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I joined this forum mainly because I've been on a massive nostalgia kick lately, which is manifesting mainly in me playing Monkey Island and listening to the scores! The first guy you posted was a brilliant discovery, he captures a raw and authentic sound that makes me so very happy!

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I'm also a big fan of Stan's theme. This is a rare arrangement found on the PS2 copy of Escape From Monkey Island. Ultimately they must have gone a different direction

This guy must have learned it from the PC speaker version.


Amazingly Resident Evil VII used the Stan theme for one of their central pieces of music


And you know, I always love world of fish, a true classic


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And while we're at it, here's probably my all time favourite LucasArts track (outside of the Monkey Island theme itself I guess). It's actually rare because it's the Amiga version... and it's programmed to change every time LeChuck catches you. But the first section, before the instruments start to warp (ie. before LeChuck comes in), is the bit I love. I wish it went on for longer.


It's so weird and haunting, and perfect for what's going on in the game... (HOPEFULLY THE VIDEO WILL JUMP TO THE RIGHT SECTION -- Should be Under Dinky Island in the tunnels.)


Edited by ThunderPeel2001
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On 9/9/2020 at 9:19 PM, Jake said:

Really good instrumentation in the Special Edition, I agree, but you haven't really enjoyed it until you play the older releases.



Woah, I’ve seen that channel way before, never thought I’d see it here

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Ahoy there!! Long time visitor of the site, but first time user of the forums.

I would like to share some music covers that I did recently. As you can imagine from my profile's pic, it is from the great music of "Monkey Island 2".

I am happy to join you all fans and share some stuff. I'll be BACK!! 😀





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