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Gaming age limit?


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I have been plaing video games since I was three, even though it was just Asteroids, Pac-Man, and PITFALL! Harry.


Then there was that 5 year period where I played games at my friends house (Nintendo, Sega, whatever), then I got Dark Forces for myself along with a whole lotta other games....


I thought I got sick of it, but it was just JO that pissed me off. And mission 7 in NoLF, I have yet to get out of the men's room undetected... :mad:

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Originally posted by Katarn07

And mission 7 in NoLF, I have yet to get out of the men's room undetected... :mad:


I got stuck there too, for a while. But I persevered, and it seems okay from there. Anyway, I've had to stop playing NOLF2 temporarily...because it doesn't like the new Catalyst drivers...or Directx9, or something. :(


Anyway...I agree with Rhett. I'll also stop playing if the garbage takes over...or just play the games I already have ad infinitum... :D

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Originally posted by leXX

Is there an age limit on games? I mean, do you ever get too old to play games? Am I a 'past it housewife' or a 'cool mum'?


I've been playing games as long as I can remember, since pong and pacman and donkey kong handheld etc etc. I just love games too much to ever see a time when I'll stop playing them. I'm married with two kids and my husband and friends say to me, "how do you find the time and havn't you grown out of games yet!" Well I make time to do the things I enjoy doing, and no I havn't grown out of it yet so why the hell should I stop?


At what age can see yourself stop playing games?


actually ive been think of stuff like that and, oh and before i start, youre a cool mum to me because you play games and find time to raide 2 kids...i think its 2 anyways, if my mom played video games....well she does just not the cool ones like you! anyways if she did i would love it! i started VERY young when i started playing video games, at first it just started out as something i could do with my dieing brother who was like one of the early cancer people (when it wasnt commen) anyways, i started with pong then me and him played Marion 1-3 and now i play them because i enjoy them so much, so i say hell no! theres no age limit, on this sort of thing, im gonna keep doing what i find is fun, im gonna keep reading calvin And Hobbes, watching The Simpsons, and ALWAYS ALWAYS play video games, weather it be Hand Held to Consol To PC (or to futuristic Super Sensor Mega Machines:p ) im gonna keep playing and i hope you do to LeXX. DO WHAT YOU ENJOY!

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I'll never stop playing games. Arthritis, here I come.


I can already move my left thumb about an inch further back than I can my right thumb....damn those console joysticks :p

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I would agree with Gonky there, my fellow Aussie, since I am at that average, we have been first of the PC generation. The PC has been almost commonplace for the last 10 or so years, so those that were teenagers when it all started, convinced their parents they needed them for "study" purposes.



The only reason that some people feel like they are "too old" for pc games, is that with the short history of the PC, there are few older people that have taken to the lighter side of owning a PC. Give it 10-20 years, and there will be plenty of people that are well over middle age that are rabid PC users.


As long as you enjoy it, keep playing it.............

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I'll continue to play video games until I'm older. Hopefully I suck a few older people into using computers. :p


Everyone had a PC before me though. :(

I think all members in my family have one, except the old old members. :D

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