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Malak Vs Traya

Diego Varen

Malak Vs Traya  

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  1. 1. Malak Vs Traya

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Due to the success of my Sion Vs Nihilus Thread, I've decided to do a Malak Vs Traya Thread. Who do you prefer? I prefer Traya, since I found her character a lot more evil and she managed to calculate everything, but Malak was just some cyborg who laughed and was defeated easier than Traya (For me). Discuss here.

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Same with me. Besides, Malak and Sion share much similarites, and Traya was able to enslave Sion on Malachor V (possibly by using the Dominate Mind Power). So, I'd assume Malak too would become Traya's slave.


Malak had no plan other than to crack the Republic wide open using the Star Forge. Traya had no superweapon, but was able to destroy the Jedi Order by helping to establish the Sith Assisans and the Shadow War. Traya also was able to contorl you, the player, throughout the game...In K2, Darth Traya won and accomplished her goals (training the Exile, by manliputing her)...In K1, Malak is, in his own words, "nothing".

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Malak. I prefer Malak because he's not that evil. Well, I don't like Traya because she manipulated us along.


"Wipe this pathetic planet from the face of the galaxy"


*cues millions of deaths*


not that eveil? yeah, sure...

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Character wise - Traya for sure. Manipulative, intelligent... Traya was an interesting character.


But the final battle against Malak was way better than the final battle against Traya.


Malak's duel has great music, atmosphere and style, the dialog with Malak is cool as well.


Whereas Traya has some bugged lines to offer, and she's weak, just like the music sucks.

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In terms of who I would like to win, Malak; Because he was quite a good character and the idea that he could have been redeemed because he wasn't truely evil was a thought that always lingered in my head.


In actuality, I would have to say that Traya would destroy him; if not by manipulation, then in battle with her telekenetic lightsaber combat. I simply don't like Traya's overuse of the Sith trait of manipulation, and the only way I would be more comfortable with her around is if she turned out to be Kae :D (But that's another topic, and then she would definately win hands down.)

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Malak's a very good bad guy, but he's a complete cliche. While that's not always bad, Kreia was a much more original (and interesting) character than another Dark Lord who's going to destroy everyone. The fact that she fell from the dark side to absolute nihilism was interesting to say the least, as was how she manipulated events throughout the game to serve her own purposes. Malak was a well and good enemy, but Kreia seemed to have a much greater hand in the course of the story.


That, and I think the manipulative Sith are cooler than the brutish ones.

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"Wipe this pathetic planet from the face of the galaxy"


*cues millions of deaths*


not that eveil? yeah, sure...


Oh, come on...Not that evil relating to Traya. You catch what I mean? I mean Darth Traya was planning to wipe out the whole Force, compared to the Force, to destroy millions of deaths would be piece of cake.

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Oh, come on...Not that evil relating to Traya. You catch what I mean? I mean Darth Traya was planning to wipe out the whole Force, compared to the Force, to destroy millions of deaths would be piece of cake.


So how many deaths are the preservation of the Force worth? We don't know much about the Force, so it's not such an easy comparison to make.


Besides, we really should consider Kreia's motives. She hates the Force because it imposes its own will on people and decides who will live and die, and she wants to throw off that oppression and free people from its control. So is she an evil mass-murderer or a misunderstood liberator?


I'm not going to claim that she's actually benevolent, because she is willing to manipulate, sacrifice and even kill others to reach her goals, but there are people who see her as such, and certainly there are extenuating circumstances to consider for her. Malak, however, just wants to blantantly kill whomever is his way pureful for the sake of his own benefit and power. Casually destroying an entire planet like that to get just one person (Bastila) demonstrates a frightful lack of concern for the lives of innocent people. Kreia on the other hand, wants to destroy the Force for the sake of those innocent people, or at least so she claims. I don't entirely trust her motives, but it is conviction on her part and not merely evil for evil's sake.

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@Architect-Jar Jar and Zaalbar kick @$$. Meesa tink yousa homo. And Disciple..meh. He sucks.

(Just kidding about the homo thing. I wanted to speak like Jar Jar)


Jar-Jar and Zaalbar...kick ass? Haha! Thanks for the laugh. And my reply to Jar-Jar:


Me: "(Mockery) Meesa think you are retarded and you make crappy jokes. Now, since it's an established fact that the galaxy will be better off without you, you will die now."


Jar-Jar: "Meesa gonna die!"


*Cuts off Jar-Jar's odd looking head*


Of course, I am just joking too :)

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