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-> Nationality - American born and bred. My heritage stems from Germany, Italy, and England.


-> Basic political tenants - A Conservative Democrat. I believe in many of the same things as the republicans, but also push for many of the liberal changes. I guess I'm not really either. I just agree with what I think is right.


-> Religion - Lutheran, a protestant sect of Christianity.


-> Major issues you believe in - I believe in many things, the foremost is Pro-GetoutofIraq.



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Nationality: South Carolinian American!!!


Political Alignment: Morally Conservative, Socially Liberal


Religion: Pentecostal Christian


Sensitive Political Issues:

  • Alternative Fuel Source (namely ethanol for short term and hydrogen long term)
    Healthcare needs more government involvement to help those that can't afford it
    Pro capital punishment (i'm not a big believer in the American Prison system, either)
    Highly disapprove of the War in Iraq despite my support for our troops
    The Education system needs reform instead of money constantly being thrown at it

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-> Nationality - Canadian. Father's Dutch, Mother's side is British.


-> Basic political tenants - I'm fairly liberal - I'm pro gay marriage, and I'm not completely against abortion. But there are also things, like divorce, that I'm extremely conservative about. If you're looking for an upper-case C or L answer, you won't really get one from me...


-> Religion - Non-denominational Christian attending Presbyterian worship.


-> Major issues you believe in - Anything I say here will just be flame bait for the American populace of the forums. No comment.

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Nationality: American.


Political/economic inclination: Socialist, very leftist


Religion: None (atheist)


Political stances:


Pro-alternative fuel sources (surprise...)

Extremely anti-war


Pro-capital punishment

Getting national health care (but not Hillary's plan)

Pro-gay marriage

Serious reform within the educational system (giving it extra money is moot when the schools won't use it right)

Pro-stem cell research


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  • 5 months later...

Let me see here...


-> Nationality: Australian, Aboriginal


-> Basic political tenants: Get rid of Howard for hell's sake, Bush too.


-> Religion: Atheist, although how far I am with this I am really not sure.


-> Major issues you believe in: There are no winners in conflict, if you are nice to people they are nice to you in return, rather than force people to act you let them make their own decisions, rather than force change you manipulate so they do so willingly, never ever ever let anyone see you bleed, rather than attack someone in the wrong provide them with enough rope to hang themselves.

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Nationality: I'm a citizen of the world!:p If you insist on splitting hairs, I'm Malaysian, ethnic Chinese.


Basic Political Tenets: Like igyman, I don't have much faith in politicians. I have yet sense any sincerity from them in matters like wanting to improve the country, and the inane comments that some politicians make hardly helps. Contrary to what they think, most people do have a passable amount of reason.


Religion: Roman Catholic, but not always in agreement with the church's stand on things. And Christian is Christian anyway, why do they have to be so nitpicky?:/


Major Issues:

Climate change is obviously a major issue. It's getting hotter every year in the tropics.



I'm all for universal healthcare


Pro capital punishment for this person

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Nationality: Proud citizen of the United States of America, specifically the Appalachian region of KY.


Political tenets: Libertarian, but I'll sometimes support a Paleoconservative.


Religion: None.


Major issues I believe in: Individual freedom, states' rights, federalism, seperation of church and state, non-interventionism, constitutional government, personal independence, egoism, national defense, abolition of the welfare state, fair taxation, capitalism. I also strongly support the right to own firearms, which I think is a cornerstone of modern democracy.


I could almost be called an objectivist, but I disagree with Rand on a few points. I think protective tariffs may be necessary in the near future to help rebuild American industry, and I think co-operation with those who follow different ideologies is necessary in politics, whether I give them a "sanction" or not.

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Nationality: American


Basic political tenets: Uh, I dunno. Don't particularly care to define them. Politically apathetic covers it, I think.


Religion: Raised Roman Catholic, really more of an agnostic now. I'd like to believe there's some higher power, but I'm not so sure he's what Christians have made him out to be.


Major issues you believe in: Get our troops the hell out of the Middle East. That's basically it.

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Nationality: American


Basic political tenants: I vote for whoever sucks the least.


Religion: I was raised to be some sort of Christian I think. Don't remember, don't care. Don't do religion.


Major issues you believe in: Get the old farts out of the government and let the young bloods take over. The current people are way out of touch with this century.


Also, let's get our troops out of Iraq. Let's stop "spreading freedom and democracy" or whatever he's calling it. Let's mind our own damn business. If Iran does anything stupid, just bomb the crap out of them, don't waste soldiers.


I'd like our country to not be in debt for trillions of dollars. How about alternative fuels? We should research new technology across the board.


Pretty much everything I think.

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Nationality: Finnish


Basic political tenants: I suppose you could say I'm advocate of Anarcho-syndicalism, Libertarian socialism, and Social Democracy. I'm very mixed leftist. But I despise soviet communism.


Religion: Religion is a complex issue, they teach good things and bad, great things and hidious things, but I say we should always question everything, so that it wont become a religion.


Major issues you believe in:


I believe in the ideas of Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Adam Smith, Alexander von Humboldt, Bakunin and so forth. I don't entirely agree with any of them. I strongly advise you to read these people.

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Nationality: "I am a citizen, not of Athens or Greece, but of the world" - Socrates.

...But I was born in the United States.


Basic political tenants: Democracy is dependent upon an educated and well-informed citizenry. Questioning authority is the ultimate exemplification of patriotism. People are fallible, therefore checks and balances are necessary. Change should be made cautiously, but never delayed or aborted in the name of maintaining the status quo. Extend presidential terms to 6 years and set term limit to 1.


Religion: None.


Major issues you believe in: Less television, more books. Promotion of social values that emphasize rationality and moral behavior. I think everything fits nicely under that umbrella.

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Just so we know each others' core beliefs, go ahead and post your:


-> Nationality-American, no surprise there.


-> Basic political tenants-registered Democrat, moderate in ideology


-> Religion agnostic-leaning atheist.


-> Major issues you believe in

-That religion, gay rights, abortion, and all those social issues are NOT things the government should be dealing with.

--religion is personal

--who you love is a right of all people and marriage is a secular institution

--abortions are personal decisions to be made by the woman(and the father if there is one), not some rights group a thousand miles away.

-That governments should be afraid of their people and not the other way around.

-That all people should have basic medical coverage, and not the kind where they're forced to pay insane private corporation costs for crappy coverage.

-That the death penalty is still useful.

-that our freedom is the most important thing we have.

-that the existance of two giant corporations does not mean neither has a monopoly.

-that public schools and a good education is second only to our freedom.

-that higher taxes may be required of us to better our country

-that the government needs to be smaller and more focused.

-that higher education should be FAR easier to afford, and that race should be meaningless, only your performance and goals matter.

-that american workmanship used to be something to be proud of, now thanks to unions and corporations it's total not, but it should be.

-many, many others.

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Nationality: American.


Political Views: I'm a Conservative. I wouldn't call myself a Republican, with the crap the Republican Party is fielding this coming election, I'd ALMOST rather have a Democrat. Almost.


Religion: Non-Denominational Protestant Christian.


Major Issues:


I'm Anti-Choice. Pro-Life. Whatever. This is my really big one. Few things make my stomach churn as much as this. You had sex and got pregnant. 99% chance it's your fault, and if you got raped, it's probable that the stress of it would cause you to miscarry anyway. Cases of Rape and Incest my ass. Women don't have the right to kill their kids because they're an inconvenience, there's an adoption system in place for a reason. Also, why should the kid have to pay because Dad's a bastard?


Anti-Affirmative Action. It's Racist. Sexist, too. Why should race or sex play a factor in where you can get hired or taught? It has nothing to do with it. It should be a meritocracy. People make way too much of racism nowadays, it's more or less stamped out. At least, when it comes to whites hating.


Pro-Video Games. Screw you Hillary. Even if I didn't loathe all your other views, that one alone would mean you'll never see my vote.


Anti-Illegals: They come crawling over the border, why can't they bother to learn our language or get a visa? It's not that I have a problem with people coming to America, I can understand why you would want to share in the bliss that is the United States of America, but please, do it legally.


Pro Patriot Act: Okay, not really Pro-Patriot Act, more like ambivalent. People whine about it, but let's face it, I don't think anyone who complains about it has ever actually noticed it in action.


Anti-Conspiracy: No, I don't mean I'm Anti-Shadow Government, I mean I hate crap like Loose Change. I love the Shadow Government. Smoking Man is like an uncle to me. But seriously, the fact that anyone has survived posting one of these theories is proof enough that they're wrong. If they were right, black-suited men would have arrived at their door, shot them, burned the bodies, killed anyone who had heard, and deleted all evidence. If they're evil enough to attack their own country for some kind of poorly established personal gain, they'd have no compunction towards doing that.

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Nationality: Finnish


Basic political tenants: I suppose you could say I'm advocate of Anarcho-syndicalism, Libertarian socialism, and Social Democracy. I'm very mixed leftist. But I despise soviet communism.


Major issues you believe in:


I believe in the ideas of Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Adam Smith, Alexander von Humboldt, Bakunin and so forth. I don't entirely agree with any of them. I strongly advise you to read these people.


Yes! I thought I was the only Libertarian Socialist (Anarcho-Communist/Syndicalist) here! Life is getting better.





Political Views:

Libertarian Socialist, Libertarian Communist, Anarcho-Syndicalist, Anarcho-Communist (or: Anarchist)... there's a lot I would be "considered". I'd rather be recognized as an individual and not as a statistic in a group though.



Buddhist/Agnostic (Lots of Taoism in the mix)... used to be a christian... I'd rather call my mutt of religion: spirituality.


Major issues I believe in:


There's a hell of a lot of "Anti's" in there. Read up on - Buenaventura Durruti, Emma Goldman, Peter Kropotkin, Karl Marx, and Noam Chomsky. You'll get an idea.

First and foremost, I strive for Peace, Tolerance, Equality, Anti-Fascism, and Anarchism. Pro-Earth and Animal Rights too... but, everyone probably already knew that. :p

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Nationality: Canadian (Taíno/African/British/German descent)




Taino? From where? ... Which Island?


-> Nationality: Puertorrican (Not American, I don’t considerate myself as American) ... from Spanish/Basque/German and Taino heritage too...


-> Basic political tenants: uh... hmmm good question ... Anarchism.


-> Religion: well I can say I have my own point of view.


-> Major issues you believe in: God

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Just a question, Padawan - do you live in the U.S.?

No, I live in Puerto Rico ... and don’t tell me that PR is part of USA(like all the people say) we have a commonwealth which I would prefer to have independence redder than being a damn COLONY of USA.

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