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Happy Birthday Chase & Rhett!


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according to the Birthday list, today is Rhett's & Chase's birthday! The list says its Rhett's 16th and Chase's 20th... i think one of them is lying (the evil twin no doubt :D)




let's party


porn and candy for everyone!



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*looks at birthday list* o_O



But's it's not our birthday until tomorrow. The 18th. :confused: Ah, the forum dates are off.



And it's not my 16th, It's blank. :p



Oh, oh! Also, my name should be before Chase's. That's how it's always said, plus I'm sixty seconds older than he is. :p

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

*looks at birthday list* o_O



But's it's not our birthday until tomorrow. The 18th. :confused: Ah, the forum dates are off.



And it's not my 16th, It's blank. :p



Oh, oh! Also, my name should be before Chase's. That's how it's always said, plus I'm sixty seconds older than he is. :p



stop your yapping and dance with the stripper!



the agency asked me what you would like and i said you were easy... so they sent a one-legged midget chack whore



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Umm... happy birthday. I'm not coming inside your house because I try to avoid strippers... seriously, Siv, what's gotten into you of late? You've turned into this dirty-minded freak-o that's scaring the living daylights out of me on a regular basis...


*tries to ignore all the porn and walks away*

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Happy Birthday Rhett & Chase. I've written you both a special birthday limmerick. :)


There once was a young man from Lucasforums

Who liked to sneak into the ladies dorm rooms

The smile was knocked of his face

When he saw his brother Chase

In bed with his girl and some brooms :eek:



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