paper would feel close to the same except replace paper towls with sandpaper.


In hell, the U.S. government would grant the winner of the next American Idol the presidency.


:D :D

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This is something that has stuck in my head and this thread has made resurface, so now I must share it to keep it out of my head...



A Devil and an Angel meet on Earth and start to compare Heaven to Hell. The devil says, "We have it tough....see, in Hell, there's this really big hall, with an enormous table that has every type of food imaginable, but our utensils are 6 feet long and we can't get the food into our mouths! We have all the food we could want, but are starving!"

The Angel responds, "You know, in Heaven we have a hall that is much like yours...we also have a long table and a banquet very much the same. We also use utensils that are 6 feet long. The only difference is, in Heaven, we feed each other."




Sorry to go all sappy on you and all, but I had to get it out of my system.

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A Devil and an Angel meet on Earth and start to compare Heaven to Hell. The devil says, "We have it tough....see, in Hell, there's this really big hall, with an enormous table that has every type of food imaginable, but our utensils are 6 feet long and we can't get the food into our mouths! We have all the food we could want, but are starving!"

The Angel responds, "You know, in Heaven we have a hall that is much like yours...we also have a long table and a banquet very much the same. We also use utensils that are 6 feet long. The only difference is, in Heaven, we feed each other."


Not sappy at all, pretty profound if you ask me...


back to the topic at hand:


In Hell, Michael Jordan isn't allowed to play basketball.


In Hell, you not allowed to guzzle a glass of ice cold milk after scarfing down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


In Hell, cereal is to be eaten with water.


In Hell, beer is not allowed.


In Hell, Kylilin can't be a wiseass. (perish the thought)

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In Hell, the only food that is available is Brussel Sprouts


In Hell, the only movie that you can go see is Titanic


In Hell, the only video game that you can play is Barbies Fun House


In Hell, the only music that you can listen to is Boy George


In Hell, there is a Moderator called Tyrion :D



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In Hell, the only thing on TV are televangelists and Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?



nah I'd rather torture people with Chef Tony and Miracle Blade.


In Hell, MSN doesn't exist, nor AIM, YIM, ICQ, MIRC or any IRC!


In Hell, everyone speaks a different language, so you are finally truly alone.


In Hell, every beautiful girl becomes ugly the first time you kiss her.


In Hell, you are forced to eat McDonald's every day! (NO SUBWAYS ;))


In Hell, you would remain an underappreciated employee in an overdemanding job function... wait that's Dilbert, but I think the ruler of Heck made a cameo ...




In Hell, sex would feel bad




In Hell, loyalty will be replaced with betrayal, kindness replaced by cruelty, consideration replaced by avarice, values replaced by vices and love replaced by nothing.


In Hell, the ruler will be George W. Bush Jr. and we're all arabs

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In HE double hockey sticks (you bad people:p ):


All would be deprived of Iamnotyourmom.com or it_is_supereasy.net and Coach Ortiz would not be President.


Money would never grow on trees


Only sport on TV would be baseball (DIE EVIL DEMONS!)


Bards would not be able to kill with Harps

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in hell...


no candy


woman are pregnant for 2 years (like elephants) instead of 9 months


there are no microwaves


u have to watch the movie GLITTER


there are no remote controls!


no mouses for the computer....only that stupid little touch pad!


og nintendo controller to play all console games


there is no PAUSe (remember those days)


No Save for video games (remember when you would leave your nintendo turned on for days!)


80 hour work weeks


that's all i can think of right now...


oh remember the old MILK commercial.....thinks he's in heaven eating cookies and then all the milk cartons are empty...

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Originally posted by STTCT

(remember when you would leave your nintendo turned on for days!)


Remember? My PS2's pushing a weak right now. :D



In Hell, the weathermen are never right...wait....


In Hell, there are no spaces or punctuation in the English language, like Latin. Wouldn't that suck?


In Hell, there's always a guy with his huge bass turned up way way way too loud following you around.

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Originally posted by Clefo

In hell, you have to evade the Cardboard Tube Samurai all day (Props to anyone who catches the ref)


PA....duh. Hell and you bitched about my plagiarism. Can you go without bitching for five minutes, Clef, or does the stuff begin to leak out of all you orifices? :D And that reminds me, In hell, stuff leaks out of all your orifices. :D

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In Hell there is only country music.


In Hell there is nothing on the menu but tuna fish and frozen peas.


In Hell spiders are 8 feet tall.


In Hell there is no Star Wars, only old re-runs of Lost In Space


In Hell all clothes are made of satin spandex.


In Hell the only phone calls you get are from telemarketers.


In Hell you are continuely forced to listen to ex-girlfreinds tell you about why they think they should join the peace corps, how thir father did not give them enough attention, and what a scumbag their new boyfriend is.


In Hell all guys are named Chuck.


In Hell all girls are named Taylor.


In Hell all jobs are night shift.


In Hell everyone drives a KIA.


In Hell the Republican party claims it's politics as a religion, and you are forced to attend church every Sunday and listen to why everyone needs to tighten they're belts and make sacrifices.


In Hell Goerge Dubya Bush is the President, and Opra Winfrey is Vice President.


In Hell all movies star Ben Affleck, Kevin Koster, Richard Dean Anderson, Winona Ryder, and Renee Ruso.


In Hell all movies are chick flicks, and gross out comedies.


In Hell everyone wears bell bottums.


In Hell everyone smokes really nasty smelling cigars.


In Hell Winona Ryder is found innocent and sues Saks Fith Avenue for 2 Billion, and wins.


In Hell your best friend is Corey Feldman.


In Hell everyone watches the Weather Channel all day.


In Hell everyone has dial-up connections.


In Hell Fred Durst is refered too as "The Messiah".


In Hell the only video game is Contra: Legacy of War.


In Hell you never find your car keys.....ever.

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In Hell, Bush is a life-time dictator instead of a 4-year president.


In Hell, no girls are named Yosie and no guys are named Rune.


In Hell, a homosexual Saddam Hussein keeps stalking you.


Hell is divided in two and the two sides fight each others eternally.


In Hell, the off-button to that pesky little pokemon toy that keeps repeating "pikachu, pikachu", is lost.


In Hell, no one are ever allowed to use the bathroom, drinks are allowed in class, and classes last for three hours.


In Hell, there are no bathroom facilities at school and school days are 24 hours long.



In Hell, a lesbian ugly 90-year old keeps stalking you.


In Hell, every LEC game uses the GB and FC and RA engines.


In Hell, there's no socialistic left party (no, wait, that'd be like calling the United States Hell, which it's definetly not).


In Hell, the grade range is 0-69 and they torture you when you get a grade below a 70.

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