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Sleheyron Restoration (April Fools)

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First of all, I'd like to say that I thought this day would never come. After the several failed Sleheyron Restorations, it seemed that the planet would simply never truly come into existence. Today, however, I am very happy to be proved wrong.


So, for the past few years, several other members and I have been working behind the scenes. We'd decided that having a public WIP thread really just ends up ruining things. So, we kept a low profile, and so far, only a few people have found out about this mod. It's been beta tested, and all of the bugs that we've encountered have been corrected.


The team took a vote, and decided that with all the secrecy, we're not going to post screenshots of the finished product. We want people to experience Sleheyron just like all of the other planets. We don't want you to expect anything. So, go out there, and explore it. See what all you can find. There's been quite a bit of content put into this.


I will give some stats on the mod, though. It's approximately 4.5 gigabytes of material. That includes 16 newly modeled modules, and 5 brilliantly retextured ones (you'll be hard pressed to figure out which), and 3 exhaustively restored modules. A grand total of 14 new quests to complete (some are smaller than others), and a plethora of new characters to encounter.


You're going to have to start a new game for this one, completely. It's not compatible with Brotherhood of Shadow, or any other mods that edit the dialog.tlk file. We're very sorry, but that was just the way it had to be. Feel free to post in this thread if you're curious as to what mods will be compatible with Sleheyron Restoration.


Finally, I'd like to thank the vast team that made this possible. There were several times where we really thought it wasn't going to make it, but we pulled through. Here's the amazing group of people that helped out with this (In no particular order):


Dak Drexl




Qui-Gon Glenn



Marius Fett

Ferc Kast





And, at long last, here is the download link: CLICKY


Thanks, and enjoy the mod!


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By the way, the people mentioned were not involved with this prank in any way. And yes, it was cold of me to do this. Sorry.
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Awesome a release date- April 1st,.....hmmm what year could it be ???


So it could be April 2013- 3000,....I hope WindowMAC (Apple buys out Windows in the year 2040) will run a game that is several decades in the past-----hmmmm

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