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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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Small update:


I know people are use to seeing more frequent updates, so here is what is going on now.


I am sorry to report that this project has been dropped by Q and I. Real life is just taking its toll on us both, and we did not feel the feedback given to us from Holowan warrented killing outselves.


April Foo.... oh wait wrong holiday! MERRY CHRISMAHANIKWANZIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just kidding about all that;) Project will never be dropped. With Christmas this week, we have slowed a bit. I finished texture issues on the rich area late last week. Q is working on texture issues of fillers for the market area, and making some pretty cool Arena television screens for the rich area. Once that is done we need to make some good fillers for the rich area, and then it is on to the next area, which of course will be the POOR area.


On a side note, while I am waiting on Q, I have decided to make some video tutorials for HL on modeling and getting in game outdoor areas, like the ones you have seen in this thread. I will be using Sleheyron as an example in them. I am hoping we get some more area modelers eventually!


Unless Q makes any updates, we will be back next week. Have a good xmas or whatever you celebrate!

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I think it's fairly safe to say the community is behind you guys 100% on this mod. Keep up the amazing work, but take your time fellers. We're already amazed at the speed of the progress and more than satisfied with the personable dedication involved.


This is what Kotor/TSL modding is all about, yeah!!

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I would rate this among the 10 best mods ever for either of the KoTOR's yet. It shows what can be achieved with creativity, hard work and working with the amazing worlds that we have been given. I really am blown away by this project. And i like the quality of the Advertising on that planet very much, i will definitely buy whatever they are selling :)

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Hello folks!


Just a small update, to let you know what me and Dis are up to. Not much progress on Sleheyron it self, though... *drum-roll*


MagnusII, greatest programmer of the century, has given me and Dis( and soon any other 3D modeller) a newer version of Kaurora, that handles LIGHTMAPS!


Yes, lightmaps!

What do they do, you ask?


Well, lightmaps are like a second layer on 3D objects. This extra layer gives shadows and some nice blooming effect. So the first layer, is just the regular texture, say concrete look, the second one, gives it shadows and bright spots, depending how the area is lighted out.


Of course, this all pretty new, so some serious testing is needed. MagnusII has worked hard on it these few last days, I think he released 8 versions, one after the other. As me and Dis did tests with various models.

Note: Pre rendering of light&shadows is very standard in games, but for kotor we didn't have any tool that handled this, so its new ;)


How did it all turn out?

Well, so far it hasn't been that good, the lightmaps on more complex models, like Sleheyron, turn out stretched, mangled and out of place. They're there though :)


So MagnusII is still looking to solve this hard and difficult little riddle. Me and Dis try to help as much as we can, but this is like hardcore programming :lol:


Anyway, enough of my blablablablabla... some fun screenshots of the tests I held!





Did some tests on smaller and simpler rooms, here the results where better.

Oooooh, bright coloured lights and SHADOWS! :drool2:




Thank you MagnusII, for this awesome program you made!

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Well it's an update Kaurora, not really a new program.

My Korriban is a bit on hold, I've been slacking on my 3D lately.

Must have had a bit of an overdose :lol:


Fear not, one of the last areas, is nearly done, well in the modelling departmant. Then its texturing and hopefully soon, lightmap madness! I could then carry on, as I'll need a few extra smaller areas.


But, Sleheyron needs attention to, perhaps a bit more; it's always difficult to handle multiple projects. Makes one go insane :lol:

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HOLY S***!!!!!!!!!!!!1!


God d***! Those are some awesome screens!


God, imagine the possibilities...KOTOR modding just keeps getting better with each year! Major kudos to Magnus II! :) :) :) :)


Question: Is it possible to use the lightmapping tool on the new version with previously existing areas? If so, I think that this tool would go a long way in improving some areas such as Peragus where some darker lighting would be nice....

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Question: Is it possible to use the lightmapping tool on the new version with previously existing areas? If so, I think that this tool would go a long way in improving some areas such as Peragus where some darker lighting would be nice....


Not really, Kaurora still doesn't go from Bin to ASCII files. To get a ASCII file to import an area from out the game, you need to use MDLops.


And saddly that tool, ditches a ton of info from the MDL format about areas.

So getting the area back in the game... well it works somewhat, but it's bugged.


Cameras float throught the walls, there's often odd business with the lighting, visibilty and stuff. At the moment I wouldn't recommand editing, areas from the game.


If you want to experiment, then yes, be my guest. But I don't think it's going to be an easy, 1 2 3, thing. Expect trouble! :lol:


Now onwards to the good news! I had this yesterday, but News Year Eve celebration commenced, so I couldn't post for a bit.


But here it is...... WORKING LIGHTMAPS!

No more, stretchy, mangled madness, but nice shadows.




Its only a very small part done, lots of work awaits. :p

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