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K1 Enhancement Pack


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I thought that was Matales, with an a?


Heh, a mistake on my part. Now that I think about it, Metales actually sounds very funny. :D;) Anyway, I'm too lazy to fix the screenshot, so Metales it is. :D


EDIT: I've fixed the name anyway. It would keep bugging me (that little annoying voice inside) if I wouldn't. :D


Oh, will the Bastila parts of this mod work with Silveredge9s Bastila Dark Side Head Reskin?


No, but you can make it compatible if you want. Just some renaming, copying and deleting is required. :p Basically, all you'll need from his mod is the skin (which has to be renamed). My mod takes care of everything else without modifying Bastila's .utc (to ensure compatibility with hundreds of other Bastila mods).

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Man...there's so many big good mods coming out for both games...and it seems like it'll be a while before they're done...how will I ever get a chance to do the most awesome playthrough of KOTOR ever when I have to wait for these and then download them all and then make sure none of them conflict...oh jeez.

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Man...there's so many big good mods coming out for both games...and it seems like it'll be a while before they're done...how will I ever get a chance to do the most awesome playthrough of KOTOR ever when I have to wait for these and then download them all and then make sure none of them conflict...oh jeez.


Terrible times, indeed. :D


so this will be compatible with WotOR?


Yes, I'm making sure of that. It'll also be compatible with BOS (not sure about to sequel, naturally), Recruitable Kay (provided that you don't install my Juhani mod, of course), and some other smaller mods.


i love that belaya head


im going to convert it in to a selecteble pc head when this is released

good job:D


Just remember that you have redrob to thank for the head model (he made the changes to the PFHC01 model). I only reskinned her.

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Ok cool this doesnt edit the Dantooine Crystal Cave module or anything does it? Because the Viridian Color Crystal K1 mod I requested does and it would be hard to change it myself so it is compatible.


Basically all hes doing is reskinning (and, in the case of some, having RR remodel them) to make skins more... top quality. It shouldn't make changes to the Cave.

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Basically all hes doing is reskinning (and, in the case of some, having RR remodel them) to make skins more... top quality. It shouldn't make changes to the Cave.


It's a bit more than that, but still... you're right about the cave. :xp: I'm doing my best not to replace any modules, but just the contents in them. This wouldn't always be possible without the scripts... bless them. :D

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Ok cool this mod is still fo 100% going to stay in my drive (well as long as KotOR is there too) Good work Alex. Just saw the lower city. Very nice I especially like their blue armor do you think it would be possible to give it to you once you SPOILERSSPOILER kill the Bek leader (is his name Zaadar) or once you bring back the Accelerator to him.

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About the chiss thing maybe the eyes could be a couple of shades greyer they seem to evil or Sithy.


Clearly my flu is getting to me as I'm going to have one of my rare harsh moments: generally your posts in this thread have been pointless - and just constantly bug SA with what are frankly pointless questions and revealed you hadn't bothered to read the rest of the the thread as you bugged SA about doing things he was already going to do. Now I'm sorry but as a skinner generally a criticism that comes in a post that short tends to be something I wouldn't listen to. I generally have a rule that if someone fails to put enough effort into a post, then should they be listened too?


As regards your general complaint, Chiss look like this; http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/77/Thrawn.jpg if they are evil or not is irrelevant as their race 'looks' mean. Not that you can really tell that much from appearances, after all Ted Bundy was a rather good looking fellow, and Winston Churchill looks like an ugly dog.


[/End Rant]

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Yes I can see how some of my questions were pointless but has SA ever had a complaint about them and I was never asking or try to get SA to add something or do something for me just suggest things as many people on the thread were doing as well and SA even said Sure, I guess that makes sense. Thank you for the picture as I was not sure what a chiss looks like. I will try to add more worth into my questions to avoid confrontation again or possible flame wars :p

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I finally found some time (and will) to reskin the Dark Jedi. So far, I only have females to show; the males shouldn't look much different, though (except that there will be three different Jedi Master variants due to the fact that there are more DJ males than females in the game [blasphemy :p]).


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DJ Apprentice is on the left and DJ Master is on the right. If you have some *constructive* criticism, I would be glad to hear it. I'm unlikely to make any major changes (because I quite like it the way it is), but I'm willing to do some small modifications.

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If you have some *constructive* criticism, I would be glad to hear it. I'm unlikely to make any major changes (because I quite like it the way it is), but I'm willing to do some small modifications.


I think you're correct; you don't need to change thier outfits, since they seem to be well thought out, balanced, and provide enough contrast so that there is detail yet have an overall darkness to them.


The only thing that ever really bothered me about the Dark Jedi, was that they all seem to be caucasian. It would be a nice touch to have some variation in the skin tones, but I realize that it would mean having 2 or 3 times as many tga files (download size considerations) for a minor detail. Just food for thought :)


Keep up the great work SA :D


Edit: :bluidea: maybe you could incorporate the Sith logo into the armour somewhere (perhaps the shoulder plate?). It would look wicked cool in shiny silver.

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Are they colored for rank? Like, is the burgundy colored one master?




The only thing that ever really bothered me about the Dark Jedi, was that they all seem to be caucasian. It would be a nice touch to have some variation in the skin tones, but I realize that it would mean having 2 or 3 times as many tga files (download size considerations) for a minor detail. Just food for thought :)


That's an interesting proposition. I would do it if you could actually speak to more than two female DJ in the game :D (maybe there's more, I can't quite recall). I might do something with the males, though; I like the idea.


Them Dark jedi are just plain awsome


Teach me you're skinning secrets :D


There are no great secrets, really. The more you use Photoshop, the better you get. It just takes time and patience, that's all.


I wouldn't call myself and expert by any stretch of the word; I consider my skills to be average at best. Still, as long as you make mods on par or of better quality than what is currently in the game, it's all good. I can't stand mods that make the game look or play worse. :p


btw Is Davik a unique head im too lazy to check my app2.da file at the moment:xp:


Yes, he is.

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