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Vote KOTOR in the New Fan's Choice Poll!!


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Vote KOTOR on the Poll for the next Fan's Choice action figure to be made. This could be the start of a KOTOR line of action figures if it gets enough popularity. There's a 1/5 chance for KOTOR, let's even up those odds!


Here's the story for those interested:




I personally voted for Bastila. You can't go wrong with that!


I figure this would be the best place to get the KOTOR support going. And especially since Yarna and Quinlan Vos are in the running, KOTOR needs all the votes it can scrounge up. Every vote counts.





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Yeah, but these 25 are actually the results of the first poll, which could have been chosen from anything. So, I guess apparently those 5 are the top dogs in line that the fans want to see get made. But I agree, a Carth would be really cool. And if past polls have been any indication, the others have a very good chance of getting made at a later date. Any of the EU figures would be awesome to see get made (especially ones like Jedi Kyle, Exar Kun and of course KOTOR figures).



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I voted for Darth Revan, coolest looking of the Sith Lords by far... I so would want her and Darth Malak standing in rank with my current Sith Lord quartet of Sidious/Maul/Tyrannus/Vader.


Though a whole line of KotOR figures would be really nice: Darth Revan, Bastila, Mission, Carth, Jolee, HK-47, T3-M4, Canderous, Juhani, Zaalbar, Darth Malak, Yuthura Ban, Uthar Wynn, Mandalorian Warriors (3 Color Variants), Suvam Tan, Vandar, Vrook, Zhar, Dorak, etc. :D

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I voted for Darth Revan, coolest looking of the Sith Lords by far... I so would want her and Darth Malak standing in rank with my current Sith Lord quartet of Sidious/Maul/Tyrannus/Vader.
I voted for Darth Malak. Revan would be cool too but there is that whole gender question that hangs out there unresolved. Would Fan's Choice make a Revan with or without boobies? You know, cuz all female action figures are made with generous bosoms... :smirk2: But then again, maybe they could make both a male and a female Revan and the consumer can buy whichever one they want. *shrugs*
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Revan would be cool too but there is that whole gender question that hangs out there unresolved. Would Fan's Choice make a Revan with or without boobies?

Not necissary, as Darth Revan's outfit is actually genderless, made that way on purpose. Females in armor/armored robes do not have to show their curves. ;)

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