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More KOTOR III Possibilty News! (KOTOR MMO Confirmed?)


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  IndianaSolo said:
It's that website's prediction for 2006, nothing more nothing less. It has as much credibility as me making predictions for 2006.


Fallout 3 will be made. It will be real time.


See? That's about as credible as IGN's article is in terms of how much truth there is to it.

You need to make a website though... :)
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No one ever explained HOW this would change the game.


Can someone give me an example of the difference?


How would the game play be different?


Would it be the graphics and the look of movement or the action and fighting or what?


What would be the differences for PC and console users?

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Can someone give me an example of the difference?

Best comparison I can think of (at least for real-time combat) is Morrowind vs TSL..


In Morrowind, when you encounter/engage in combat.. there is no "pausing" and thinking about strategy.. it's a "you better hope you either have quick fingers, proper hot keys, etc.. OR you can run like a mother.." Granted, you can still "switch" your inventory, but there are games out there that don't even allow this. Also, in Morrowind, in order to combat (swing weapon, throw, pull bowstring), something has to be "pressed" per action (ie, button-mashing)


TSL being turn based allows you to "pause", que actions for the entire party then resume based on your choices... no pressing buttons to swing, block etc. No strafing controls, no nothing.. it's all based on a die system where your skills and abilities adjust your "roll" to determine effectiveness and success/fail.


I can only imagine the horror of a real-time scenario with more than one Party Member (excluding the fact that until stoffe fixed it, Pary AI sucked)...


If KotOR III is to be a "true" real-time combat game, it's going to become more of a button-mashing nightmare rather than a storyline driven RPG (IMO) ;)

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  ChAiNz.2da said:
Best comparison I can think of (at least for real-time combat) is Morrowind vs TSL..


In Morrowind, when you encounter/engage in combat.. there is no "pausing" and thinking about strategy.. it's a "you better hope you either have quick fingers, proper hot keys, etc.. OR you can run like a mother.." Granted, you can still "switch" your inventory, but there are games out there that don't even allow this. Also, in Morrowind, in order to combat (swing weapon, throw, pull bowstring), something has to be "pressed" per action (ie, button-mashing)


TSL being turn based allows you to "pause", que actions for the entire party then resume based on your choices... no pressing buttons to swing, block etc. No strafing controls, no nothing.. it's all based on a die system where your skills and abilities adjust your "roll" to determine effectiveness and success/fail.


I can only imagine the horror of a real-time scenario with more than one Party Member (excluding the fact that until stoffe fixed it, Pary AI sucked)...


If KotOR III is to be a "true" real-time combat game, it's going to become more of a button-mashing nightmare rather than a storyline driven RPG (IMO) ;)

Thanks for the explanation! True RPG sounds baaaaaaad.

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  ChAiNz.2da said:
Best comparison I can think of (at least for real-time combat) is Morrowind vs TSL..


In Morrowind, when you encounter/engage in combat.. there is no "pausing" and thinking about strategy.. it's a "you better hope you either have quick fingers, proper hot keys, etc.. OR you can run like a mother.." Granted, you can still "switch" your inventory, but there are games out there that don't even allow this. Also, in Morrowind, in order to combat (swing weapon, throw, pull bowstring), something has to be "pressed" per action (ie, button-mashing)


TSL being turn based allows you to "pause", que actions for the entire party then resume based on your choices... no pressing buttons to swing, block etc. No strafing controls, no nothing.. it's all based on a die system where your skills and abilities adjust your "roll" to determine effectiveness and success/fail.


I can only imagine the horror of a real-time scenario with more than one Party Member (excluding the fact that until stoffe fixed it, Pary AI sucked)...


If KotOR III is to be a "true" real-time combat game, it's going to become more of a button-mashing nightmare rather than a storyline driven RPG (IMO) ;)


I prefer the KOTOR style than Morrowind style. IMO, RPG combat is about strategy (albeit KOTOR's combat was a little too easy to have to worry about strategy), and if you go to full real time there's no chance for real strategy.

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Hey there guys and gals :D I've read this entire forum tonight and would first off like to say !!!MAJOR KUDOS TO KOOKABURRA!!!. Shes found at the very least 60% of the KOTOR 3 news we've heard. I didn't see anyone really thanking her for it either -.- though mabye you guys did. HOWVER considering I did a Find (on this page) search for the word Thank on all 3 threads and in total only found 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 OF WHICH WAS IN SOMEONES SIG. (I HOPE I MISSED SOME -.-) I WOULD SAY SOME OF YOU SHOULD THANK THE PEOPLE WHOM SEARCH TO FIND US OUR KOTOR 3 INFO, AND STOP DOING NOTHING BUT SAYING "I'll believe it when I see it." :firemad: Quick question, do you believe in the wind? I for ONE am extermly glad you find this info for us, THANK YOU ALL.


This Info has brightened my hope for a KOTOR filled future :D

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Thread pruned.


@ JediMasterDeath:

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1. Flaming and name calling is not tolerated here, no matter the reason. If you have a problem with a post or thread, instead of flaming, use the report post button and we will look at the situation and take action if we deem it appropriate.


2. We welcome different opinions on the boards and people have the right to agree and disagree as long as it remains respectful. If people feel skeptical about the reported news, they can say so. It doesn't mean they are not interested or ungrateful. The same goes with your appreciation of what Kookaburra did.


3. Concerning the use of profanity in your posts, do not try to fool the censor. I have edited one of you other posts in another thread.


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Now back on topic everyone.

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Kotor III speculation on knights.com????


posted by Com Raven on main page.



So, you read the bit below about Obsidian Entertainment doing a pure action-combat KotOR 3? Laughed about how crazy that ideas sounds? Alright, then you might be prepared to read this ;)


It seems that Obsidian is hiring a Audio Programmer for an unannounced game. Not too exciting in itself.


It gets more interesting once you look at the details:

Audio Programmer - PS3, XBOX 360, PC

Unannounced - 3rd Person, ACTION, RPG


So, a few days after IGN (who are despite some occasional wacky predictions still a great source for gaming news) proclaims a Xbox360 action-based KotOR 3, we find that Obsidian (the most likely candidate for KotOR 3 since BioWare is busy with its own IPs) is working on an action rpg for the 360, PC (a sure bet for any future KotORs) and the PS3 (with the PS3 having a HDD this time around, a port seems likely).


Feel free to draw your own conclusions, and to discuss them along with the rest of the community on our KotOR III Boards.



Feel free to disagree or agree. :) total speculation.


another interesting thing??? Kotor 3 ?????? (Just a guess)





comes from here:




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  Clone L68362 said:
People have talked about this before and reacted with "What do they mean action RPG?!" Which I don't know why really. KOTOR could be considered an action RPG, there's a lot of...action.
They are refering to the control interface. An action RPG implies a more twitch-based scheme that you would be unable to pause/assign commands.
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Okay Ladies and Gents,


again I have found some more Kotor III rumour/speculation, read this:


Obsidian Working On Next-gen KOTR 3?

According to various reports, Obsidian Entertainment - developing house of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - is currently working on an Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game. Although the actual title hasn't been revealed, chances are at least reasonable that it's the third Star Wars game in the Knights of the Old Republic series, currently labeled KOTR 3. We'll keep you updated if Obsidian makes any official comments.


-Shiva Stella

[postED: 01/16/06]









another linkie





against this is I believe just pure speculation. :)



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OH my we are in for a real Kotor III rumour treat tonight. Of course still take this as a Kotor III rumor. :D


look at this.



Obsidian's Quadruple Set

The dev team behind KOTOR: The Sith Lords has new games in store. What are they?

by Douglass C. Perry



January 17, 2006 - Obsidian Entertainment is currently working on three unannounced role-playing games, according to job listing site Creative Heads.




Comprised of former several Black Isle and BioWare creators, Obsidian appears to be expanding with work expressly for next-generation and PC platforms. One game, listed as a third-person action-RPG for Xbox 360 and PS3, is possibly the third in the Knights of the Old Republic series. Neither LucasArts nor Obsidian would confirm a renewal of their work done on Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords. According to a source close to the development team, Obsidian may not have sealed the deal yet for KOTOR 3.


The second role-playing game listed (Obsidian is looking for an entry-level programmer for this title) is an RPG slated for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. This second RPG is an original intellectual property called Project New Jersey and uses the Unreal 3 Engine, according to Obsidian employees. Along with job postings for Neverwinter Knights 2 (announced in August 2004), Obsidian is also creating an adventure-RPG for Xbox 360 and PS3 (for which it's in search of a senior graphics programmer).


In addition to the Creative Heads listing is Obsidian's own job listings.












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  • 2 weeks later...




I did some more digging and I found this, its a few weeks old but it keep you reading until hopefully something else offical comes up.


Of course take this as another speculation. :)



Silence doesn't always mean inaction. LucasArts is reportedly working quietly on two big name sequels expected late 2006 or early 2007. No major announcements have been made, but IGN has done some digging and turned up some info.










IGN has learned that LucasArts recent silence does not mean inactivity. Infact IGN revealed that LucasArts is infact working on a sequel to the surprise hit Mercenaries for Xbox 360 and PS3.


Also quietly in development is KOTOR 3, with the team at Obsedian still behind the game early news is that players can expect better interaction between NPCs and the main character, also IGN said to expect the fighting system to be completely real time. What is not known at the time is which platform KOTOR 3 will land on, one can hope that Obsedian would make the next gen jump.


We'll bring you more information on Mercenaries 2 and KOTOR 3 as it becomes available.





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