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Captain America Actor Revealed


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Being how young the casting direction has been looking, this movie is probably going to take place mostly in the 40s... but still, even looking back on those comics he was still a pretty big, muscular, and imposing guy...


I wouldn't say Chris Evans is terrible (he redeemed himself in my eyes with Push), but he was amazingly awful in Fantastic 4 and this role just really does not suit him.

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I couldn't take him seriously after that video with the toy horse and the kettle (which may have been someone else who just looked like him), plus he was pretty annoying in Fantastic 4. Perhaps I'd care more if I was American, but from what I know about Captain America, this seems like a bad move.

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That video is certainly someone else.


However, this guy is a TERRIBLE choice. We need a big, class, square-jawed guy, not some pretty-faced bradd-pitt wannabe.


Exactly. I don't think that prettyboy could pull this off. Of course, I'm not sure anyone could without it seeming pretty silly, but still, bad casting. In my mind, Captain America would look a bit more like the guy from the Human Target TV show. I forget his name.

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Guess with the reboot they'll recast the Torch. I liked Evans in Push, but he's totally not gonna pull off an "avengers assemble!" :D

wow. A F4 reboot already? :disaprove


As for Evans? He was a horrible Human Torch, and he's no where near what Captain America should embolden. Sad.


Would be nice for once if execs could stick to lore rather than bottom lines, but I guess that's a pipedream. :rolleyes:


Oh well, comic movies had promise with Dark Knight and Spider-Man, but it's just completely gone down the tubes since. Should've learned their lesson with Spider-Man 3. Let the directors/producers do their job.


Execs obviously only know how to kill a franchise when they want to get involved with the decision making & creative (harhar) license.

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They are also rebooting an Avengers Spiderman movie series. Basically, forget the old Marvel movies since they are starting their own mini-verse with the Avengers movies. They are being pretty ambitious here since part of the contract for Captain America is to be cast in up to 9 Avengers films. That is, of course, to cover ground but it gives a good idea of how far they may be willing to take it.


I wouldn't really plan on much X-men since Marvel gave that movie license to Fox, which has since destroyed it beyond recognition.

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Well, at least we've got Iron Man as a good movie in the Marvel universe. While Hugh Jackman is badass, didn't care much for Wolverine, and can't think of any other recent Marvel movies that were good. I do not see this dude as Captain America at all, especially since he has already been a Marvel hero. Rebooting F4 is dumb too.

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Well, at least we've got Iron Man as a good movie in the Marvel universe.

Doh! You know, totally forgot to add that to the "good" list.. >.<

Agreed. Spider-Man fan that I am, Iron Man pretty much raised the bar as far as hero movies should go.


While I DO like the Dark Knight, he's (Batman) never been a fav of mine. Great movie, just not one of my preferred heroes. Beats the hell out of Superman though.. heheh :lol:


How soon they have forgotten Ben Affleck's Daredevil. :xp:
so Jeff you want to ban him, or should I? :xp:
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