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XWA One Year Thread, Part VI, Return of the Bottle Deposit


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In the summer of 2005, America was facing a full-blown energy crisis, but the Republican Congress was unwilling to do anything that would substantively improve the country's energy efficiency. They wouldn't mandate improved light bulbs. They wouldn't increase CAFE standards. But, alongside billions of dollars in handouts and tax breaks for dirty energy the Frist-Hastert Congress was willing to "save energy" by shortening the portion of the year when Americans are allowed to sleep late.


The rationale for the new daylight savings calendar was that it would reduce energy use by encouraging people to use less electric light, but that assumption hadn't been well tested — and a new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) reveals that the policy likely encouraged Americans to use more energy by running heaters and air conditioners more than enough to offset the decreased use of light, and to spend more money doing so

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In the summer of 2005, America was facing a full-blown energy crisis, but the Republican Congress was unwilling to do anything that would substantively improve the country's energy efficiency. They wouldn't mandate improved light bulbs. They wouldn't increase CAFE standards. But, alongside billions of dollars in handouts and tax breaks for dirty energy the Frist-Hastert Congress was willing to "save energy" by shortening the portion of the year when Americans are allowed to sleep late.


The rationale for the new daylight savings calendar was that it would reduce energy use by encouraging people to use less electric light, but that assumption hadn't been well tested — and a new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) reveals that the policy likely encouraged Americans to use more energy by running heaters and air conditioners more than enough to offset the decreased use of light, and to spend more money doing so


I want your source as a direct link, please.


Not to doubt you, as I know that logically, this is solid. But I want to read it for myself, because I think I can use this in my book as evidence on how the corporations have created and fostered and turned the Republic of the United States of America into the Oligarchy of the United States of America.

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In the summer of 2005, America was facing a full-blown energy crisis, but the Republican Congress was unwilling to do anything that would substantively improve the country's energy efficiency. They wouldn't mandate improved light bulbs. They wouldn't increase CAFE standards. But, alongside billions of dollars in handouts and tax breaks for dirty energy the Frist-Hastert Congress was willing to "save energy" by shortening the portion of the year when Americans are allowed to sleep late.


The rationale for the new daylight savings calendar was that it would reduce energy use by encouraging people to use less electric light, but that assumption hadn't been well tested — and a new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) reveals that the policy likely encouraged Americans to use more energy by running heaters and air conditioners more than enough to offset the decreased use of light, and to spend more money doing so


I find it very hard to beleive that it caused ANY change in electric use.



and they shouldnt MANDATE me changing my light bulbs, stay the **** out of my house.

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and they shouldnt MANDATE me changing my light bulbs, stay the **** out of my house.


uhhh, they weren't gonna tell you to do anything duder, they were gonna tell light bulb manufacturers to start making more energy efficient bulbs. not sure why changing to better bulbs and saving money would raise your ire in the first place tho

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moving again...


tenant upstairs is an a-hole. he got all mad because we were playing with the dogs at 10pm and started stomping on the floor. then we left the dogs out and he wanted to pick a fight with me. note: this guy is a 50 year old disabled man...seirously. he kept calling me names and ****. then he tried kicking the dogs.


and i turned down his offer to fight him. no need for a misdemeanor. it's pretty bad when the cops say you should move out of the neighborhood because apparently the whole block is like that.

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So, either reporters in the area have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE DOING, or the Japanese government is covering the asses of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (The latter more likely than the former, the former can be blamed on the latter) because apparently Japanese nuclear reactors are not "under control".


This, I hope will end well, and not badley. ;_;

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uhhh, they weren't gonna tell you to do anything duder, they were gonna tell light bulb manufacturers to start making more energy efficient bulbs. not sure why changing to better bulbs and saving money would raise your ire in the first place tho


that would be fine I suppose


but sont most CFL's still have residual mercury meaning I have to pay to dispose of them?

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that would be fine I suppose


but sont most CFL's still have residual mercury meaning I have to pay to dispose of them?


in the u.s. the recycling and disposal fees are included in the price you pay for them as manufacturers are responsible for their products' disposal. and, iirc, home depot has free florescent bulb disposal programs. but, if your state doesn't have disposal laws for them, you can just toss 'em since the amount of mercury in them is negligible. in fact, the decreased power usage means power plants, most notably coal plants, end up emitting less mercury than would be put into the environment otherwise.

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as far as the nuclear power plants in Japan are concerned there is a real good article i found that explains things better then the "OHNOES PANIC!" you might hear


The basics are that the Reactors are shut down, and they are attempting to cool down the fuel rods with seawater. Yes the Rods have been exposed causing a partial meltdown. But it is unlikely there is going to be a full meltdown. The recent explosions are caused by a reaction akin to electrolysis of water as it is used for cooling. Hydrogen gas pools on the roof and the venting fans creates a spark, which causes an explosion.


It is bad, 3 mile island bad, but not Chernobyl bad


Any radiation right now that gets into the atmosphere is going to be dispersed to the point of being negligible by the time it hits the US west coast

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Pull a George Costanza, and build a bed under the desk.


I felt crummy all day yesterday. Not actually sick... but like I'm really fighting something off. The GF and both her kids are all ill. Mom is too. So I am really in the hot zone.


Taking today off just to try to rest and hopefully win the fight.

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in the u.s. the recycling and disposal fees are included in the price you pay for them as manufacturers are responsible for their products' disposal. and, iirc, home depot has free florescent bulb disposal programs. but, if your state doesn't have disposal laws for them, you can just toss 'em since the amount of mercury in them is negligible. in fact, the decreased power usage means power plants, most notably coal plants, end up emitting less mercury than would be put into the environment otherwise.


I'm in IL, we are a different kind of green :D


all my power comes from Clinton Nuclear Power Station.


how come places try to sell me kits to dispose of them? I think I have one had one go bad and I dropped it, so it went in the trash as it was in pieces anyways.


my main reasons for not going all CFL is:

a)they suck for certain situations

b)my house is full of edison bulb track lighting

c) soe of the track lights are smaller and need spots which CFLs wont really accomodate well

d)some of the fixtures are 50 years old and kill bulbs like mad, until I replace them they get incandescents


all my high usage ones like my outdoor lights are all CFLs as some of them are on all night long

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Apparently one of the reactors outer shell (Layer 3, reenforced concrete) was badly damaged in one of the Hydrogen release explosions.


The PM of Japan didn't find out about it until after an hour of it happening, via News broadcast on TV. he proceeded to walk down to Tokyo Electic Power Co. and verbally eviscerated them; it was to the point where his yelling could be heard outside the conference room, and he was heard saying, "If you don't fix this, this will be the end of TEPCO."


In Japanese culture, this a cultural nono. That's how just rip **** pissed the PM is right now.


In personal news, the family dog passed after 17 years. ;_;

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Apparently one of the reactors outer shell (Layer 3, reenforced concrete) was badly damaged in one of the Hydrogen release explosions.


The PM of Japan didn't find out about it until after an hour of it happening, via News broadcast on TV. he proceeded to walk down to Tokyo Electic Power Co. and verbally eviscerated them; it was to the point where his yelling could be heard outside the conference room, and he was heard saying, "If you don't fix this, this will be the end of TEPCO."


In Japanese culture, this a cultural nono. That's how just rip **** pissed the PM is right now.


In personal news, the family dog passed after 17 years. ;_;


sorry about the pup, sounds like he had a good run




heres to hoping they finish the new power line asap so teh cooling can come back online before it goes terribly wrong

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Thanks guys. My mom is having a hard time dealing with it. ;_;


Yesterday, apparently I was as well, as I left my car headlights on (Dead battery, needed a jump.)




Side note: I was texting the cute girl referenced earlier, I think on page 11 or so, the one who I went to high school with and came down to the tutoring lab where I work for the college.


Well, she's a singer, and I asked her to be a vocalist on something that I'm workin' on. I texted her yesterday to get confirmation (I.E.: Should I even bother writing this) and she hasn't had the time. I told her I was going to work on it regardless, because of what happened (Dog dying) and within like 3 minutes she called me on the phone.



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sorry about the dog... truely a loss for a pet you have had a long time.


In my "pet" world. Last night I was woken up by my Cat chasing a mouse in my bedroom. he was jsut playing. After 20 minutes of trying to herd the mouse towards him, and him making half harted attempts to swat said mouse. I gave up, and used him to help me find out where the mouse was. I set up a paper grocery bag on its side near the wall, and agian attempted to herd the mouse towards the bag. Twice the mouse got into the bag, and my cat went into the bag and flushed the mouse out.


45 minutes after the initial wake up, I caught the mouse, and my cat proceeded to whine about me taking away one of his favorite toys. Mouse was thrown outside into the cold... was about ready to throw the cat out to

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