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Father Torque Foundation

Father Torque

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c'mon people, look at my name here. I forgot to put a damn k in for Bakersk8er!! please people, i need to change that! Every day I live with the painful humiliation of having a misspelled name for everyone to taunt me with. You, yes you, could be the one to help an unfortunate ( and stupid ) soul here. :(

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Originally posted by ThunderPeel2001

Well those people should stop being so greedy! I for one have just donated all my 399 points to him to Thrik!




Because I realized just how selfish I was being and suddenly I felt so guilty having so many points when people like Thrik suffer, so I donated them all to him. I suggest you other sinners stop living in shame and do the same, it's the only way to save your souls!


How people with 200+ credits can complain about people asking for donations is beyond me! They'd just rather live a blinkered life pretending that people like Thrik don't exist. Well I've got news for you people: Thrik is a human being too, you know!




~ Johnny


Hmmmm, # 1, he is not suffering he is putting on a scam for people to feel sorry for him so he can reach 1,000,000 points and prove what. He has that many points. Im ean my gosh. What kind of person thinks he is cool because he has more points than everyone else? You do the math. Will points really boost his self esteem. In fact his whole story was a lie. Everything about him is a lie, dont you see that. He is not hurting he is just sorry for himself, so you will feel sorry and donate.


#2, dont talk to me and other donaters about being selfish. You say you have donated 339 points to a person, try reaching 4259 points donated. Its alot harder than you think.;) Its takin me 6 whole months to amount that many donations. So next time you say I or anyone else here is selfish review your facts. Because this thread has put out more than 20,000 atleast donation points to new and old users who actually need them for a purpose.

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Torque, get a reality check. Points don't make me feel better, my post earlier was obviously a joke, and almost everyone that's donated knows me anyway. Why convince them I was lying? They're not dense enough to not see the joke.


Oh, and what kind of person thinks he's cool because he's donated more points that anyone else? ;~

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Originally posted by Thrik

Torque, get a reality check. Points don't make me feel better, my post earlier was obviously a joke, and almost everyone that's donated knows me anyway. Why convince them I was lying? They're not dense enough to not see the joke.


Oh, and what kind of person thinks he's cool because he's donated more points that anyone else? ;~


Ok, I wont even get started with you on reality, because you obviously havent faced it yet. And umm on the what kind of person you are thing. You know, did I ever brag about it, no i was proving a point to ThunferPeel, about why its not ok to call people selfish when he doesnt know. And the what kind of person thing I said, was not written by me, that was my neighbor, who typed it while I was going to the bathroom.;)


Thrik im just asking, why do you need points. And know im not really focusing on your story, but on what people have takin from, ever since you posted the story 2 to 3 members have made storys that bend the truth. Which will eventually cause mass lying problems here, which I dont want happening.

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Thrik grow up please,

Wow you have 8000+ credits that doesn't mean anything, there just a bunch of numbers that are used to buy certain features on LF, there not gonna turn into real money you know if that was what you were expecting so why don't you do Father Torque a favor and donate to other users who need credits which is the whole point of FTF not to be greedy and snap up every credit possible so either donate or leave because FTF was not created for greedy, and selfish forummers.



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I've already said that I don't care about having a lot of credits. Is it not computing within your brain or am I not saying it clearly enough?


And Thunderpeel was also joking Torque. Jesus, you Star Wars people need to obtain a sense of humour or something. "O NOES PPL WILL LIE IN MY DONATION THREAD :((~". Big whoop. This thread is nothing but a spam-ground for people desperate for credits - all I did was add some humour by mocking their desperation.



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My God! There are some seriously retarded people around here! How long could we have kept this up with you guys thinking we were _serious_? Goodness me, you people need to get out more and, you know, _speak_ to people!


Why should Thrik have more points?


Do I have to spell it out?




Got it? None of us give two flying hoots about how many points we've got, so that's why we all donated them all to Thrik. The idea of one person sitting on a ton of these silly little points amuses our puny brains, okay?


Oh and, someone who runs an "organization" to try and help people get more points and then BRAGS about it shouldn't be telling people that points shouldn't be taken seriously(!!!) :)


Anyhoo, now the curtain has been pulled back I hope you all will settle down and join in the fun! For the record, Thrik has swore a solemn oath to never spend any of his points, so why not donate to Thrik today? Because a point to Thrik is a point for the future! (Or something)


~ John

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Ok, that is enough arguing thank you very much. The last thing we want is this thread turning into a flame war.


Thrik, I suggest you start your own thread elsewhere. Yes it's a joke, but some people obviously don't see the humour in it and don't appreciate being mocked.


Everyone else, I suggest you ignore Thrik if you do not want to donate to him. Simple as that.


No more please, or I will be forced to close this thread.


Thank you.

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Originally posted by BakerS8er

c'mon people, look at my name here. I forgot to put a damn k in for Bakersk8er!! please people, i need to change that! Every day I live with the painful humiliation of having a misspelled name for everyone to taunt me with. You, yes you, could be the one to help an unfortunate ( and stupid ) soul here. :(


WHAHAHAHAA!!! Look at that guy!! He has his name spelled wrong!!


*everyone points at BakerSeighter, laughing*


:p :p


j/k m8, you must feel really bad!! Would 55 points ease the pain a lil' ?? Here ya go!


Making a total of 915 points donated!! When I get to 1000, I may go for a goodie for myself... :)

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