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The American Boycott of France


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Originally posted by Hellfire Jedi

To Pain and they other guy,

Where the hell have you guys been, French havebeen selling weapons/weapon parts to Iraq, thats why we aren't exactly friends.


If they ever have (wich I doubt) then it can't be more than a tiny bit, since France isn't much of a weapon industry. And what about US? They gave Iraq LOADS of weapon, everyone knows this, so don't come with that "thats why we aren't exactly friends" bull.

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"Mummy mummy, France won't play with me!"


"Why not?"


"They say they don't like the way I do things, and they don't want to fight!"


"That's it, I forbid you to even mention or write their name ever again!"


"Yes mummy."




It's pathetic. :rolleyes:

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Now that's just stupid...i wonder who came up with that one...maybe Georgie himself.


That's like diplomatic racism. Theyve been reduced to bullying small countries..."help us kick the crap out of Iraq or you wont get deals with us!."


He's been exposed to too many "subliminable messages". :rolleyes:

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I read in the Globe and Mail (very reputable and professional newspaper in Canada) that a French citizen was quoted saying (when asked how he felt about the American insults)


"I dont really care, the British have been on our backs for 900 years"



The stupid this is that the American governement isnt doing a wanna be version of thier embargo on Germany, Russia, China and Canada.

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I'm begining to hate Bush now, but I never supported him. I didn't care.


Hey, what are we gonna call the French kid at my school now? We call him "Frenchy" because we can't pronounce his name, and he doesn't mind. Are we supposed to call him... "Freedomy?"


I say we kill the next idiotic Congressman who makes us (U.S.) look bad..... wait... then there'd be no one left!!!!


Show me a French persons who gives a damn about renaming foods, and I'll give a damn

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hey, instead of French's mustard, its Freedom's mustard! :rolleyes: yeah right...i may laugh along with others on the subject of France ("we dont even have a word for surrender!") or Canada, i have no harsh feelings towards either. this whole "freedom" crap is a load of BS.


on the note of Iraq getting weapons from other countries, did you know that Sadaam got parts from Great Britain for a huge gun that would shoot shells almost into orbit for use against Israel? that was until the transfers were uncovered.

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And that element, formelry known as Francium, has been changed to Freedium, oorah!


j/k, but me and my friend were talking about this during science and seriously laughing really hard about it. Well, see ya all later, my Freedom Toast is ready. All I had for lunch were some Freedom Fries from McDonalds...


:D :D :D


Hey, I've been calling all that for a few days now, why not?

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You know, the strangest thing to me about the whole name change of everything 'french' has to do with the french fries.


They're not called French fries because of where they originated (though it wasn't in France, either). The term 'french' refers to the style that they are cut in. Anyone in the culinary field can tell you this.


Were it actually to be said correctly, it would be 'Frenched' fries.


Some people...

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

You know, the strangest thing to me about the whole name change of everything 'french' has to do with the french fries.


They're not called French fries because of where they originated (though it wasn't in France, either). The term 'french' refers to the style that they are cut in. Anyone in the culinary field can tell you this.


Were it actually to be said correctly, it would be 'Frenched' fries.


Some people...

oooh yay someone else who knows culinary arts. im happy now:)
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Well, they are no longer Frenched. They are Freedomed. Also, (this is true, unlike the above stories of my food today) I had some Taco Salad with Freedom Dressing!


This is fun, we need a big long list of words that have "FRENCH" in it. Also, I find it laugh out loud funny no one mocks Germans for their peace ways either!

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Well, I think it's childish.


I, for one, believe that the best solution for this situation is to take our ball and go home. Iraq isn't really a threat to the US. Once we move our troops away, Iraq is going to instantly misbehaving. Let the people that are directly threatened by him deal with it.


The only possible way to get at us would be to smuggle in and trigger a WOMD in the US. The chances of that are slim. Sides, in that case, we'd have simply respond with WOMDs against the attacker.

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Originally posted by Katarn07

This is fun, we need a big long list of words that have "FRENCH" in it. Also, I find it laugh out loud funny no one mocks Germans for their peace ways either!


In my history class, the teacher next door actually did that. It was a class activity. It took him like 8 mins to go through the whole list:


"Freedom" fries

"Freedom" toast

"Freedom" windows

"Freedom" dressing

"Freedom" bread

"Freedom" doors

"Freedom" omlette

.. and on and on.


btw... are we gonna call the french "freedomes" now?


This is really stupid. I hate Congress now. They make me look like an ignorant, arogant, immature, snobby, warmongering, (and other stuff, which you DON'T need to add to) person. And I'm not like that.

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Originally posted by wassup

This is not good sign for the French immigrants/exchange students who are new in America. They are going to be picked and teased on alot...:mad:



they were before for being different, but now its worst. Just like all muslims were picked on from the terrible events of Septembre 11th.


The Oklahoma bomber was white, why wasn't there a huge anti-white assembly and feelings across the States?


It's pure ignorance of the public majority

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