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Favourite Star Wars Video Game???!?


Favorite Star Wars game/series of all time?  

153 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Star Wars game/series of all time?

    • Dark Forces / Jedi Knight Series
    • X-Wing Trilogy / X-Wing Alliance
    • Rogue Squadron Series (1-3 and Battle For Naboo)
    • Rebel Assault series
    • Empire at War
    • KOTOR series
    • Episode III the game
    • Battlefront Series
    • Galactic Battlegrounds / Clone Campaigns
    • Starfighter series (Episode I Starfighter / Episode II Jedi Starfighter)
    • Pod Racer series (Episode I Racer / Racer Revenge)
    • Star Wars Galaxies (including all Expansions)
    • Super Star Wars series (SNES)
    • classic Star Wars arcade games (vector graphics editions, Return of the Jedi Zaxxon clone)
    • Star Wars Arcade series (Star Wars Arcade / Star Wars Trilogy Arcade)
    • Republic Commando
    • Other (please specify)

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Dark Forces 2 + MotS Expansion comes in at number one, with X-wing Alliance at number 2, then Knights of the Old Republic. They all had wonderful stories, even though only one is a game type meant to be focused on story. That's why DF2 and XWA came in over KotOR; they are exceptional examples of their genre.

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  GeneralPloKoon said:
This was a hard poll, I choose the Battlefront series, I almost picked Bounty Hunter...

Bounty Hunter is a good game, though it has no replay value whatsoever.


And, saying this as a KoToR fan, kotor 2 sucked, though it's was a little better in terms of interface and graphics. I basically played the same way through the whole game no matter what I did but it was slightly different each time. The weapon switch is a good addition, tho.


Republic commando was excellent the first time I played it but it needs a modding community something awful, cuz singleplayer sucks and multiplayer is repetitive in my opinion.


I had the demo og galaxies when I bought the best of pac, and i thought it was boring, though it had potential.


The starfighter series wasn't half-bad. I tought it was the best combat flight sim since Ace combat 4. Ace combat 5 pwns all, btw.


Jedi Outcast gets my vote, even though it has lousy graphics compared to games now, but totally pwns, combat- and gameplay-wise. And the saber-realistic cheat is always fun, no matter how many times I've played it. :D


I don't play battlefron often cuz I have on the PS2, and I prefer PC shooters because it's more accurate when sniping, which what I do best. I liked Battlefront 2, but I (by I, I mean my little bro) lost our copy of it, and I haven't played it for about a year.


W00t my longest post ever!!1!


I need a nap

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With the exception of Force Commander, I personally don't think there has been a bad Star Wars game.


But, between all of these choices, I think it would have to be KOTOR, no wait... JK2, no, sorry, Republic Commando...


HECK! All of them are my favorites! :xp:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't played most of these so I'm gonna have to go with the KOTOR series. I tried playing Battlefront but it was just so dull and complicated, I lost interest. Empire At War wasn't much fun either. I guess I'm not a big fan of FPS and strategy games. KOTOR was a blast though. :thmbup1: Those games are amazing.

I love those type of rp games.

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  • 11 months later...

Favourite game is a tie between:


- Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (despite what people may think of it...)




- Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy


As for favourite series:


- Dark Forces / Jedi Knight Series


Although the Battlefront series comes as a close second.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Star Wars: the Arcade Game - and yeah , I'm definitley an oldie. Man , I musta played that thing a thousand times when I was a kid. I think I probally wore out the machine. Just the coolest. I also really loved Revenge of the Sith: the Video Game. That's waz some fun too. Still enjoy playing it.






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  • 3 weeks later...

For me it's definitely the Kotor Series, I love both of them... And modding it it's also great! xD


After kotor probably the JK series, battlefront II (haven't played the first)...


- Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (despite what people may think of it...)


I also like a lot this game ^^ I have to say that it was my first game ever °°

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