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10 minutes to live!


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I hate threads like these. Why can't you simply put "you can do whatever the Hell you want for 10 minutes?"


And just where am I when I watch the broadcast? Who's with me? What if I cannot do whatever the Hell I want because I'm, say, at school, and they want to maintain order, making us all stay in our rooms?


Anyways, here's my answer:

I've got no ****ing clue. Depends on where I am, who I'm with, and a billion other variables.


If I'm out with a doggie I love, I'd do what I could do to survive. I wouldn't give up hope, even if there was no reason to have hope.


If I was alone or with humans, hell, no one worth saving (j/k).

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In those last 10 minutes I'd either be doing...

A: Sleeping

B: Playing WC:III

C: Bike to McDonald's as fast as I can and buy a hell lot of milkshakes/sundaes.

D: The last part of what Jokemaster said-- that is unless I can't sleep, I can't somehow play WC and if theres something wrong with my bike.

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Excellent thread :D


Sitting there, I'd just say "Screw it."


I'd sit down, and I'd just wait for it.


Yea, that's right, bring it. No goodbyes, none of that now...everyone already knows how I feel towards them. ;)

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I would refuse to believe it, and do everything I could to try to stop it. I've learned in the past that giving up hope is never useful. ^_~


I wouldn't tell anyone, presuming they didn't know, just in case it wasn't true, and even if it would be. I could never put someone through that.


And of course, I'd pray.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy



Good thread leXX!


10 minutes is not a long time to do what I want.


I guess I would hand my entire Star Wars collection over to ZBomber, because he would take care of it.


Hand over my website to Jed for the same reason.


Try to make alot of phone calls and say goodbye.


Ahhhhh! ^_^ Thanks Groovy. ^_^


Actually, I just thoguht this, does everyone have 10 minutes to live? Or just you?

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1) if in grocery store, I would start chucking every squishible/breakable food at everyone


2)If near airport, i would run onto the runway and moon an aircraft taking off


3) if at home, just sit there and think about all the things I have done in my life, while drinking coffee


4) if at school, I would throw my teacher out the window, along with all the textbooks, then beat up, insult my principal(sp?)


5)if anywhere, I would start yelling out a string of profane words so eveyone could hear me.

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Did anyone else panic slightly when they read the start of the thread?


this bit


There is a newsflash on TV and it says you have 10 minutes to live


....not that I did....



Anyway. Thinking about it, I probably wouldn't panic. If I was at home I'd force my bro to take me to see the person who I can't stop thinking about. Just to say bye, then leave before I die. Unless it was a whole world thing, then I'd stay with her until the end, unless she wanted to be with her family. Then I'd take one last walk to nowhere.

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well theres only one thing i would do in that situation and it doesn't take a genius to work out what it would be.......


that's right... i would do a jigsaw puzzle


j/k :D


i would do the same as The Cheat,


i would have wild sex with my girlfriend


then maybe the puzzle :D

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I would do the same as Stormy and STTCT. I would hug my daughters and husband, tell them how much I love them then wait for death, probably crying my eyes out. I wouldn't be crying at the thought of me dying, I would be crying at the thought of my daughters and family dying.

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