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Test how quick you are!


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otherwise, the average was between .240-.350.


Yeah mine fell in the same range. Well actually it was .28-.36

Funny because statistically speaking, females have quicker reflexes than males. I did an experiment in a lab class and the results showed females to be quicker. Go figure. :rolleyes:

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Yeah mine fell in the same range. Well actually it was .28-.36

Funny because statistically speaking, females have quicker reflexes than males. I did an experiment in a lab class and the results showed females to be quicker. Go figure. :rolleyes:

difference is that i play a lot of twitch-oriented games. despite the negative things people say about video games, they do have a knack for increasing your reflexes. that and coffee does tend to make me a bit 'twitchy' to begin with. XD


and those 'heightened' reflexes do indeed come in handy when you're in the middle of a deathmatch on any FPS. ;)

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0.187 seconds. Usually it was 0.203 seconds.

I remember I once got 0.04 I think, but don't take my word.

Funny because statistically speaking, females have quicker reflexes than males. I did an experiment in a lab class and the results showed females to be quicker. Go figure.

It varies from person to person. I doubt that gender has anything to do with it.

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My best is 0.102. Usually it is 0.17-0.18. If iam VERY alert i can get 0.12

However, on different tests, like this one http://www.coolespiele.com/spiel/Reaktionzeit/Sheep-Reaction.html

iam way faster, because the visual signals are stronger.


I use a mouse, but i think you can get faster wiht a touchpad.





I did this in a forum of another game too. The average reaction time of them is faster than the average reaction time here. That other game is a famous funmap of Warcraft III (DotA) which needs and trains reaction as well as other things, so games definitly improve you reaction. Kotor doesnt require reaction, that may be the reason why this community is slower.

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