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Wanna See a Matrix Revolutions Trailer?

Boba Rhett

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omg... NICE


Rhett, I think what you and I were talking about the other night may just be correct - it looks like, whatever the truth about Reloaded, Revolutions will more than make up for it :D


Or do you think otherwise, oh mighty admin? ;P


*runs off to watch the trailer again* :D

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:cool: I am adding this to my Matrix collection of vid's

anyone have the origianl full length one? it is not at the

official site any longer. I have the reloaded full trailer

and a bunch of small matrix trailers. and am downloading this.

you will not have to wait long for a full length Revolutions

trailer, because it may be in theatres by November. since they shot the two films together ala LOTR style. I also am going to the movie tomorrow so will watch and wait for the trailer. too bad they dont show bloopers at the very end.

anyhow weeee!!! and thanks for the trailer info.:cool:

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Wow, ****, that was so ****in' awesome. And at the same time, it seems quite sad. I have a bad feeling. Not as in the movie sucking, because it won't, but I think someone is going to die for Zion. Maybe I should wait for Matrix Reloaded before making such assumptions. ;)

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*wipes dripple off chin*


looks so good


i tell you Ep III better live up to expectations otherwise the matrix might take its place as my favorite films ever.


i don't mean that, but it could tie :)

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yes there is an alt Matrix Revolutions trailer after the final credits roll, so stay in your seats boys and girls until; the ride comes to a complete stop.


the movie was Amazing!:cool:

be cool dont tell people stuff until well after may 22nd

so rest of the world can catch up.

me is so happy that me saw it today I am

the Eggplantrix!:cool:

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