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Dantooine Tension

Fallen Guardian

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  Zhaboka said:
It looks nice, reminds me of Bakkel from K2, but not too much.




  CptPriceless said:
I'm not really diggin the neck, although I suspect that's just a kotor graphics problem. Aside from that, the head in itself looks really great. :)


Thanks. As for the neck, it's not the armor she'll be wearing in the mod anyway so it doesn't really matter.


  Qui-Gon Glenn said:
Especially the armor skin!


Well done FG!


Thanks, although the armor skin is a default one and as I've said, not going to be the final armor.


Anyway, I've begun pre-planning some cutscenes for the mod, as well as story elements for later on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Qui-Gon Glenn said:
^^^ I hope I can be helpful... If we are stuck still with the animation looping issue, I think we can get some help from better brains than mine :)


The sequence in question will be pretty cool, IMO. The mod is coming along excellently!


Thanks Qui-Gon!


Well, after 2 and a half hours of scripting Qui-Gon and I still haven't come up with a solution that works. We've tried numerous things, and none of them worked. BUT! I've still got a few ideas floating around in my head, so we shall see... we shall see..

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  Fallen Guardian said:
Thanks Qui-Gon!


Well, after 2 and a half hours of scripting Qui-Gon and I still haven't come up with a solution that works. We've tried numerous things, and none of them worked. BUT! I've still got a few ideas floating around in my head, so we shall see... we shall see..


Best of luck, man! I would help ya if I wasn't such a poor scripter. :D

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  Sith Holocron said:
Best of luck. Perhaps Qui-Gon can assist you in PMs?



Thanks, and yep, we've already done so. As I became aware that PM's didn't convey our messages fast enough, we went onto Hssiss chat and tried to work our way through it for 2 and a half hours. As I've said, no fruitful results, but I believe Qui-Gon and I can figure something out.

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At last, progress! All right, so I, with a lot of help from Qui-Gon, finally got a working way to execute this little sequence. Granted, I need to iron out some bugs (yes bugs in the "working" scripted sequence) but it works as is more or less. I should be able to get some screenshots/a video posted soon.


EDIT: So, after doing some things that have caused my workable scripting solution to break, I have fixed those things and it now works almost perfectly. I just have to make two adjustments and I can finally get on to making the rest of the scene.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay, extreme progress has been made on that scene. Yet, having spent the past hour and a half looking at scripts an GIT files, I'm ready to take a break. I should say that the scene is now about 65% done. Once I fix the camera orientations from the stuff I did tonight, as well as some scripting and some timing, I'll have an update video for you guys.

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Thanks SS!


Alrighty then. I've gotten to work on it today, and I must admit I got slightly discouraged by how many times I did this: :headbump due to camera angles and scripts.


But, with some patience I should have an update sometime tomorrow, or if we're really lucky sometime tonight.

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Okay, okay, I'm a bit late with this update. However, this update is not without previews! I have successfully worked out the scene, although there are still timings for me to fix as well as some other things. I know this clip may seem pretty short for taking such a long time, but I assure you, a lot of things happen before and after what I show here. Also, I've gotten a better conversion program so the quality is much better. You may wish to turn the volume of the video down as I believe I made the audio too loud. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, here's the clip:




Thoughts? Concerns? Just want to throw your shoe at me? Leave a reply.

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