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December 7, 1941


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Hey all,


Today's the 62nd anniversary of the attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, an event that pushed the country into World War II. I would like to take a moment to remember those who died that fateful "day that will live in infamy." May it always be remembered.


*No heated debates or flaming, please.

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Yeah just like June 6 1944 DDay. My Grandfather sought action on DDay, and survived!! After being captured by the soviets (in Poland) he escaped to England and joined the army (in the Polish division). He drove a tank in WWII and once the strongholds went down on (one of the beaches) and ways were cleared through for the tanks, the tanks assisted in clearing the way of German artillery. I'm not 100% sure what happened exactly but it was something like this.

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History - in every century,

records an act that lives forevermore.

We'll recall - as in to line we fall,

the thing that happened on Hawaii's shore.



As we go to meet the foe -


As we did the Alamo.


We will always remember -

how they died for liberty,


and go on to victory.


-Remember Pearl Harbor

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Remember this also -


The world had been at war for 2 years before Pearl Harbour.


That it was for Germany invading Poland, 15 days before the Russians did.


And that the concentration camps at the Polish barracks at Oswiecim, later dubbed "Auschwitz 1" were already in operation.

A month later the more infamous "Auschwitz II - Birkenau" concentration camp had it's first "gas chamber" tests.



Remember those that had passed long before Pearl Harbour......

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Yes I can vouch for that. As I said, my grandfather was captured by the Soviets in Poland and thrown in prison (probably tortured and definately was going to be sent to Siberia). Fortunately he escaped to England, joined the army and sought action on DDay as a mentioned earlier. As for Ukraine (my other grandparents), they've always been under threat from the Russians and my grandparents in WWII were taken from Ukraine to slave labour camps in Germany, never to see home again. That's why I'm in Australia now :) . Yes so while we remember Pearl Harbour let us others who have suffered before us.

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Originally posted by Rumor

just a little tidbit for you history buffs out there:


American ships shot at the japanese long before the japanese air attack hit pearl harbor.


That must be in reference to the Japanese midget submarine trying to come into the harbor an hour and a half before the attack on Pearl Harbor began. I suppose you thought the submarine was delivering a pizza?

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My father's a dentist and recently he went to a seminar with some other dentists. I joined him, and one night, the dentitsts and their families all went out to one big dinner. The wife of one of the dentists is from Kazakhstan and her father served in the Soviet army. When the war was over he and the other Soviet soldiers who survived were going to be sent home by train, but executed along the way. The only way you could escape was if the The U.S., Turkey, or Saudi Arabia paid for a safe harbor for them. The U.S. paid for the father and he went to Turkey and settled down there and raised a family. His daughter was born there and lived there and she eventually married someone from that country. I feel sorry for those other soldiers who were executed.

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