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2012 the end of the world?


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Okay this is kinda freaky, and before you say 'oh no, not another Nostradamus prediction', just read what I have to say. It partly involves him, but not completely. It's a number of factors that all add up to be quite disturbing.


So I was watching the History Channel and it had a program about the Aztecs, and one of the facts pointed out was that the Aztec calendar stopped at 2012.


Not long ago an Italian man discovered some illustrations by Nostradamus (the book The Nostradamus Code covers the predictions), and the last 7 illustrations have been discovered to point to the end of the world. And guess what year he predicts it to happen... 2012.


Then I watched a program about the Universe and in particular the Sun. The sun changes the alignment of it's magnetic poles every 11 years, and when that happens there is an extremely high risk of a 'perfect' solar storm. One which when aligned perfectly with the earth can cause great damage. What that means for our electronic age if that happens scientists can only guess, but lets just say it won't be pretty. The last one happed in 2001, so the next one is due in 2012.


Oh and I just have to mention this because it was such an amazing coincidence. I turned on my 360 after watching the program about the Sun and clicked on Inside News and there was a thing for Earth Assault demo or whatever it's called, and the text started with "In 2012 there will be a massive battle".

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For the Aztecs: We actually saw a video about that waaaaay back in 6th grade when we were learning about Ancient Native American civilizations. I actually remember it really well. Didn't they say something like December 22nd 2012 specifically? Its kind of scary.


I've never heard about the Nostradamus predictions, but that's really interesting.


And as for the sun changing its alignment, I have heard about this. In fact the movie "Frequency" with Jim Caviezel and Dennis Quaid dealt wit the topic of the suns magnetic poles switching every 11 years and how it can mess with the atmosphere and everything. It was pretty interesting overall.


Also, from a Biblical perspective if anyone's interested, the four major events in the Bible happen every 2000 years, and Christ's death was (approximately... we never know how well the Calender was kept up during the Dark Ages) just about 2000 years ago. Interesting.

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All bull. Aztecs simply couldn't continue calculating more and more days into the calendar so they stopped at some point. Also, Nostradamus is full of ****, and those who translate his predictions are total asses. The world should have ended at any one time. Y2k and June 6th, 2006 are examples. It's all bull, there is no reason for the world just to simply end.


And sorry if you think I'm being a little bitchy, I've just seen this kind of thread over a dozen times on Facepunch Forums, they never stop fighting over it.

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So, basically, we all have 4 years to lose our virginity?


A. I'm gonna need a lot more time that 4 years

B. I'll believe the world is ending when Jesus starts tapdancing on my porch. So sorry 2012, You'll just be the year I start college, not the year the world implodes and devils rise from hell and take us to the apparently nonexistant purgatory. I'd better start learning the fiddle to make my way in hell.

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Ah yes, 2012. Lots of stuff happening that year. I've been keeping track...



- 2012 Olympics


- US Presidential Election


- Us Senate Election


- US House election


- French Presidential Election


- Mexican Presidential Election


- Leapyear


- Eros passes Earth


- The Queen's Diamond Jubilee


- South Korea gains control of its military


- Last solar transit of the planet Venus of this century


- Earth will be home to 7 billion people (according to census)


- Mayan Calender ends


- Kyoto Protocol Expires


- I turn 21


...to name a few. But yeah, I doubt the world will end.

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I have a great spot already picked out for 2012.


Also some more

on 2012 and Planet X/Nibiru.


Some believe that this is a survivable event. While others, like me, believe that everything and everyone will be wiped off the Earth. And life will begin all over again.


There are plenty of videos and research to back most of the theory if you Google it.


And I was thinking about making a thread about this last week but opted not to because I thought there wouldn't be any interest in it.


Good job leXX for stepping up! :thumbsup:

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All bull. Aztecs simply couldn't continue calculating more and more days into the calendar so they stopped at some point. Also, Nostradamus is full of ****, and those who translate his predictions are total asses. The world should have ended at any one time. Y2k and June 6th, 2006 are examples. It's all bull, there is no reason for the world just to simply end.


And sorry if you think I'm being a little bitchy, I've just seen this kind of thread over a dozen times on Facepunch Forums, they never stop fighting over it.



I'm not saying I believe it by any means, and I doubt leXX is either, rather I think she is just pointing out the sheer coincidence of it all.


Also, according to what I watched back in middle school, they didn't just "stop calculating" the calender, but they actually predicted some sort of meteor colliding with Earth viciously tearing apart the planet, ravaging the landscape, completely altering the climate, obliterating countless creatures and lifeforms, and basically ending life as we know it.


Oh well.

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So a dead culture that brought us both human sacrifice and the year of our destruction should be trusted. Right... and Santa Clause is real, too, I swear.


And yeah, I understand the point of leXX and the spooky coincidences, but I personally just wanna take a lead pipe who really believe in this Armageddon crap. The end of the world has been predicted dozens of times and we're still here.


Anyway, I don't see how the sun's polar orientation has anything to do with a meteor striking us.

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Anyway, I don't see how the sun's polar orientation has anything to do with a meteor striking us.


It doesn't. It's merely one of many phenomenons to make sure we're bloody ****ing dead. Solar flares, meteors, nuclear bombs, Fox News, famines caused by errant genetically altered plant, diseases caused by errant genetically altered bacteria and viruses, diseases caused by errant mass application of antibiotics that speed up the evolutionary process into creating Super AIDS, angels, demons, anti-christs, terrorists, weapons of mass destruction, global warming, ice age, aliens, mythical planets on the polar opposite of the sun, democrats, illegal immigration, Canadians, peak oil, toxic pollution, ect.


Yeah, we're ****ed.

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I've been laughing about this along with my brother for a long time now. The Mayan/Aztec calendar thing, along with Nostradomus, plus the Bible Code (I think) then one more thing that had to do with St. Malachy's predicted popes (the last one supposedly on 2012). I think it was called the "Prophecy of the Popes" or something. Basically if any of the "last times" prophecies will come true it would be this one. Of course it's all crap, but if we live past 2012, we can pretty much rest easy. :p


My uncle seems to think the coming of the end times will be next Saturday (seriously).


He also thinks heaven is on Saturn.



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Only God knows when the end will be.


No one else.




I weight the scientific evidence against faith. DON'T GET ME WRONG. I believe there is a god, but my "faith" lies with the amounts of evidence that show that something might happen in 2012.


It's a 51/49 split.

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