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After Episode III...


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Since most Star Wars fans have their fandom based on movies that at least always could be looked forward to, i wonder what you'll do once the final movie has been made and the attention will wind down.. Do you abandon certain things like collecting ? Watching the movies over and over ? Reading ? What are the things you'll leave behind once Star Wars becomes - at least the movies - history ?

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Well look at around ~1990. The original trilogy was pretty much behind, and the prequels weren't even in the planning stages (except maybe in Lucas' head).


when the movies are behind us, I'm simply going to watch them regularly until I get fed up. I never got into collecting or such, so there's nothing I can give up on :D

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I'm just going to keep watching the movies and of course, keep playing the games. :)


Once the movies are done being made is when demand will get very high IMO. People will realize what is gone and want to do anything they can to be in the Star Wars universe again. :)

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Only if they cast Jason Court as Kyle and Angela Harry as Jan! :p:D



*missed those FMV sequences in JK2 :(*



As for the main point of the thread (:D), I'll do pretty much the same as Leemu - I saw all 3 of the original films when I was about seven or eight, and I always wanted to re-watch them... I can't see that changing in the future, and with the prequels there to flesh the story out more, I think I'll want to re-watch them all more often that I do already :):D


I'll hate Lucas forever though if he never (re-?)releases the original un-tainted OT... :mad::(

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i remember a time when you had 3 movies and not much else. (well, apart from the ewok movies and a holiday special)


with the amount of star wars based computer games & books i think there's enough to keep the fans happy. after ep III i think we'll see even more stuff.


i'm hoping there be darth vader computer game that covers the time between III & IV.. that would rock beyond belief!


Darth Vader: Jedi hunter



i say let GL make a couple of non star wars films...




cause they probably bomb and he'll soon be back to what he does best


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Hmm...Don't really know!


I think LucasArts will continue to make games.

Anyways, I don't, think I just screw the Star Wars Universe up! I will see the movies from time to time. I'm also very excited about the computer games. We only need a "Freelancer" sequel with the Star Wars Universe :D. And besides, there’s other thing in life than computer games and movies!

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

wasn't the original plan to make a 1-3... and a 7-9? But the 7-9 got scrapped somewhere along the way...


Yeah i heard/read about that a long time ago somewhere but i cant remember from where/who exactly :confused:



A movie with Kyle Katarn, in my opinion, wouldnt be well accepted by the life long fans who saw the movies and never played/heard of the jk series :jawa

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