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Dagobahn Eagle

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I just noticed this upcoming film Flyboys (yes, I'm slow at spotting things sometimes). It's a World War I movie about a squadron of American fighter pilots. Apparently, it's the first WW I movie from the US in 40 years (I suppose the world might be tiring of World War II for the time being, though I don't count on it).


Watching the trailer, one thing struck me significantly: What the Heck are those Africans doing there?! Were they allowed in the air force in World War I? I kinda doubt it (if they were, feel free to correct me). Other than that, it looks pretty Hollywood-ish, with flash and guns over historical correctness or other good features.


What do you all think of it? Myself, I'm cautiously intrigued.

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  Chase Windu said:
I'm not a big fan of war movies. Ever since the Pearl Harbor movie I've been really turned off of them. Band of Brothers is pretty kick @$$ though. Flyboys doesn't really interest me though. I'll give it a chance though.

Those 3 'though's in a row annoy me immensely.


Not too interested in this, I actually sort of agree with Chase. Pearl Harbour sucks.

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it's about ****ing time they make WW1 movies...i know little of that war myself....some guy gets assassinated and it started something or other...tanks and planes make an appearance....i'm wondering if the movie will have the red baron, saw something cool on history or military channel about him.

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I didn't really think Pearl Harbor was all that bad. Forgive me for not going purely to see heads blown off :p


It was a nice attempt to do something other than blow up stuff.


Anyway, I like the look of this movie, trailer had some clever dialogue. "Did you er, slip there, killer?" and I want James Franco to be a better actor, so hopefully this works for him.

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Okay to stay off topic, yes the love story in Pearl Harbor was cringe worthy at best, but what it did do right was the air scenes. They were intense as all hell and just plain fun to watch. If they had focused more on a tour of duty with the pilots instead of some sitcom style love triangle it would have been a much better movie.


Now from the preview of flyboys (which nobody has bothered linking to yet) it looks like they are going to focus on the tour of duty/training etc. Sure they show a love story happening, but it doesn't seem to focus on that.


The air scenes in the preview alone gave me goosebumps so I'm hoping they do it right in the real thing. I mean how can you not think it's awsome watching a bunch of bywings materializing out of the sun to butcher those below. Pretty cool stuff.


Anyway, according to IMDB, it's rated PG-13 which means it's not super kid friendly and is 139 minutes long. (over two hours also not kid friendly.)


So while I'm not saying it's definately gonna be great, I'm thinking they might just do this one right and redeem low altitude fighter plane movies. (F-18s flying at 30,000 feet just doesn't look intense)


I'll definately give it a go

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FINALLY.. a link!


WW1 air combat could be pretty cool.. the last one i can think of is Biggles... and they ruined that by inserting some pointless yank into it because apparently its not the done thing in a hollywood movies to have a brit as the star of a movie about a british flying ace. :(


*watches trailer*


Hmm.. Interesting prospect.. glad they seem to have managed to cram EVERY cliche in the book into it.. american hero pilots, stiff brits, black guy overcomes prejudice and at least one romance (oh yay!) . Seeing as its from the producer of the Patriot i wonder if it will turn out that the evil brits are behind everything after all, and then the americans will win the war, capture the enigma, get the girl and single handedly win the battle of britain while they are at it?


Oh, and run along the top of an exploding zepelin of course.. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Off topic, we watched pearl harbor last year in my US history class, and I was absent the first day, so all I had to do was sit through 20 minutes of love story and the rest of action. I loved the action in the movie, it was intense, edge of your seat worthy stuff.


That said, I do hope to see this one day. Probably won't see it in theatres, but I'll watch it when it comes out on DVD.

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Just got back from this one. Pretty darned good IMO. Great action scenes. Good acting. Great story and pacing, with only a slightly awkward romance for a bit. Just as I'd hoped, they really focused on the pilots and their training/missions rather than their personal lives and it's got a good payoff for their efforts. 4/5 in my book. Check it out. It's worth it.




You'll get it if you see it. :D

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  The Seeker said:
Just got back from this one. Pretty darned good IMO. Great action scenes. Good acting. Great story and pacing, with only a slightly awkward romance for a bit. Just as I'd hoped, they really focused on the pilots and their training/missions rather than their personal lives and it's got a good payoff for their efforts. 4/5 in my book. Check it out. It's worth it.




You'll get it if you see it. :D

I saw it this weekend also. The movie was pretty exciting during the dogfights which had been described as a knife fight in a phone booth. I believe the core of the story was probably developed around the main character's romance and heroics that resulted in a receiving a medal. As such, the romance probably receives a bit more attention than was necessary. I would've liked to have heard more "filler" discussions in regarding air tactics from either the commanding officer or Cassidy, the squadron leader. Simple lines like "you have a better advantage from above" or "the Germans like to swoop down with the sun behind them" could have added a lot. Cassidy's character had more room to grow -- they built him up as mysterious and left him at that. All that said, I enjoyed the movie a great deal, and all the more so that it was "inspired by the true story".

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