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Play Kotor III online with friends?


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i think it would be cool if u could pay kotorIII online (xbox live) with friends. i know if would probably ruin the storyline of the game but what i was thinking is maybe fit other PC into the online story line now that would b cool. just wanted to know what u guys would think if they changed kotor III into a massive online adventure game.

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I honestly think they should keep it as an immersive single player experience. Otherwise other people could ruin your game. Not only this, but seeing other players walking around might ruin the whole immersed-in-another-galaxy thing.

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Agrees with the above. Also, if they did add MP most likely the SP side of things would suffer.

what u guys would think if they changed kotor III into a massive online adventure game.

Nope. Wouldn't like it at all. Isn't that what LA has SW Galaxies for anyway?

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It would be a good idea if other players wouldn't ruin the expirience by undoubtably speaking out of character and being assholes. So I'd have to be against it.



Though you must admit, KotOR would be better than Galaxies. That game is lame.

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Galaxies is OLD though, new MMO games are vastly superior, about the only thing that makes Galaxies stand out is that it's star wars.


Personally I think missions and quests would be hella fun with other people running around screwing up or fixing things while your doing one or the other. EX: You try to kill some NPC, when another player steps in to stop you, or vice versua. It would IMO make the gameplay alot more dynamic, and add good replay value to the game since it would give reason for players to revisit worlds in order to see if their help is still helping or if somebody has come along and messed things up. All players would have to start out as non-force powered characters, from where they could move on to train on korriban or Dantooine or with someone in some place, or simply play as a non-force powered character completly. I'm sure plenty of people would enjoy playing as a gun-toting warrior over a lightsaber-weilding Jedi/Sith.

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  Lord Foley said:
Although, it would be cool if they made the game multiplayer but not online. Think about it- you can play through the story line with a friend.


you mean co-op? At that point you could set it up for LAN play and multiple people, whole teams, and then youronly one step short of online.

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  Lord Foley said:
Although, it would be cool if they made the game multiplayer but not online. Think about it- you can play through the story line with a friend.

Even if if it was merely LAN coop I wouldn't want it. In order to do any kind of multiplayer they would have to compromise on the singleplayer.

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  Revan435 said:
i think it would be cool if u could pay kotorIII online (xbox live) with friends.
No no no no no. No.


  Revan435 said:
know if would probably ruin the storyline of the game
Yes. Now you've got it.


Never played Neverwinter Nights? It was designed for just what you have suggested. As a result, the player character was the most dry, boring, undeveloped character ever. The player is only a vessel for telling the story of another character, and while that worked great for NWN (I loved it) I just don't believe it would work very well for KotOR. Multiplayer compatibility is just not worth what it would limit the storyline to.


  Revan435 said:
just wanted to know what u guys would think if they changed kotor III into a massive online adventure game.
Well then it would have no story. Massively multiplayer games never end, and thus can not possibly have anything but the weakest of plots. It might be good for something that, say, mimics the Mandolorian Wars, or the Sith war, but for anything more specific than that it just wouldn't work at all. And about it competing with Galaxies... well, considering how bad SOE slaughtered it, I think it's a moot point ;).


  Jae Onasi said:
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Golden words of wisdom, as usual.
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Im sure they'l try to blend Kotor into galaxies anyway, they have put everything else into it. I tell ya, when i look at the original game box, it's like another game. Still i think maybe a seperate room on planets like a cantina where you go into and there are other players, they cannot go outside of it into your world but players can meet inside this cantina whilst inside the single player. They can then chat and socialise then go outside the cantina back into the singleplayer world they just left off. Damn spiffy idea if you ask me.

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The only things you could have for multiplayer would have to be pazaak and swoop racing (which actually would be kind of cool). How would you fight each other though? You couldn't pause the game and choose the next couple of moves to make. It would be very difficult. And you definitely couldn't play through the story online. Think about if the first two were online. You would have hundreds of Revans and Exiles all running around doing the same quests, with hundreds of the same party members....it would be completely retarded.

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No. This idea is almost as bad as 'make it an FPS' or 'make it a sidescroller with beautiful and lush 16 colour enviroments'.


Edit: This is probably the 7th time this 'new' idea has come up in this forum. I haven't read the rules in a while, so I have to ask: is it mandatory to repeat a topic whenever you join these forums?

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Tell me one ONLINE rpg which comes close to Kotor storywise.


The only option for online play would be like Baldurs gate coop mode. But that would require re balancing of the game, something I wouldn't like the devs to spend time with.


Kotor is one of the few great single player rpgs.. almost all new developers decide to try out the "new" MMORPG genre... all thanks to World of Warcraft's tremendous success.

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I would like to see some option where your character can be removed from the storyline and pitted against other user's characters, either with a seperate "arena" mode choosing a gamesave to load the character, or a small hidden part of the game where, if you are connect to the internet, you can eat several mushrooms and be transported to a trippy schizoid realm with basically the same formula as the first.


At some point an Old Republic RPG, not affiliated directly with the KotOR storyline would be interesting.

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The day that the Kotor series goes multiplayer will be the day the KOTOR franchise crumbles and falls. Oh sure there will be your JO/JA/JK hangers on who think that FPS and multiplayer head to head is the only type of decent game. However for a good immersive storyline for a completely original SW based game going away from the single player perspective that the KOTOR games have established would be the worst thing they could do. Now I wouldn't be adverse to them completing the kotor trilogy as single player immersive. Then after that developing a SW MMORPG that is Kotor based. That would be ideal. But first complete the trilogy.

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