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LucasArts hires back dude who worked on Republic Commando


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  GeneralPloKoon said:
Oh right. Unfortunately i'm not willing to pay a monthly fee just to play one game. :p So I shall miss out on TOR's greatness. :(
To be fair, I think most MMO's come with a "free" month or so of play, I imagine you could play through the story of a character in a month's time and we don't technically "know" TOR will be sub-based, but yeah...
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After having finished the Decieved novel I can say I am now almost certain L.A. intended you to be able to convert Darth Malgus to your cause, whatever that might be. If I had to guess, K1 & 2 had to be like ANH and ESB, so TOR is going to be the ROTJ. So if you ever wished you could be in Luke Skywalker's place and redeem anakin/turn vader against the emperor...this will probably be as close as you will ever get. Soon as I finish Knight Errant I'll post up reviews of these two and Fatal Alliance.


My it feels good to read more. :p

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  MachineCult said:
Only with zero returning characters.


One can only hope.


  Primogen said:
Revan might be returning, actually.

If L.A. did what I think they did, they have sold out all of us KOTOR fans.


And Satele Shan is better looking than Bastila anyway.

I'd say they are about the same actually. Plus it depends on which version you mean. Comics, portrait in chronicles, or the trailer which is now decidedly 10 years before the sacking of coruscant instead of 30.


  MachineCult said:
I wasn't going to bother, but if Revan is returning then I'm definitely buying it.


He probably isn't coming in a form you'd recognize. Being "reborn" or somesuch thing like that.


  Liverandbacon said:
Do you hear that? It's the sound of Bioware's marketing department all giving each other high-fives.


And the death of any SW creativity whatsoever. :dozey:


Ah yes, the All-Mighty Dollar. *Cues up Ted Dibiase's entrance theme*

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  mstr kenobi said:
And it look's even worst when you think that we had JK2 almost a decade ago...
At least we can still play those games!


  LordOfTheFish said:
Actually I enjoyed too. It didn't have much replay value but I'm glad I bought it.
For me the best part was the skin pack. Now my TFU is basically the crazy adventures of Qui-Gon Jinn. :)


  VarsityPuppet said:
There wasn't really any overwhelming demand for a Star Wars Online game
I think the response for TOR shows that if there wasn't before, there is now.


  Lynk Former said:
I guess all we can really do is play the waiting game with LA.
And keep playing the older, yet still awesome games in the meantime.


  Liverandbacon said:
We really should just give up at this point. If LA wants to steal all the potential their Star Wars license holds, and squander it on games for children, they will. What we hope for and want them to make isn't even an issue to them, and our pitiful demands won't make any difference to that.
Oh, the entitlement!
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  Prime said:
Oh, the entitlement!


I hope I'm just a failure at detecting tone over the internet, and you're going along with the joke, but because the boldtexted words haven't shown up in your quote, I worry that you might not have noticed why I phrased things the way I did. Which is the difference between my post being self-entitled, and a mockery of how upset some people get about leisure products.

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  MachineCult said:
I wasn't going to bother, but if Revan is returning then I'm definitely buying it.


  Liverandbacon said:
Do you hear that? It's the sound of Bioware's marketing department all giving each other high-fives.


That is a

+1 for MachineCult


But BioWare is losing me if Revan is returning beyond a cliché Force Ghost, vision or hologram.


-1 for mimartin


I understand that humans can live up to 800 years in the Star Wars universe, but it isn’t like Revan set around the Jedi Temple mediating all day long. The Darkside and all the fights have to take a toll on a body.

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  Sabretooth said:
Well, they could have let you play as Kreia instead of Revan. At least they were respectful enough to completely ignore Obsidian's contributions to the franchise...


Obsidian probably has some rights to the IP they created for Kotor2, so it would be a legal nightmare to use Obsidian characters in Bioware game. Just my guess anyway.

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  michonicle said:
IMPERIAL COMMANDO! IF not, I'm gonna blow the faces off everyone in LucasArts.


^I'd bet money that you've gotten upset when the media portrays gamers as violent psychos.


That's kind of like an obese person complaining that everyone assumes he's only fat because he eats a lot, not because of genetics, and then proceeding to chow down on 5 meals at McDonalds.

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  Liverandbacon said:
That's kind of like an obese person complaining that everyone assumes he's only fat because he eats a lot, not because of genetics, and then proceeding to chow down on 5 meals at McDonalds.


Just sayin'.


But really, in the spirit of Dark Forces V: Clone Podracers Unleashed, it'd be nice if they could do some sort of all-in-one game. Like SWRC2 that featured vehicles and space combat (and who knows, maybe clone podracers). ;)



EDIT: Forget I said that, they might actually do it. I say we follow Liverandbacon's subliminal messages: steal their children, then make our demands. RC2, a new Starfighter/X-wing game, and bring back Dark Forces. And please, please no more Clone Wars or lego games. 2 Lego Star Wars's were enough (the third was just redundant, but I can live with that). Clone Wars, well, when I hear that, I just try to think of the original CWs game [the one with vehicular combat - so awesome], and not the sad, sad creations of late.

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  Liverandbacon said:
^I'd bet money that you've gotten upset when the media portrays gamers as violent psychos.


That's kind of like an obese person complaining that everyone assumes he's only fat because he eats a lot, not because of genetics, and then proceeding to chow down on 5 meals at McDonalds.


Lol what?

I'm just saying, I'm desperate for RC 2.

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  Ulmont said:
Just sayin'.


Ok, you have me there, the comparison was poor. I just leap at any opportunity to point out that gamers get stereotyped for a reason, and media hate isn't solely unjust persecution.


Also, I just realized that yet again I've accidentally introduced something Kavaresque into this thread. I'm going to stop now (if I post something Kavars-ish in this thread again, I probably deserve a tempban, even if it's not against the rules).


Edit: Oh wait, I'm an idiot. You were doing the same boldtext thing I did, and I didn't even realize it. It's not true though, I haven't touched McD's since I was about 10.

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  Sabretooth said:
Well, they could have let you play as Kreia instead of Revan. At least they were respectful enough to completely ignore Obsidian's contributions to the franchise...


What contributions? You mean besides turning Revan into Gary Stu #52345? KotoR II did not -add- to KotoR at all. It was a good standalone game, but every time they tried to connect the two it turned into stupidity and fanboy pandering.

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