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Overly Emotional? [Spoilers]

Kristy Kistic

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For most of the thing you mentioned, you did get too emotional, IMO.

But when I reloaded to see what would happen if I joined Bastila, I felt so guilty about killing Jolee and Juhani that I couldn't play DS any further for a long time. It wasn't until a later play-through that I learned you could also kill Mission and Zalbaar.

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When I play a female PC I use to pick up the chracter that resembles me the most physically and I just can't go DS (did it once and felt very bad about it). In fact, the only way I can play DS is by picking a PC of the opposite sex so it looks very different from me: it looks more like a movie to me and I feel less involved (still robbing that poor woman on Tatoine feels really cheap, no matter how I am playing)

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The player I always choose is similar to my favorite teacher of all time. And, Doc, I said I got a little emotional on Taris. And the feeling I got when I realized I was Revan was shock, augmented by my misinterpretation of a Walkthrough (It said, "You will see movies which are supposed to show you are Revan"...) and I was going through a natural teen mood swing. It sucked to have mood swings like that, but it happened. And it made DS impossible. So, out of habit, I still go LS, with a single exception: The Bendak Duel on Taris. No pity for that Mandalorian, esp. since b/c of an exploit/bug, you could get 2 Bendak Blasters! And I still got LS Mastery by the 2nd planet. :D

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I started my first ds game about a month ago planning to play full ds all the way through. I keep having to use adddarkside xx because I manage to gain ls points. (Some ds character I am.) I did 3 planets I think and abandoned the game. I doubt I ever will finish it. Playing ls comes natural to me and ds doesn't. Sometimes I had to actually focus on the fact that I was trying to play ds. I never had a problem clobbering the sith or anything, it was those devious things - like when you let Shaardan kill the academy wannabes.

Btw: I know this was another devious and low thing to do, but the single funniest thing in the game to me was when you tell the sith prospect outside the academy that Mekel said his final test was to attack the sith guard. I laughed hard Oh well. :)

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If a story doesn't produce an emotional response, it's generally not a very good story, and then there's pathetic overemotional junk (aka chick flicks)

Fortunately KT's a grey jedi in that regard:D


I kinda saw Trask coming, so the first suprise for me was when the family started asking why you're robbing them, I was like "uhhh, I'm supposed to, right? isn't that what it's there for?" I liked how the story challenged the gameplay design there:D

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Not a bug. You are killing someone for money in an illegal death match.


No, I'm exicuting a goverment contract on a known murderer and all round bad apple. Besides when you talk about bounties Carth says its okay. I'm not saying you should get light side points or anything.

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People can be wrong, you know. The Jedi hold all life sacred, even that of a Sith Lord. Bendak is an ignorant, arrogant fool, and a murderer, but he is not actually evil, he is looking for a challenge, like all Mandalorians. You gave it to him, and had the chance to spare his life. You didn't. Not to mention the fact that the method you had for... executing... that contract was an illegal one. Ajuur had to bribe a lot of people to allow this to happen. Bribery to allow death is wrong.


No, you shouldn't gain LSP for it, but considering all of that, you should get a little DSP. You don't get hit that hard on Taris, and you still can achieve LS Mastery. I play that duel every game, and I still have Mastery by the Laviathan.

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First time I play I am actually not shooting for light side or dark side. So I do some darkside stuff, and some lightside stuff. Eventually I am a little bit more on the light side. So when I saw Bastila on the temple top, I do have to make a hard choice. Thing is, I do spend loads of time flirting with her, and I am afraid I would actually have to kill her... Eventually I did the "right" thing, by following her. It is kinda sad I have to put down Bindo though, he is a nice chap, and I am *really* down when Mission Just won't leave me, and had to be killed(I actually kinda like Mission and did all her quests and such, and even let her bastarrd brother go). It feels good to cheat the Republic together with Batila though. That is like the grand moment!

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Which quest is that? There are many DS and LS quests. Or do you mean the game in general?


It was the Bendak Starkiller quest. I am unaware of any other quest in the game that you just have to walk away from if you don't want any DS points.


Okay, there's the Genohendrain (sp?) too -- the bounty hunters. But that felt a bit different somehow. Maybe it's just because it's later in the game, and I don't care by then. More likely because you can just ignore the Genowhatstis, whereas if you want to finish the duels (which you've already started) and the bounty hunts (which you've probably already started) on Taris, you HAVE to fight Bendak.

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^You're right of course. A dark side point or two doesn't matter -- but the first time I played through, I was angsty about getting any DS points. I had no idea how it was going to effect my balance, or (more importantly) my choices later in the game.


In my defence, when I've gotten other friends to sit down and play KotOR, they got angsty there too :).

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It is reassuring to know that there are others out there who had feelings similar to mine when playing KotOR as a darksider. It just felt wrong! So in effect I guess you could say that I was more emotional when I played DS than when I played LS. The internal conflict that arose in response to my making DS decisions was quite disturbing. Unlike some others who have posted here though I completed the game, my PC having achieved dark side mastery early on (since DS points are so easy to come by). I didn't have much issue with slaying Genoharadan guild leaders, other Sith, Malak, or other DS inclined characters but when it came time to confront Juhani and Jolee... that was very troubling and difficult for me.

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Geez no one can do DS? After I played LS I just loved the slaughter, running into the fight and killing, the robbing people. Does that mean I'm a bad person?

No. All Jedi must know the Darkside in order to fear it. :D


I didn't enjoy the darkside until my second playthrough as a Darksider. The point where I said, "I have to do this again!" is after the final tomb mission on Korriban. Those three student at the entrance who ask us where is Master Uthar. The point that intrigued me is the dialogue option that says, "(Force)Persuade: I am Revan. Bow down before me." Something like that. After I failed, I realized I had to replay the game and choose a class with the most Charisma and Persuade and more force point to put in Mind Tricks and Dominate Mind. I kept trying and retrying everything, starting whole new games putting max points in persuade and charisma, but still no go. But I still wanted those arrogant Sith fools to bow down before me! :sithk:


Then I learned of the KoTOR X-Box glitch. So i glitched ALL the stats I could. Strength, Dex, etc. I settled at 50 as my max! AND STILL THEY WOULD NOT BOW DOWN BEFORE THE DARK LORD REVAN!! I glitched my way to 80, then 100. And still they defied me! I decided one more try. Wisdom and Charisma 180! (I figured 200 would be pointless. 180 would be my last gasp.) And I still failed. So after three months of failure all to be the evilest of Darklords, I was apathetic to the starving family on Tatooine, I killed those piggies in the bar, I killed all the Sandpeople, and slaughtered Griff. I just enjoyed doing bad things. Being the uber-Sith Lord was great. Except those Sith would never bow down before me. :lightning

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